首页 > 技术文章 > Snowflake(雪花算法)的JavaScript实现

du-blog 2018-07-01 17:28 原文

  现在好多的ID都是服务器端生成的,当然JS也可以生成GUID或者UUID之类的,但是如果想要有序……这时就想到了雪花算法,但是都知道JS中Number的最大值为Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:9007199254740991。在雪花算法中,有的操作在JS中会溢出。不过还好,网上有好多BigInt的类库,例如本例使用的:http://peterolson.github.io/BigInteger.js/ ,还有就是chrome67 原生支持BigInt类型,这是个好消息……

  参考文章: 理解分布式id生成算法SnowFlake





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        var Snowflake = /** @class */ (function() {
            function Snowflake(_workerId, _dataCenterId, _sequence) {
                // this.twepoch = 1288834974657;
                this.twepoch = 0;
                this.workerIdBits = 5;
                this.dataCenterIdBits = 5;
                this.maxWrokerId = -1 ^ (-1 << this.workerIdBits); // 值为:31
                this.maxDataCenterId = -1 ^ (-1 << this.dataCenterIdBits); // 值为:31
                this.sequenceBits = 12;
                this.workerIdShift = this.sequenceBits; // 值为:12
                this.dataCenterIdShift = this.sequenceBits + this.workerIdBits; // 值为:17
                this.timestampLeftShift = this.sequenceBits + this.workerIdBits + this.dataCenterIdBits; // 值为:22
                this.sequenceMask = -1 ^ (-1 << this.sequenceBits); // 值为:4095
                this.lastTimestamp = -1;
                this.workerId = 1;
                this.dataCenterId = 1;
                this.sequence = 0;
                if (this.workerId > this.maxWrokerId || this.workerId < 0) {
                    throw new Error('config.worker_id must max than 0 and small than maxWrokerId-[' + this.maxWrokerId + ']');
                if (this.dataCenterId > this.maxDataCenterId || this.dataCenterId < 0) {
                    throw new Error('config.data_center_id must max than 0 and small than maxDataCenterId-[' + this.maxDataCenterId + ']');
                this.workerId = _workerId;
                this.dataCenterId = _dataCenterId;
                this.sequence = _sequence;
            Snowflake.prototype.tilNextMillis = function(lastTimestamp) {
                var timestamp = this.timeGen();
                while (timestamp <= lastTimestamp) {
                    timestamp = this.timeGen();
                return timestamp;
            Snowflake.prototype.timeGen = function() {
                //new Date().getTime() === Date.now()
                return Date.now();
            Snowflake.prototype.nextId = function() {
                var timestamp = this.timeGen();
                if (timestamp < this.lastTimestamp) {
                    throw new Error('Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate id for ' +
                        (this.lastTimestamp - timestamp));
                if (this.lastTimestamp === timestamp) {
                    this.sequence = (this.sequence + 1) & this.sequenceMask;
                    if (this.sequence === 0) {
                        timestamp = this.tilNextMillis(this.lastTimestamp);
                } else {
                    this.sequence = 0;
                this.lastTimestamp = timestamp;
                var shiftNum = (this.dataCenterId << this.dataCenterIdShift) |
                    (this.workerId << this.workerIdShift) |
                    this.sequence; // dataCenterId:1,workerId:1,sequence:0  shiftNum:135168
                var nfirst = new bigInt(String(timestamp - this.twepoch), 10);
                nfirst = nfirst.shiftLeft(this.timestampLeftShift);
                var nnextId = nfirst.or(new bigInt(String(shiftNum), 10)).toString(10);
                return nnextId;
            return Snowflake;
        var tempSnowflake = new Snowflake(1, 1, 0);
        var tempIds = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            var tempId = tempSnowflake.nextId();
            if (tempIds.indexOf(tempId) < 0) {

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        var Snowflake = /** @class */ (function() {
            function Snowflake(_workerId, _dataCenterId, _sequence) {
                this.twepoch = 1288834974657n;
                //this.twepoch = 0n;
                this.workerIdBits = 5n;
                this.dataCenterIdBits = 5n;
                this.maxWrokerId = -1n ^ (-1n << this.workerIdBits); // 值为:31
                this.maxDataCenterId = -1n ^ (-1n << this.dataCenterIdBits); // 值为:31
                this.sequenceBits = 12n;
                this.workerIdShift = this.sequenceBits; // 值为:12
                this.dataCenterIdShift = this.sequenceBits + this.workerIdBits; // 值为:17
                this.timestampLeftShift = this.sequenceBits + this.workerIdBits + this.dataCenterIdBits; // 值为:22
                this.sequenceMask = -1n ^ (-1n << this.sequenceBits); // 值为:4095
                this.lastTimestamp = -1n;
                this.workerId = 1n;
                this.dataCenterId = 1n;
                this.sequence = 0n;
                if (this.workerId > this.maxWrokerId || this.workerId < 0) {
                    throw new Error('_workerId must max than 0 and small than maxWrokerId-[' + this.maxWrokerId + ']');
                if (this.dataCenterId > this.maxDataCenterId || this.dataCenterId < 0) {
                    throw new Error('_dataCenterId must max than 0 and small than maxDataCenterId-[' + this.maxDataCenterId + ']');

                this.workerId = BigInt(_workerId);
                this.dataCenterId = BigInt(_dataCenterId);
                this.sequence = BigInt(_sequence);
            Snowflake.prototype.tilNextMillis = function(lastTimestamp) {
                var timestamp = this.timeGen();
                while (timestamp <= lastTimestamp) {
                    timestamp = this.timeGen();
                return BigInt(timestamp);
            Snowflake.prototype.timeGen = function() {
                return BigInt(Date.now());
            Snowflake.prototype.nextId = function() {
                var timestamp = this.timeGen();
                if (timestamp < this.lastTimestamp) {
                    throw new Error('Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate id for ' +
                        (this.lastTimestamp - timestamp));
                if (this.lastTimestamp === timestamp) {
                    this.sequence = (this.sequence + 1n) & this.sequenceMask;
                    if (this.sequence === 0n) {
                        timestamp = this.tilNextMillis(this.lastTimestamp);
                } else {
                    this.sequence = 0n;
                this.lastTimestamp = timestamp;
                return ((timestamp - this.twepoch) << this.timestampLeftShift) |
                    (this.dataCenterId << this.dataCenterIdShift) |
                    (this.workerId << this.workerIdShift) |
            return Snowflake;
        var tempSnowflake = new Snowflake(1n, 1n, 0n);
        var tempIds = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            var tempId = tempSnowflake.nextId();
            if (tempIds.indexOf(tempId) < 0) {

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