首页 > 技术文章 > 配置RT-WiFi

pengwu 2015-11-04 01:17 原文

1. 在需要配置文件之前,需要安装相应软件,hostapd提供AP服务 , isc-dhcp-server网络配置

    tip: 配置文件放在txt文本中,需要去除自动换行,复制后会出现问题。

2. Restart network in ubuntu, use "ifdown" and "ifup", Eg: ifdown wlan0; Restart hostapd in ubuntu, "sudo service hostapd restart"; 

3. 恢复ubuntu自带文件,如果已经对已有配置文件做出修改

   (1) Find out what package installed the config file:

$ dpkg -S unity-greeter.conf
unity-greeter: /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf

   (2) Rename (or delete) the config file you wish to restore:

sudo mv -i /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf.bak 

   (3) Run the following command, replacing <package-name> with the name of the package:

sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall <package-name>

   (4) If everything worked as expected, you should get this message:

Configuration file `/etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf', does not exist on system. 
Installing new config file as you requested.

4. ifconfig 查看网络的interface, iwconfig 查看硬件, reboot重启系统, ping+地址 查看网速;其中iwconfig mode为master就代表成功

5. iperf使用: 首先安装 sudo apt-get install iperf. 然后利用man iperf查阅使用说明. Eg: Assuming the address of server is, then in server, iperf -s. In client, iperf -c
