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roni 2016-08-16 03:25 原文



1. httperf

ftp://ftp.hpl.hp.com/pub/httperf/ 下载

./httperf –server –port 10002 –uri /index.html –rate 300 –num-conn 30000 –num-call 1 –timeout 5*

−−num−calls=_It specifies the total number of calls to issue on each connection before closing it
−−num−connsthe total number of connections to create

httperf: warning: open file limit > FD_SETSIZE; limiting max. # of open files to FD_SETSIZE

Maximum connect burst length: 51

Total: connections 30000 requests 30000 replies 30000 test-duration 100.004 s

Connection rate: 300.0 conn/s (3.3 ms/conn, <=52 concurrent connections)
Connection time [ms]: min 0.5 avg 3.5 max 113.7 median 3.5 stddev 4.6
Connection time [ms]: connect 1.2
Connection length [replies/conn]: 1.000

Request rate: 300.0 req/s (3.3 ms/req)
Request size [B]: 78.0

Reply rate [replies/s]: min 290.2 avg 300.0 max 309.8 stddev 3.3 (19 samples)
Reply time [ms]: response 2.3 transfer 0.1
Reply size [B]: header 238.0 content 612.0 footer 0.0 (total 850.0)
Reply status: 1xx=0 2xx=30000 3xx=0 4xx=0 5xx=0

CPU time [s]: user 52.07 system 47.29 (user 52.1% system 47.3% total 99.4%)
Net I/O: 271.9 KB/s (2.2*10^6 bps)

Errors: total 0 client-timo 0 socket-timo 0 connrefused 0 connreset 0
Errors: fd-unavail 0 addrunavail 0 ftab-full 0 other 0

total: 表示总体情况
Connection:tcp 连接的相关统计信息,Connection length可能>1(由于persistent-connections)
Request rate:HTTP报文的发送统计信息
Reply rate: time表示发送第一个包到接收第一个包的时间, transfer表示读取接收报文的时间


下载地址: http://www.xenoclast.org/autobench/

more autobench.conf

注意: 一定要将配置文件copy到所用用户的家目录下,因此程序执行需要读取这个文件;安装后默认在/usr/local/etc/autobench.conf

  1. # Autobench Configuration File
  2. # host1, host2
  3. # The hostnames of the servers under test
  4. # Eg. host1 = iis.test.com
  5. # host2 = apache.test.com
  6. host1 = testhost1
  7. host2 = testhost2
  8. # uri1, uri2
  9. # The URI to test (relative to the document root). For a fair comparison
  10. # the files should be identical (although the paths to them may differ on the
  11. # different hosts)
  12. uri1 = /
  13. uri2 = /
  14. # port1, port2
  15. # The port number on which the servers are listening
  16. port1 = 80
  17. port2 = 80
  18. # low_rate, high_rate, rate_step
  19. # The 'rate' is the number of number of connections to open per second.
  20. # A series of tests will be conducted, starting at low rate,
  21. # increasing by rate step, and finishing at high_rate.
  22. # The default settings test at rates of 20,30,40,50...180,190,200
  23. low_rate = 20
  24. high_rate = 200
  25. rate_step = 10
  26. # num_conn, num_call
  27. # num_conn is the total number of connections to make during a test
  28. # num_call is the number of requests per connection
  29. # The product of num_call and rate is the the approximate number of
  30. # requests per second that will be attempted.
  31. num_conn = 5000
  32. num_call = 10
  33. # timeout sets the maximimum time (in seconds) that httperf will wait
  34. # for replies from the web server. If the timeout is exceeded, the
  35. # reply concerned is counted as an error.
  36. timeout = 5
  37. # output_fmt
  38. # sets the output type - may be either "csv", or "tsv";
  39. output_fmt = tsv
  40. ## Config for distributed autobench (autobench_admin)
  41. # clients
  42. # comma separated list of the hostnames and portnumbers for the
  43. # autobench clients. No whitespace can appear before or after the commas.
  44. # clients = bench1.foo.com:4600,bench2.foo.com:4600,bench3.foo.com:4600
  45. clients = localhost:4600

./autobench –single_host –host1 –port1 10002 –uri1 /index.html –quiet –low_rate 20 –high_rate 200 –rate_step 20 –num_call 10 –num_conn 5000 –timeout 5 –file results.tsv

httperf: warning: open file limit > FD_SETSIZE; limiting max. # of open files to FD_SETSIZE



bench2graph takes a TSV format autobench results file, and uses gnuplot to graph the results, producing output in Postscript.

./bench2graph results-1.tsv results-1.ps

windows下建议使用 GhostView来打开图片



