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第1章 信息技术、互联网和你


  • Chapter 01 Lesson test

    • Which part is the most important of an information system? 信息系统的哪个部分是最重要的? People √ 人

    • Which part of an information system consists of the rules or guidelines for people to follow? 信息系统的哪一部分包含了人们要 遵循的规则或指导方针? Procedures √ 程序

    • Which part is the second most important of an information system? 哪个部分是信息系统的第二重要部分? Data √ 数据

    • [Software] is another name for a program or programs.The Purpose of software is to convert [data](unprocessed facts)into [information](processed facts) 软件是程序或程序的另一个名称项目。软件的目的是将数据(未处理的事实)转换为信息(处理过的事实)

  • Chapter 1 Test

    • The most widely used handheld computers are ___ 使用最广泛的手持计算机是 smartphones √ 智能手机

    • The purpose of software is to convert data into information 软件的目的是把数据转换成信息。√

    • What are the two major software types? 两种主要的软件类型是什么? System software and application software 系统软件和应用软件

    • System software includes all of the following except: 系统软件包括以下所有内容除了: Operating systems 操作系统 Device drivers 设备驱动程序 Utilities 公/实用程序 Browsers 浏览器 √

    • An information system has several parts:[people],[procedures],[software],[hardware],[data],and [the Internet]. 一个信息系统有几个部分

    • There are four types of computers:[supercomputers],[mainframe computers],[midrange computers],and [personal computers]. 超级计算机 大型计算机 中型电脑 个人电脑

  • Chapter 1 Quiz

    • Which of the following computers is also referred to as a server and is used to support end users for things such as retrieving data from a database or providing application software? 以下哪一种计算机也被称为服务器,用于支持终端用户从数据库检索数据或提供对应用程序软件的访问? A. Midrange √ B. Mainframe C. Supercomputer D. Microcomputer

    • Antivirus programs protect your computer system from viruses or malicious programs. This is an example of which type of software? 防病毒程序保护您的计算机系统免受病毒或恶意程序的侵害。这是哪一种软件的例子? A. Browser software B, Operating system C. Application software D. Utilities √

    • Application software is"background"software which helps the computer manage its own internal resources. √ 应用软件是帮助计算机管理自身内部资源的“后台”软件。

    • This computer component holds the program and data that is currently being processed. 这个计算机部件保存着当前正在处理的程序和数据。 RAM

    • Unlike memory this type of storage holds data and programs even after electric power to the computer system has been turned off. 与内存不同的是,这种类型的存储即使在计算机系统断电后也能保存数据和程序。 secondary

    • [Smartphones] are cell phones with wireless connections to the internet. 智能手机是可以无线上网的手机

    • [Microblogs],unlike traditional blogs,use only short sentences that take only a few seconds to write. 与传统的博客不同,微博只使用短短几秒钟就能写出来的短句。

    • [System software] enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware. 系统软件使应用软件能够与计算机硬件交互。

    • [Program] consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. 程序由告诉计算机如何工作的一步步的指令组成。

    • What is an operating system? Give two examples. Operating systems are programs that coordinate comp uter resources, provide an interface between users an d the computer Such as windows and linux. 操作系统是协调计算机资源,提供用户和计算机之间的接口的程 序,如windows和linux。



  1. The keyboard, mouse display, and system unit are: 键盘、鼠标、显示器和系统单元是: hardware

  2. Programs that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as: 协调计算机资源、提供接口和运行应用程序的程序被称为: operating systems

  3. A browser is an example of a: 浏览器就是通用应用程序的一个例子 general-purpose application

  4. Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage. 虽然没有超级计算机那么强大,但这种类型的计算机具有很高的处理速度和数据存储能力。 mainframe 大型计算机

  5. Apple' s Watch is what type of computer? 苹果手表是什么类型的电脑? wearable可穿戴

  6. RAM is a type of: RAM是存储器的一种 memory

  7. Unlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off. 与内存不同的是,这种类型的存储即使在计算机系统断电后也能保存数据和程序 secondary

  8. The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters. 由文字处理程序创建的文件类型,如备忘录、学期论文和信件 document

  9. Uses the internet and the web to shift many computer activities from a user' scomputer to computers on the internet。 利用互联网和网络将许多计算机活动从用户的计算机转移到互联网上的计算机上。 cloud computing

  10. The largest network in the world is [the]: Internet


  1. Consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. 程序由告诉计算机如何工作的一步步的指令组成。 f. program

  2. Another name for a program. 软件是程序的另一个名称。 g. software

  3. Enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware. 系统软件使应用软件与计算机硬件交互。 i. system software

  4. Type of computer that is small enough to fit on top of or alongside a desk yet is too big to carry around. 台式机一种足够小,可以放在桌子上面或旁边,但又太大而不能随身携带的电脑。 a. desktop

  5. A container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system. 台式机一种足够小,可以放在桌子上面或旁边,但又太大而不能随身携带的电脑。 j. system unit

  6. Devices that translate the processed information from the computer into a form that humans can understand. 输出设备:将计算机处理过的信息转换成人类可以理解的形式。 d. output

  7. Unlike hard disks, this type of storage does not have any moving parts, is more reliable, and requires less power. 固态存储不同于硬盘,这种类型的存储没有任何活动部件,更可靠,需要更少的电力。 h. solid-state

  8. The most widely used communication device. 调制解调器:最广泛使用的通信设备。 b. modem

  9. A type of a file that might contain, for example, audience handouts, speaker notes, and electronic slides. 演示一种可能包含听众讲义、演讲者笔记和电子幻灯片的文件类型 e. presentation

  10. A communications system connecting two or more computers. 网络:连接两台或两台以上计算机的通信系统。 c. network

  • 汉译英

    • 嵌入式操作系统[embedded operating system] 物联网[IoT] 显示器[monitor] 智能手机[smartphone] 专用应用软件[specialized application]

第2章 互联网、万维网和电子商务


  • Chapter 2 test

    • This version of the web evolved to support more dynamic content creation and social Interaction. 这个版本的网页支持更多的动态内容创建和社会互动。 Web 2.0

    • A web page typically contains_____ , which contains the formatting instructions for displaying the web page. 网页通常包含超文本标记语言(HTML),其中包含显示网页的格式说明。 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

    • Which programming language is used within HTML documents to trigger interactive features? 在HTML文档中使用哪种编程语言来触发交互式特性? JavaScript

    • In addition to an Internet connection, users need browser software to easily display web pages. 除了网络连接,用户还需要浏览器软件来方便地显示网页。 true

    • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are files inserted into an HTML document that control the appearance of web pages including layout, colors, and fonts. 层叠样式表(CSS)是插入到HTML文档中的文件 用于控制网页的外观,包括布局、颜色和字体。 true

    • Google Chrome is an example of a web [browser] . 谷歌Chrome是一个网络浏览器的例子。 The [http] protocol is used for web traffic and is the most widely used Internet protocol. http协议用于web流量,是使用最广泛的 Internet 协议。 In the URL "http://www.simnetonline.com", "www.simnetonline.com" is the [domain] name. 在网址“http://www.simnetonline.com”中 ,“www.simnetonline.com”为域名。

    • Define the parts of a URL. For browsers to connect to resources on the Internet, the address of the resources must be specified. These addresses are called uniform resource locators or URL . All URLs have at least two basic parts. The protocol is the first part of the address and specifies which protocol (set of rules for exchanging data) to use when connecting to the Internet resources. In the example,http://www.sohu.com,the protocol is http.The protocol http is used for web trafficand is the most widely used Internet protocol. The second part of the URL is the domain name for example www.espn.com. This indicates the specific address where the resource is located. The part of the domain name following the dot (.) is the top level domain. It identifies the type of organization. A ".com” top-level domainin dicates a commercial site. 当浏览器连接Internet上的资源时,必须指定资源的地址。这些地址被 称为统一资源定位器或URL。所有URL至少有两个基本部分。协议是 地址的第一部分,指定连接到Internet资源时使用的协议(一组交换数据 的规则)。本例中为http://www.sohu.com,协议为http。http协议用于 web流量,是使用最广泛的Internet协议。URL的第二部分是域名,例 如www.espn.com。这表示资源所在的特定地址。域名中点(.)后面的部 分是顶级域名。它标识组织的类型。顶级域名“。com”表示商业网站。

  • Chapter 2 Learn checking

    • Launched in 1969 as a U.S. funded project that developed a national computer network, the Internet was initially called . 1969年,作为一个由美国资助的开发国家计算机网络的项目,因特网最初被称为阿帕网(ARPANET) ARPANET

    • The Internet is a(n) ___ made up of wires, cables, satellites, and rules for exchanging information between computers connected to the network. 因特网是一个物理网络,由电线、电缆、卫星和连接到该网络的计算机之间交换信息的规则组成。 physical network

    • The most common way to access the Internet is through ___. 最常见的访问Internet的方法是通过Internet服务提供商(ISP) an Internet service provider (ISP)

    • A web page typically contains __, which contains the formatting instructions for displaying the web page. 网页通常包含超文本标记语言(HTML),其中包含显示网页的格式说明。 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

    • ___ do not use streaming technology and are used to download media files to your computer. 播客不使用流媒体技术,而是用来下载媒体文件到您的计算机。 Podcasts

    • When you enter a keyword or phrase into a search engine the results display as a list of these. 当您在搜索引擎中输入关键字或短语时,结果将显示为这些关键字或短语的列表。 Hits 点击数

    • This type of e-commerce often resembles the electronic version of the classified ads or an auction. 这种类型的电子商务通常类似于分类广告或拍卖的电子版本。 C2C

    • Programs that automatically start and operate as a part of your browser are called ___. 作为浏览器的一部分自动启动和运行的程序称为插件。 plug-ins

    • Parents can use this type of program to block access to selected Websites. 家长可以使用这种类型的程序来阻止访问选定的网站。 Filter

    • This method of file transfer has been used for decades and is frequently used for uploading changes to a Website hosted by an Internet service provider. 这种文件传输方法已经使用了几十年,经常用于上传更改到由互联网服务提供商托管的网站。 FTP

    • The Internet connects millions of computers and resources across the world via wires, cables, and satellite. 因特网通过电线、电缆和卫星将世界各地数以百万计的计算机和资源连接起来 true

    • In order to connect to a website, the browser must know only the site's domain name. 为了连接到一个网站,浏览器必须只知道该网站的域名。 false

    • After a webcast is completed there are no files left on your computer. 网络广播完成后,你的电脑上没有任何文件。 true

    • Wikis allow many individuals to edit the site's content. wiki允许许多个人编辑网站的内容。 true

    • All information found on the web through search tools can be considered as factual. 所有通过搜索工具在网络上找到的信息都可以被认为是真实的。 false

    • Cloud computing has the potential to free end-users from owning, maintaining, and storing software and data. 云计算有潜力将最终用户从拥有、维护和存储软件和数据中解放出来。 false

    • Uploading is the process of copying a file from a website to your computer. 上传是将文件从网站上复制到你的电脑上的过程。 false

    • HTML stands for [Hypertext Markup Language] .

    • A(n) [hyperlink] is a link on a web page that connects to another web page. 超链接是网页上连接到另一个网页的链接。

    • [Web-based] e-mail accounts do not require an e-mail program to be installed on your computer. 基于web的电子邮件帐户不需要在计算机上安装电子邮件程序。

    • [text] messaging is the process of sending short electronic messages using a wireless network. 短信是使用无线网络发送短电子信息的过程。

    • A(n) [search] engine is a specialized program that assists you in locating information on the web and the Internet. 搜索引擎是帮助你在网络和互联网上定位信息的专门程序。

    • [digital] cash is the Internet's equivalent to traditional cash. 数字现金相当于互联网上的传统现金。

    • Knowledge of HTML and CSS is considered essential for the job of a(n) [webmaster] . HTML和CSS的知识被认为是必不可少的工作,一个网站管理员。

    • [Cloud] computing provides access to software, programs, and data from anywhere through an Internet connection. 云计算提供了通过互联网连接从任何地方访问软件、程序和数据的途径。

    • Explain how a search engine works. To use a search website, you enter a keyword or phrase reflecting the information you want. The search engine compares your entry against its database and returns a list of hits, or sites that contain the keywords. Each hit includes a link to the referenced web page (or other resource) along with a brief discussion of the information contained at that location. Many searches result in a large number of hits. For example, if you were to enter the keyword music, you would get billions of hits. Search engines order the hits according to those sites that most likely contain the information requested and present the list to you in that order, usually in groups of 10. 要使用搜索网站,你需要输入一个关键字或短语来反映你想要的信息。搜索引擎将您的条目与数据库进行比较,并返回一个点击列表,即包含关键字的站点。每次点击都包含一个链接到引用的网页(或其他资源),以及对该位置所包含信息的简要讨论。很多搜索都会产生大量的点击。例如,如果你输入关键字music,你将获得数十亿次点击。搜索引擎根据那些最有可能包含信息请求的网站来排序。

  • Chapter 2 test

    • This type of e-mail account is more widely used because it frees the user from installing and maintaining an e-mail client on every computer used to access e-mail. 这种类型的电子邮件帐户得到 了更广泛的使用,因为它使用 户不必在用于访问电子邮件的 每台计算机上安装和维护电子邮件客户机 。 Web-based

    • _ typically broadcast live events and use streaming technology in which audio and video files are continuously downloaded to your computer while you are listening to and/or viewing the content. 网络广播通常是直播事件,并使用流 媒体技术,当你听或看内容时,音频 和视频文件会不断地被下载到你的电脑上。 Webcasts

    • Which of the following is a website specially designed to allow visitors to use their browser to add, edit, or delete the site's content? 下列哪项是专门设计让访客使用浏览器添加、编辑或删除网站内容的网站? Wiki

    • These special programs continually look for new information and update the databases used by search services. 这些特殊程序不断寻找新的信息,并更新搜索服务使用的数据库。 蜘蛛 Spiders

    • Online banking is an example of what type of e-commerce? 网上银行是什么类型的电子商务的一个例子? B2C

    • Which of the following is not one of the three basic components of cloud computing? 以下哪个不是云计算的三个基本组件之? client organizations and end-users 客户组织和最终用户 service providers 服务提供商 the Internet 互联网 wireless connectivity 无线连接 √

    • This method of file transfer distributes file transfers across many different computers. 这种文件传输方法将文件传输分布在许多不同的计算机上 BitTorrent 比特流

    • Attachments to e-mail messages can be a document or an image. 电子邮件的附件可以是文档或图像 true

    • Instant messaging allows text only. 即时消息只允许文本。 false

    • Cloud computing is an example of a social networking site. 云计算是社交网站的一个例子 false

    • Special web browsers, called [mobile] browsers, are designed to run on portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. 被称为移动浏览器的特殊网络浏览器是专为在智能手机和平板电脑等便携设备上运行而设计的。

    • Unsolicited e-mail is called [spam] . 未经请求的电子邮件被称为垃圾邮件 。

    • A(n) [microblog] publishaes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write, rather than long stories or posts 微博只发布短短几秒钟的句子,而不是长篇故事或帖子

    • A(n) [wiki] is a website specially designed to allow visitors to use their browser to add, edit, or delete the site's content. wiki是一种专门设计的网站,允许访问者使用浏览器添加、编辑或删除网站内容。



  1. The network that connects computers all over the world. Internet 连接世界各地的计算机的网络。互联网公司

  2. The rules for exchanging data between computers. protocols 在计算机之间交换数据的规则。协议

  3. Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called: downloading 使用文件传输实用软件,您可以从互联网上特别配置的服务器复制文件到您的计算机。这将被称为: 正在下载

  4. Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create Facebook: groups 有共同兴趣的个人的社区通常会创建脸书:群体

  5. Type of e-mail account that does not require an e-mail program to be installed on a user’s computer is: web-based 不需要在用户的计算机上安装电子邮件程序的电子邮件帐户的类型为: 基于网络的

  6. The most popular microblogging site: Twitter 最受欢迎的微博网站:推特

  7. Using a keyword, a search engine returns a list of related sites known as: hits 搜索引擎使用关键字,搜索引擎返回一个相关站点列表,称为:hits

  8. This is the Internet’s equivalent to traditional cash. digital cash 这是互联网相当于传统现金。数字式现金

  9. The continuing Internet development that allows objects to send and receive data over the Internet. 互联网的持续发展,允许对象通过互联网发送和接收数据。 IoT

  10. Three basic components to cloud computing are clients, Internet, and _. service providers 云计算的三个基本组件是客户端、互联网和service提供商


  1. The most popular Internet activity. c. communicating 最受欢迎的互联网活动。 c.通信

  2. The most common way to access the Internet is through a(n). f. ISP 最常见的互联网接入方式是通过a(n)。 f.ISP信息处理系统

  3. Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet. d. e-mail 通过互联网传输电子信息。 d.电子邮件

  4. Two popular instant messaging services are Google Talk and Facebook _. a.chat 两种受欢迎的即时通讯服务是谷歌谈话网站和脸书_网站。 a.聊天室

  5. A business-oriented social networking site. g. LinkedIn 一个面向商业的社交网站。 g.领英

  6. Individual website to keep in touch with friends and family. j. blog 在个人网站,与朋友和家人保持联系。 j.博客

  7. Publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write. h. microblog 发布只需几秒钟就能写出来的短句子。 h.微博

  8. Maintain huge databases relating to information provided on the Web and the Internet. b. search services 维护与在网络和互联网上提供的信息相关的大型数据库。 b.搜索服务

  9. Electronic commerce involving individuals selling to individuals. b. C2C 涉及到个人销售给个人的电子商业。 b.C2C

  10. The basic components of cloud computing are clients, service providers, and the___. e. Internet 云计算的基本组成部分是客户端、服务提供商和 . e.互联网

第3章 应用程序软件


  • Chapter3 Online learning check

    • Most applications use a(n) ___ that displays graphical elements called icons to represent familiar objects. graphical user interface 大多数应用程序都使用a(n) 它显示被称为图标的图形元素来表示熟悉的对象。 图形化的用户界面

    • This GUI includes tabs, groups and galleries. Ribbon 此GUI包括选项卡、组和图库。色带

    • These are specialized graphics programs for editing or modifying digital photographs. Image editors 这些都是用于编辑或修改数字照片的专门图形程序。图像编辑器

    • A library of electronic images is called a(n) ___. image gallery 一个电子图像库被称为a(n) . 图像图库

    • Add-on programs for a variety of mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps 各种移动设备的附加程序,包括智能手机和平板电脑。移动式应用程序

    • Functions, formulas, charts and what-if analysis are common features of database management systems. false 功能、公式、图表和假设分析是数据库管理系统的常见特征。 假

    • Image editors are used to create and edit vector images. false 图像编辑器用于创建和编辑矢量图像。假

    • Web authoring programs are used to create sophisticated commercial websites. true 网络创作程序被用于创建复杂的商业网站。真实

    • Cloud suites are stored on your hard drive and are available anywhere you can access the Internet. false 云套件存储在您的硬盘上,并且可以在任何您可以访问互联网的地方使用。 假

    • Many apps are written for a particular type of mobile device and will not run on other types. true 许多应用程序都是为特定类型的移动设备编写的,不会在其他类型上运行。 真实

    • [Application] software is enduser software designed to accomplish a variety of different tasks. [应用程序]软件是终端□用户软件,旨在完成各种不同的任务。

    • In a Ribbon GUI, [tabs] are used to divide the ribbon into major activity areas. 在功能区GUI中,[选项卡]用于将功能区划分为主要活动区域。[电子表格]组织、分析和绘制

    • [Spreadsheets] organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports. 数字数据,如预算和财务报告。

    • Creating a website is called web [authoring] . 创建网站称为创作。

  • Chapter 3 test

    • __ provide additional information and request user input. Dialog boxes 提供更多信息并请求用户输入。“对话”对话框

    • These organize commonly used commands into a set of tabs. Ribbons 这些命令将常用的命令组织成一组选项卡。钢边带

    • Programs that allow you to mix text and graphics and focus on flexible page design and layout. Desktop publishing 程序,允许您混合文本和图形,并专注于灵活的页面设计和布局。 桌面发布

    • I mage editors edit images consisting of thousands of pixels that form this type of image. Bitmap 我的法师编辑器编辑由数千个像素组成的图像,形成了这种类型的图像。 位图

    • These programs are used to create and edit vector images. Illustration programs 这些程序用于创建和编辑矢量图像。插图程序

    • Moving text, graphics, or interactive features on a web page are called. animations 在网页上移动文本、图形或交互功能。动画制作

    • What-if analysis is a very powerful and simple tool to test the effects of different assumptions in a spreadsheet true 假设分析是一个非常强大和简单的工具,来测试电子表格中不同假设的影响 真实

    • A database is a collection of related data. true 数据库是一个相关数据的集合。真实

    • Presentation graphics software is an excellent tool to communicate a message and to persuade people true 演示图形软件是传达信息和说服人们的优秀工具 真实

    • As opposed to general-purpose applications which are widely used in nearly everydiscipline,[specialized] applications are more narrowly focused. 与几乎每个学科都广泛使用的通用应用程序不同,[专业]应用程序更为集中。

    • A(n)[database]is a collection of related data the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet. (n)数据库是相关数据的集合,电子文件柜。

    • [Tables] make up the basic structure of a relational database with columns containing field data and rows containing record information. [表]使用包含字段数据的列和包含记录信息的列构成关系数据库的基本结构。

    • In an image editor,photographs consist of thousands of dots or [pixels] that form Images. 在图像编辑器中,照片由数千个不同形式的点或像素组成 图像。

    • [Vector] images are made up of geometric shapes or objects. 图像由几何形状或物体组成。

    • Cloud suites are stored at a(n)[server] on the Internet,rather than on your microcomputer. 云套件存储在互联网上的(n)服务器上,而不是微计算机上。

    • What is the difference between system software and application software? System software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details. Application software can be described as end user software designed to accomplish a variety of different tasks. 系统软件和应用软件有什么区别? 系统软件与终端用户、应用软件和计算机硬件合作,以处理大部分的技术细节。应用软件可以被描述为旨在完成各种不同任务的最终用户软件。



  1. This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer Hardware to handle the majority of technical details. system 这种类型的软件可以与最终用户、应用程序软件和计算机硬件合作,以处理大部分的技术细节。 自动控制系统

  2. A rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message. window 可以包含文档、程序或消息的一种矩形区域。窗口

  3. Programs that create textbased document. word processors 创建基于文本的文档的程序。文字处理器

  4. Programs that organize, analyze, and graph numerical data such as budgets and financial reports. spreadsheets 组织、分析和绘制数字数据的程序,如预算和财务报告。 电子表格

  5. Program that allows you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality. desktop publishing 程序,允许您混合文本和图形,以创建专业质量的出版物。 桌面发布

  6. The type of image that consists of geometric shapes. vector 由几何形状组成的图像的类型。矢量

  7. An online diary or commentary. blog 一个在线日记或评论。博客

  8. Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. presentation software 结合各种视觉对象,创建有人的,视觉上有趣的演示文稿的程序。 制作演示文稿的软件

  9. Programs typically used to create sophisticated commercial websites. web authoring programs 程序通常用于创建复杂的商业网站。网页创作程序

  10. Also known as an online office suite. cloud suite 也被称为在线办公套件。云计算套件


  1. Toolbars typically appear below the menu bar and include small graphic elements called _. a. buttons 工具栏通常出现在菜单栏下面,并包括名为_的小图形元素。 a.按钮

  2. Simplifies the process of making a selection from a list of alternatives by graphically displaying the effect of alternatives before being selected. d. galleries 通过图形化显示备选方案的效果,简化从备选方案列表中进行选择的过程。 d.画廊

  3. A general purpose program that creates text-based documents. j. word processor 一种创建基于文本的文档的通用程序。 j.文字处理器

  4. Program that organizes, analyzes, and graphs numeric data. g. spreadsheet 组织、分析和绘制数字数据的程序。 g.电子表格

  5. A collection of related data. c. database 一种相关数据的集合。 c.数据库

  6. Also known as a photo editor, this specialized graphics program edits or modifies digital photographs. e. image editor 也被称为照片编辑器,这个专门的图形程序可以编辑或修改数码照片。 e.图像编辑器

  7. Image editors create images made up of thousands of dots known as _. f. pixels 图像编辑器创建由数千个点组成的图像,点被称为_。 f.像素

  8. A Web site that provides access to specific mobile apps is known as an app _. h. store 提供访问特定移动应用程序的网站被称为应用程序_。 h.存储区

  9. A type of suite that is stored at a server on the Internet and is available anywhere you can access the Internet. b. cloud 一种存储在互联网上的服务器上的套件,可在任何你可以访问互联网的地方使用。 b.云计算

  10. A type of specialized suite that includes a variety of programs designed to make computing easier and safer. i. utility 一种专用的套件,它包括各种旨在使计算更容易、更安全的程序。 i.实用程序

第 4 章 系统软件


  • Chapter 04 Online Test

    • Which of the following is not a system software program type? Utilities Device drivers Language translators Sectors √ 以下哪一种类型不是系统软件程序类型?公用设施 设备驱动程序 语言翻译器 部门√

    • Which of the following is not a function of the operating system? Managing resources Providing Internet access √ Providing a user interface Running applications 以下哪一项不是操作系统的功能? 提供互联网访问√

    • This type of boot occurs when the computer is already on and you restart it without turning off the power. Warm boot 当计算机已开机,并且您无需关机即可重新启动它时,就会出现这种启动类型。 暖启动系统

    • This operating system is widely used by servers on the web, mainframe computers, and very powerful personal computers. UNIX 这个操作系统被网络上的服务器、大型机和非常强大的个人计算机广泛使用。UNIX

    • When a single physical computer runs this type of software, it operates as though it were two or more separate and independent computers. Virtualization 当一台物理计算机运行这种类型的软件时,它的运行方式就像两台或两台以上独立的计算机一样。 虚拟化技术

    • When a file is broken up into small parts that are stored wherever space is available, the hard disk is said to become ___. fragmented 当一个文件被分解成小部分,存储在可用空间的地方,硬盘就会变成 . 碎片的

    • Before sending a large file over the Internet, you might want to use one of these programs. File compression program 在通过互联网发送一个大文件之前,您可能需要使用这些程序之一。 文件压缩程序

    • A utility program that makes a copy of all files or selected files that are in the libraries, contacts, and favorites on the desktop. Backup and Restore 一种实用程序,它是制作桌面上的库、联系人和收藏夹中的所有文件或选定文件的副本。 备份和恢复

    • Starting or restarting a computer is called tasking the system. false 启动或重新启动计算机被称为任务处理系统。假

    • The operating system allows the user to interact with the application programs and computer hardware through a user interface. true 该操作系统允许用户通过用户界面与应用程序和计算机硬件进行交互。 真实

    • The operating system is often referred to as the software platform. true 该操作系统通常被称为软件平台。真实

    • Utility suites come with one program only. false 实用程序套件只附带一个程序。假

    • Windows Update makes it easy to update the device drivers on your computer. true Windows更新便于更新计算机上的设备驱动程序。真实

    • [ Icons] are graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function. [图标]是程序、文件类型或函数的图形表示。

    • [ Network] operating systems are used to control and coordinate computers that are linked together. 操作系统用于控制和协调连接在一起的计算机。

    • [Virtualization] refers to the process whereby a single physical computer can support multiple operating systems. [虚拟化]是指单台物理计算机可以支持多个操作系统的过程。

  • Chapter4 test

    • This system software is responsible for managing your computer's resources including memory, processing, and storage. Operating system 此系统软件负责管理计算机的资源,包括内存、处理和存储。 操作系统

    • In many application programs, this feature is used to provide information or request input. Dialog boxes 在许多应用程序中,此功能用于提供信息或请求输入。 “对话”对话框

    • Most operating systems support the ability to switch between different applications. This is called . multitasking 大多数操作系统都支持在不同的应用程序之间进行切换的能力。这将被称为。 多任务处理系统

    • The operating system is often referred to as the software environment or software. platform 该操作系统通常被称为软件环境或软件。工作平台

    • This version of UNIX is an open source operating system that is an alternative to Windows. Linux 此版本的UNIX是一个开源操作系统,是Windows的替代操作系统。 Linux系统

    • In a virtualized environment, this operating system runs on the physical machine. Host 在虚拟化环境中,此操作系统会在物理计算机上运行。主机

    • The windows troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files is called . Disk Cleanup 将调用了识别和消除非必要文件的窗口故障排除实用程序。 磁盘清理程序

    • A computer can become infected with viruses in all the following ways, except by . opening attachments to e-mail messages downloading software from the Internet downloading files from the Web creating a new folder on your computer √ 除了在计算机上创建新文件夹外,计算机可以通过以下所有方式感染病毒 打开电子邮件的附件、从互联网下载软件,从网上下载文件

    • This type of program allows communication between a peripheral device such as a mouse or printer, and the rest of the computer system . Device driver 这种程序允许鼠标或打印机等外围设备与计算机系统的其他部分之间进行通信。 设备驱动程序

    • System software cannot handle technical details without user intervention. false 如果没有用户的干预,系统软件将无法处理技术细节。假

    • In a network environment the network server computer coordinates all communications between the other computers. true 在网络环境中,网络服务器计算机协调其他计算机之间的所有通信。 真实

    • Linux is a popular and powerful alternative to the Windows operating system. true Linux是Windows操作系统的一个流行而强大的替代方案。真实

    • When a single physical computer runs a special program known as virtualization software, it operates as though it were two or more separate and independent computers known as virtual machines. true 当一台物理计算机运行一个被称为虚拟化软件的特殊程序时,它的运行方式就像两个或多个独立和独立的计算机,被称为虚拟机。 真实

    • For all devices, the appropriate drivers are automatically selected and installed when the device is first connected to the computer. false 对于所有设备,当设备第一次连接到计算机时,会自动选择并安装相应的驱动程序。 假

    • A(n)[language translator] converts the programming instructions into a language that the computer understands and processes. 语言翻译器将程序设计指令转换为计算机能理解和处理的语言

    • Smartphone operating systems are a type of [embedded] operating system. 智能手机操作系统是一种嵌入式操作系统

    • Disk Cleanup,File History,and DiskDefragmenter are all examples of [utility]programs. 磁盘清理、文件历史记录和磁盘碎片整理程序的示例均为实用程序



  1. What type of software works with users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details? system 什么类型的软件可以与用户、应用软件和计算机硬件一起工作能处理好大部分的技术细节吗?自动控制系统

  2. The programs that convert programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process are language: translators 将程序员编写的编程指令转换成一种语言的程序计算机能理解和处理的语言是:翻译

  3. The ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called: multitasking 在存储器中存储的不同应用程序之间切换的能力被称为:多任务处理

  4. Graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function: icon 程序、文件类型或函数的图形表示:图标

  5. This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function. pointer 此操作系统功能由鼠标控制,并根据其当前功能更改形状。指针

  6. The operating system based on Linux, designed for Netbook computers, and focused on Internet connectivity through cloud computing: Chrome 基于Linux的操作系统,为上网本计算机设计,专注于通过云计算实现的互联网连接:谷歌

  7. The mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS: iOS 由苹果公司开发的移动操作系统,最初被称为iPhone操作系统:iOS

  8. A utility program that copies all files in the libraries, contacts, favorites, and on the desktop: File History 复制库、联系人、收藏夹和桌面上的所有文件的实用程序:文件历史记录

  9. A troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space, and improves system performance: Disk Cleanup 一个故障排除实用程序,可以识别和消除不必要的文件,释放有价值的磁盘空间,并提高了系统性能:磁盘清理

  10. BitDefender, and Norton are examples of: utility suites BitDefendor和诺顿,例如:实用工具套件


  1. Programs that perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources. h. utilities 执行与管理计算机资源相关的特定任务的程序。 h.实用程序

  2. Restarting a running computer without turning off the power. j. warm boot 重新启动正在运行的计算机而不关闭电源。 j.保暖靴子

  3. Type of operating system that controls and coordinates networked computers. f. NOS 控制和协调联网计算机的操作系统的类型。 f.编号

  4. An operating system is often referred to as the software environment or___. g. platform 一个操作系统通常被称为软件环境或 . g.平台

  5. Switching between different applications. e. multitasking 在不同的应用程序之间进行切换。 e.多任务处理系统

  6. A type of software that allows a single physical computer to operate as though it were two or more separate and independent computers. i. virtualization 一种软件,允许单台物理计算机像两个或两个更独立的计算机。 i.虚拟化

  7. Mobile operating system that that is owned by Google and is one of the fastest-growing mobile operating systems. a. Android 由谷歌拥有的移动操作系统,是增长最快的移动操作系统之一。 a.安卓系统

  8. Type of program that guards computer systems from viruses and other damaging programs. b. antivirus 保护计算机系统免受病毒和其他有害程序侵害的程序类型。 b.防病毒软件

  9. The operating system operating on each virtual machine ___. d. guest 在每个虚拟机上操作的操作系统 d.客人

  10. Program that works with the operating system to allow communication between a device and the rest of a computer system is called a device. c. driver 与操作系统一起工作的程序,允许设备和设备进行通信计算机系统的其余部分被称为设备。 c.驱动程序

第五章 系统单元


  • Chapter 05 Test(System Unit)

    • With these systems, input and output devices are located outside the system unit. Desktop systems 对于这些系统,输入和输出设备位于系统单元的外部。桌面系统

    • Which of the following is not a character encoding standard? CISC 以下哪一项不是字符编码标准?

    • On the motherboard the connection points for chips are referred to as___. sockets 在主板上,芯片的连接点被称为 . 插座

    • Integrated circuits must be mounted on, which are then plugged into the motherboard. chip carriers 集成电路必须安装在其上,然后插入主板。芯片的载体

    • Which of the following is a function of the control unit? It directs the movement of electronic signals between memory and the arithmetic-logic unit. 以下哪一项是控制单元的功能? 它指示电子信号在存储器和算术逻辑单元之间的移动。

    • In most personal computer systems, the CPU is contained on a single chip called the _. microprocessor 在大多数个人计算机系统中,CPU包含在一个被称为microprocessor的单一芯片上

    • For multicore processors to be used effectively, computers must understand how to divide tasks into parts that can be distributed across each core-an operation called . parallel processing 为了能够有效地使用多核处理器,计算机必须了解如何将任务划分为可以分布在每个核心上的部分——一个称为并行处理的操作.

    • These specialty processors are designed to improve specific computing operations such as displaying 3-D images and encrypting data. Coprocessors 这些特殊的处理器被设计用来改进特定的计算操作,如显示三维图像和加密数据。 协处理器

    • Frequently-accessed information is held in ___. cache memory 频繁访问的信息被保存在中 . 高速缓存和内存

    • Which of the following can be used to connect several devices to the system unit and are widely used to connect keyboards, mice, printers, storage devices, and a variety of specialty devices? USB port 以下哪一种可用于连接多个设备到系统单元,并广泛用于连接键盘、鼠标、打印机、存储设备和各种专业设备? USB端口

    • Which of the following ports provide high-speed connections for external hard disk drives opticaldisks, and other large secondary storage devices? eSATA 以下哪些端口为外部硬盘驱动器选择磁盘和其他大型辅助存储设备提供高速连接? 埃塔

    • The system unit, also known as the system chassis, is a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system. true 该系统单元,也被称为系统机箱,是一个容纳组成计算机系统的大多数电子部件的容器。 真实

    • The alu tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a program's instructions. false 它告诉计算机系统的其他部分如何执行程序的指令。假

    • Parallel processing requires a computer to perform one complete task before beginning the next task. false 并行处理要求计算机在开始下一个任务之前执行一项完成的任务。 假

    • Plug and Play has become a generic term that is associated with the ability to plug any device into a computer and have it play or work immediately true 即插即用已经成为一个通用术语,与将任何设备插入计算机并立即播放或工作的能力有关 真实

    • The number of bits that can travel simultaneously down a bus is known as the word size. false 可以同时沿着总线移动的比特数被称为单词大小。 假

    • eSTAT ports provide high-speed connections for external hard disk drives, optical disks and other large secondary storage devices. true eSTAT端口为外部硬盘驱动器、光盘和其他大型辅助存储设备提供高速连接。 真实

    • HDMI ports make it possible to use a computer as a video jukebox or an hd video recorder. true HDMI端口使得可以使用计算机作为视频自动点唱机或高清录像机。 真实

    • The [system unit],also known as the system chassis,a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system. 系统单元,也被称为系统机箱,一个容纳构成计算机系统的大部分电子部件的容器。

    • The [binary] system consists of only two digits—0 and 1 二进制系统只有两个数字:0和1

    • A(n)[word]is the number of bits that can be accessed at one time by the CPU. A(n)字]是CPU一次可以访问的位数。

    • [Muticore]processors allow a single computer to run two or more operations at the same time. 处理器允许单台计算机同时运行两个或多个操作

    • [Cache] memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU. [缓存]内存通过充当存储器和CPU之间的临时高速保持区域来改进处理。

    • [Virtual] memory uses the hard drive to substitute for RAM. [虚拟]内存使用硬盘来代替RAM。

    • [System] buses connect the CPU to memory on the system board. 总线将CPU连接到主板上的内存上。

    • [Wireless] network cards allow computers to be connected without cables. 无线网卡允许计算机连接。

  • Chapter 05 Online Test (System Unit)

    • This type of computer is a thin slab that is almost all monitor with the system unit located behind the monitor. Tablet 这种类型的计算机是一个薄板,几乎都是监视器,系统单元位于监视器的后面。 平板片

    • This character encoding scheme allows non-English characters and special characters to be represented. Unicode 此字符编码方案允许表示非英语字符和特殊字符。 单极管

    • Tiny circuit-boards etched onto squares of sand-like material, called silicon, are called ___. chips 蚀刻在正方形砂状材料上的小电路板,被称为硅,被称为硅芯片

    • Pathways that support communication among the various electronic components on the system board are called ___. bus lines 支持系统板上各种电子元件之间的通信的路径被称为 . 公交线路

    • Which of the following allows a computer to run two or more operations simultaneously? Multicore chip 以下哪一项允许计算机同时运行两个或多个操作? 多孔芯片芯片

    • A type of specialty processor devoted exclusively to protecting your privacy. Cryptoprocessor 一种专门用来保护您的隐私的专业处理器。加密处理器

    • With this type of memory, large programs are divided into parts and the parts are stored on a secondary device, usually a hard disk. Virtual 使用这种类型的内存,大程序被分成部分,部分存储在辅助设备上,通常是硬盘。 虚拟的

    • Which of the following offers a combination of the features of RAM and ROM? Flash Memory 以下哪一项提供了RAM和ROM功能的组合?闪存存储器

    • Most personal computers allow users to expand their systems by providing these on the system board. Expansion slots 大多数个人电脑允许用户通过在系统板上提供这些系统来扩展他们的系统。 扩展插槽

    • Which of the following ports is used for connecting musical instruments to a sound card? MIDI 以下哪些端口用于将乐器连接到声卡上?米音

    • Laptops and tablets use ___ that are typically located outside the system unit. AC adapters 笔记本电脑和平板电脑的使用 它们通常位于系统单元的外部。交流电适配器

    • ASCII supports Chinese and Japanese. false ASCII支持中文和日语。假

    • The control unit directs the movement of electronic signals between the memory and the ALU. ture 控制单元指示存储器与ALU之间的电子信号的移动。 真

    • Virtual memory is stored on a RAM chip. false 虚拟内存存储在RAM芯片上。假

    • Graphics cards connect the system board to secondary storage. false 图形卡将主板连接到辅助存储器。假

    • USB ports are used to connect keyboards, mice, printers, storage devices, and a variety of specialty devices. true USB端口用于连接键盘、鼠标、打印机、存储设备和各种专用设备。 真

    • Firewire ports are used to connect keyboards, mice, printers, and storage devices. false 火线端口用于连接键盘、鼠标、打印机和存储设备。假

    • Computers require direct current (DC) to power their electronic components and to represent data and instructions. true 计算机需要直流电(DC)来为其电子元件供电,并表示数据和指令。 真

    • A(n) [64] -bit-word computer can access eight bytes of information at a time. (n)[64]位字计算机一次可以访问8个字节的信息。

    • [Logical] operations consist of making comparisons. 逻辑操作包括进行比较。

    • The system board is also known as the [motherboard] . 该主板也被称为[主板]。

    • The most widely used character encoding standard today is [Unicode] . 当今使用最广泛的字符编码标准是[Unicode]。

    • The processing speed of a microprocessor is typically represented by its [clock] speed. 微处理器的处理速度通常以其时钟速度来表示

    • [Sound] cards accept audio input from a microphone and convert it into a form that can be processed by the computer. [声音]卡接受来自麦克风的音频输入,并将其转换为计算机可以处理的形式。

    • Network interface cards (NIC) are connected through [expansion] slots on the motherboard. 网络接口卡(NIC)通过主板上的扩展]插槽连接。

    • The number of bits that can travel simultaneously down a bus is known as the bus [width]. 可以同时沿着总线行驶的位数称为总线的宽度。



  1. This container houses most of the electrical components for a computer system. system unit 1.这个容器容纳了计算机系统的大部分电气部件。系统单元

  2. The most popular mobile device. smartphone 最流行的移动设备。智能手机

  3. The mainboard or motherboard is also known as the: system board 主板或主板也被称为:系统主板

  4. How many bytes can a 32-bit-word computer access at one time? 4 一个32位字的计算机一次可以访问多少个字节?4

  5. In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit is contained on a single: chip 在微机系统中,中央处理单元包含在单个:芯片上

  6. This type of memory divides large programs into parts and stores the parts on a secondary storage device. virtual 这种类型的存储器将大型程序分成部件,并将部件存储在辅助存储设备上。虚拟的

  7. Also known as NIC, this adapter card is used to connect a computer to a: network 此适配器卡也被称为NIC,用于将计算机连接到:网络

  8. This provides a pathway to connect parts of the CPU to each other. bus 这提供了一条将CPU的部分相互连接的途径。总线

  9. The specialized port that provides very high-speed connections for large secondary storage devices. eSATA 为大型二次存储设备提供非常高速连接的专用端口。埃塔

  10. Computers can only recognize this type of electronic signal. digital 计算机只能识别这类电子信号。数字的


  1. A type of multiprocessor chip that provides two or more separate and independent CPUs. c. multicore 提供两个或多个独立CPU的多处理器芯片。c.多核存储系统

  2. A type of memory that is volatile or loses its contents when power is turned off. f. random access 断电时易失性或丢失内容的内存类型。f.随机访问权限

  3. System board component that provides a connection point for specialized cards or circuit boards. g. slots 为专门的电路卡或电路板提供连接点的系统板组件。g.插槽

  4. Provide connection points for chips. h. sockets 提供芯片的连接点。h.插座

  5. A type of memory that improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU. a. cache 一种通过作为临时高速保持区域来提高处理能力的存储器在内存和CPU之间。a.高速缓存

  6. A type of memory that provides a combination of features of RAM and ROM. b. flash 一种提供RAM和ROM功能组合的存储器。b.闪存

  7. Another name for a network adapter card. d. NIC 网络适配器卡的另一个名称。d.网电路

  8. This bus connects the CPU to memory on the system board. i. system 此总线将CPU连接到主板上的内存上。i.系统

  9. This port can be used to connect many USB devices to the system. j. USB 此端口可用于将许多USB设备连接到系统。j.USB接口

  10. A socket for external devices to connect to the sys- tem unit e. port 可连接到系统单元的外部设备的插座e.端口

第六章 输入和输出


  • Chapter 6 Online Test(Input and Output)

    • ___ is any data or instructions that are used by a computer. Input 是计算机使用的任何数据或指令。输入信息

    • A keyboard key, like Caps Lock, that turns a feature on or off is called a ___ key. toggle 一个键盘键,如大写锁,打开或关闭一个功能的键盘键被称为a 键。切换按钮

    • This type of mouse emits and senses light to detect mouse movement. Optical 这种类型的鼠标会发出和感应光来检测鼠标的移动。光学上的

    • Which of the following is not a type of scanning device? Stylus 以下哪一种类型不是扫描设备的类型?手写笔系统

    • Bar code readers use ___ embedded in them to read bar codes. photoelectric cells 条形码阅读器的使用方式 嵌入到它们中以读取条形码。光电管电池

    • ___-input devices convert sounds into a form that can be processed by the system unit. Audio -输入设备将声音转换为系统单元可以处理的形式。音频系统

    • The distance between each pixel. Dot pitch 每个像素之间的距离。圆点螺距

    • The size, or ___, is measured by the diagonal length of a monitor's viewing area. active display area 该文件的大小,或 ,是通过监视器的查看区域的对角线长度来测量的。活动的显示区域

    • Specialized devices with a large display connected to a computer projector and are widely used in classrooms and corporate boardrooms. Digital or interactive whiteboards 将大型显示器连接到电脑投影仪上,广泛应用于教室和公司会议室。 数字板或交互式白板

    • Which of the following printer features enables you to print on both sides of a sheet of paper? Duplex 以下哪些打印机功能使您能够在纸张的两侧进行打印? 双工设备

    • An optical mouse uses light in order to detect movement. true 光鼠标使用光线来检测运动。真实

    • Optical scanners recognize individual letters or images. false 光学扫描仪可以识别单个的字母或图像。假

    • A magnetic card reader does not require the card to actually make contact with the reader. false 磁卡读卡器不需要卡与读卡器接触。假

    • The monitor size is measured by the diagonal length of the viewing area. true 监视器的尺寸由观看区域的对角线长度来测量。真实

    • Digital or interactive whiteboards display a computer's desktop and can be controlled using a special pen or a finger. true 数字或交互式白板显示计算机的桌面,可以使用特殊的笔或手指来控制。 真实

    • Shared laser printers typically support color, are more expensive, and are used by a group of people. true 共享激光打印机通常支持颜色,更昂贵,而且被一群人使用。 真实

    • Wireless audio-output connections typically use Bluetooth technology. true 无线音频输出连接通常使用蓝牙技术。真实

    • Flatbed , document , and portable are types of [scanners] that accept documents and convert them into machine-readable form. 平板式、文档式和便携式文件是接受文档并将其转换为机器可读形式的扫描仪类型。

    • Supermarkets use [bar] code readers to scan codes printed on product containers. 超市使用条形码阅读器来扫描打印在产品容器上的代码

    • [RFID] tags are tiny chips that can be embedded into almost anything and contain information used to track and locate lost pets; to monitor production and update inventory; to record prices, product descriptions, and locations of retail items. [RFID]标签是一种小芯片,几乎可以嵌入到任何东西的芯片中,并包含用于跟踪和定位丢失宠物的信息;监视生产和更新库存;记录价格、产品描述和零售物品的位置。

    • [Laser] printers use a technology similar to that used in a photocopy machine. [激光]打印机使用一种类似于复印机的技术。

    • [Cloud] printers are printers connected to the Internet that provide printing services to others on the Internet. [云]打印机是指连接到互联网上向他人提供打印服务的打印机。

    • [Internet] telephones are specialized input and output devices for receiving and sending voice communication. 电话是用于接收和发送语音通信的专用输入和输出设备。

    • [Aspect] ratio indicates the proportional relationship between a display's width and height. “纵横比”“比例”表示显示器的宽度和高度之间的比例关系。

  • Chapter 6 Test(Input and Output)

    • The arrangement of keys on a keyboard, QWERTY reflects the keyboard layout by . taking the letters of the first six alphabetic characters found on the top row of keys 键盘上的键的排列,反映了键盘的布局。取在键行上一行中找到的前六个字母字符的字母。

    • Type of keyboard that uses a touch screen as the input device. Virtual 使用触摸屏作为输入设备的键盘类型。 虚拟的

    • The study of human factors related to things people use. Ergonomics 对与人类所使用的事物相关的人类因素的研究。人体工程学标准

    • These screens can be touched with more than one finger, which allows for interactions such as rotating graphical objects on the screen with your hand or zooming in and out by pinching and stretching your fingers. Multitouch 这些屏幕可以用多个手指触摸,这允许交互,比如用手旋转屏幕上的图形对象,或者通过捏捏和拉伸手指来缩放。 多点触摸式的

    • This reading device is used in banks to read the numbers on the bottom of checks and deposit slips. MICR 这种读取装置用于银行来读取支票和存款单底部的数字。 微米的

    • OMR, OCR, and MICR are all types of__ . character and mark recognition devices OMR、OCR和MICR都是字符和标记识别设备

    • This indicates the monitor's ability to display colors by comparing the light intensity of the brightest white to the darkest black. Contrast ratio 这表明显示器能够通过比较最亮的白色和最黑的光强度来显示颜色。 对比度

    • The proportional relationship between a display's width and height. Aspect ratio 显示器的宽度和高度之间的比例关系。纵横比

    • Which of the following statements is incorrect? Printer speed is measured in the number of words printed per minute. 以下哪些说法不正确? 打印机速度以每分钟打印的单词数来测量。

    • Printers connected to the Internet that provide printing services to others on the internet are called___ . cloud printers 连接到互联网上的打印机,为互联网上的其他人提供打印服务,这被称为 云式打印机

    • Function keys provide shortcuts for specific tasks. true 功能键为特定的任务提供了快捷方式。真实

    • A stylus uses pressure to draw images on a screen. true 手写笔使用压力来在屏幕上绘制图像。真实

    • Multitouch screens allow for interaction such as rotating graphical objects on the screen with your hand. true 多点触摸屏允许交互,比如用手旋转屏幕上的图形对象。 真实

    • An MICR device senses the presence or absence of a mark, such as a pencil mark. false MICR设备检测是否存在标记,如铅笔标记。假

    • 3-D HDTV requires special viewing glasses in order to achieve a three-dimensional viewing experience. true 3-D 高清电视需要特殊的观看眼镜才能获得三维的观看体验。 真实

    • Resolution for a printer is a measure of the clarity of images produced, measured in dpi (dots per inch). true 打印机分辨率是用dpi(每英寸点)测量的图像清晰度的测量。 真实

    • Thermal printers use heat elements to produce images on heat-sensitive paper and are used at ATMs and gasoline pumps. true 热敏打印机使用热元件在热敏纸上产生图像,用于自动取款机和汽油泵。 真实

    • The mouse, joysticks, touch screens, and styluses are all types of [pointing] devices. 鼠标、操纵杆、触摸屏和样式都是指向式设备

    • The most common card reader is the [magnetic] card reader which reads encoded information stored on a thin magnetic strip located on the back of the card. 最常见的读卡器是[磁性读卡器],它读取存储在位于卡背面的薄磁带上的编码信息。

    • Character and [mark] recognition devices are scanners that are able to recognize special characters and marks. 字符和标记识别设备是能够识别特殊字符和标记的扫描仪。

    • Digital [whiteboards] connect to computers and project computer output and can control the computer with the use of a special pen. 数字[白板]连接到计算机和项目计算机输出,可以使用特殊的笔控制计算机。

    • [Thermal] printers are widely used with ATMs and Expresses. [热敏]打印机广泛用于自动取款机和表达式。

    • [Plotters] are special-purpose printers typically found in architectural and engineering environments. [绘图机]是通常在建筑和工程环境中发现的特殊用途打印机。

    • [Contrast] ratio indicates a monitor's ability to display colors by comparing the light intensity of the brightest white to the darkest black. [对比度]比率表示显示器通过比较最亮的白色和最黑的光强度来显示颜色的能力。



  1. Most keyboards use an arrangement of keys known as: QWERTY 大多数键盘使用一种键的排列,被称为:qwerty

  2. The device that controls a pointer displayed on the monitor. mouse 控制监视器上显示的指针的设备。鼠标的控制键

  3. The type of screen that can be touched with more than one finger and supports zooming in and out by pinching and stretching your fingers. multitouch 可以用多个手指触摸并通过捏和拉伸手指来支持放大和缩小的屏幕类型。多点触控技术

  4. Flatbed and document are types of: scanners 平板电脑和文档的类型为:扫描仪

  5. Device used by banks to automatically read those unusual numbers on the bottom of checks and deposit slips. MICR 银行使用的自动读取支票和存款单底部那些异常数字的设备。微米的

  6. The most widely used audio-input device. microphone 使用最广泛的音频输入设备。麦克风

  7. The monitor feature that indicates the ability to display colors. contrast ratio 指示能够显示颜色的显示器功能。对比度

  8. Mobile devices able to store and display electronic media. e-book readers 能够存储和显示电子媒体的移动设备。电子书阅读器

  9. Virtual reality strives to create this type of experience. immersive 虚拟现实会努力创造出这种类型的体验。沉浸式的

  10. The study of human factors related to things people use is: ergonomics 对人类使用的人类因素的研究是:人体工程学


  1. Pressing this key turns a feature on or off. i. toggle key 按此键将打开或关闭一个功能。i.切换键

  2. Input device that controls a pointer that is displayed on the monitor. e. mouse 控制显示器上显示的指针的输入设备。e.鼠标

  3. A penlike device commonly used with tablet PCs and PDAs. h. stylus 一种通常与平板电脑和掌上电脑一起使用的笔状设备。h.手写笔

  4. Bar code readers use either handheld wand readers or platform. g. scanners 条形码阅读器可以使用手持式魔杖读取器或平台。g.扫描仪

  5. Bar code system used by many electronic cash registers. j. UPC 许多电子收银机使用的条形码系统。j.UPC系统

  6. Records images digitally on a on a disk or its memory b. digital camera 在磁盘或其内存上以数字方式记录图像b.数码相机

  7. The distance between each pixel. c. dot pitch 每个像素之间的距离。c.点间距

  8. A monitor feature that is measured by the diagonal length of the viewing area. a. active-display area 用观察区域的对角线长度测量的监视器功能。a.活动显示区域

  9. Special-purpose printers for creating maps, images, and architectural and engineering drawings. f. plotters 用于创建地图、图像、建筑和工程图纸的专用打印机。f.绘图仪

  10. Another name for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). d. drone 无人机(无人机)的另一个名称。d.无人机

第七章 二级存储


  • Chapter 7 Test(Secondary Storage)

    • Hard disks store and organize files using all the following, except. tracks sectors cylinders paths √

    • 硬盘使用以下所有内容来存储和组织文件,除了。轨道 扇区 气缸 路径√

    • Which of the following is true about an internal hard disk? Fixed amount of storage

    • 以下哪些是针对内部硬盘?固定的存储量

    • Which of the following is not an example of secondary storage? RAM

    • 以下哪一个不是辅助存储的示例?内存内存

    • Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as _. nonvolatile storage

    • 关闭电源后保留数据的存储称为nonvolatile存储

    • The of a secondary storage device indicates how much data the storage medium can hold. capacity

    • 辅助存储设备的数据指示存储介质可以容纳多少数据。 装机容量

    • Which of the following characteristics about RAID is incorrect? one high-capacity hard disk drive

    • 关于RAID的以下哪些特征不正确?一个高容量硬盘驱动器

    • Three ways to improve the performance of a hard disk include__. disk caching RAID, and file compression

    • 提高硬盘性能的三种方法包括 . 磁盘缓存RAID和文件压缩

    • Smartphones use which of these storage technologies? Flash memory card

    • 智能手机使用其中哪些存储技术?闪存卡

    • Solid-state storage devices are different than hard disks in that they . have no moving parts

    • 固态存储设备与硬盘不同,因为它们没有移动部件

    • This allows you to upload and store documents on the Internet. Cloud storage

    • 这允许您在互联网上上传和存储文档。云计算存储器

    • Media are the actual physical material that holds the data and programs. true

    • 介质是保存数据和程序的实际物理材料。真实

    • Secondary storage provides temporary or volatile storage. false

    • 辅助存储提供临时存储或易失性存储。假

    • A smoke particle, fingerprint, dust, or human hair could cause a hard disk head crash. true

    • 烟雾颗粒、指纹、灰尘或人毛发可能会导致硬盘头部碰撞。真实

    • External hard drives are used primarily to complement an internal hard disk. true

    • 外部硬盘驱动器主要用于补充内部硬盘。真实

    • Disk caching uses a combination of hardware and software. true

    • 磁盘缓存使用了硬件和软件的组合。真实

    • RAId connects several inexpensive hard-disk drives to one another. true

    • RAId将几个便宜的硬盘驱动器相互连接。真实

    • In order to access your documents and files that are stored in the cloud you must have an Internet connection. true

    • 为了访问存储在云中的文档和文件,您必须有一个互联网连接。 真实

    • File servers are appropriate devices to use in an enterprise storage system. true

    • 文件服务器是可在企业存储系统中使用的适当设备。真实

    • [Access] speed is the measure of the amount of time required by a storage device to retrieve data and programs.

    • [访问]速度是衡量存储设备检索数据和程序所需的时间量。

    • Disk [caching] improves hard-disk performance by anticipating data needs and reducing time to access data from secondary storage.

    • 磁盘[缓存]通过预测数据需求和减少从辅助存储器访问数据的时间,提高了硬盘性能。

    • File [decompression] expands compressed files.

    • 解压缩文件展开压缩文件

    • USB drives are also known as [flash] drives.

    • USB驱动器也被称为[闪存驱动器]。

    • Due to its expanded storage capability,fast access speed,and high reliability, [RAID] is often used by Internet servers and large organizations.

    • 由于其扩展的存储能力、快速访问速度和高可靠性,[RAID]经常被互联网服务器和大型组织使用。

    • Typically a personal computer uses a(n)[internal] hard disk to store the operating system and software applications.

    • 通常,个人计算机使用(n)[内部]硬盘来存储操作系统和软件应用程序。

    • With [cloud],or online storage,you can access your files from any computer with an Internet connection.

    • 使用[云]或在线存储,您可以从任何具有互联网连接的计算机访问文件。

  • Chapter 7 Online Test(Secondary Storage)

    • On a hard disk each track is divided into invisible wedgeshaped sections called ___. sectors

    • 在硬盘上,每条轨道都被分成看不见的楔形□形部分,称为 . 扇区

    • The hard disk's disk surface is scratched and some or all of the data is destroyed when there is a ___. head crash

    • 硬盘的磁盘表面被刮伤,部分或全部数据在存在a时被销毁 . 头部撞

    • The process of accessing information from secondary storage devices is referred to as ___. reading

    • 从辅助存储设备访问信息的过程被称为 . 读数

    • Which of the following measures the amount of time required by the storage device to retrieve data and programs? Access speed

    • 以下哪项测量存储设备检索数据和程序所需的时间? 访问速度

    • One way to improve the storage capacity of a hard disk is to ___. use file compression

    • 提高硬盘存储容量的一种方法是 . 使用文件压缩

    • This process improves system performance by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between a secondary storage device and the CPU. Disk caching

    • 该过程通过充当辅助存储设备和CPU之间的临时高速保持区域来提高系统性能。 磁盘高速缓存

    • Which of these is not an example of solid state storage? Digital versatile disc

    • 其中哪一个不是固态存储的例子?数字式多功能光盘

    • Optical discs use these to represent data. Pits and lands

    • 光盘使用这些数据来表示数据。矿坑和土地

    • What is it called when servers on the Internet supply applications as a service, rather than a product? Cloud computing

    • 当互联网上的服务器提供服务而不是产品时,它叫什么? 云计算技术

    • Which of these is not a mass storage device? RAID system File server Optical disc √ Organizational cloud storage

    • 其中哪一种不是大容量存储设备? RAID系统 文件服务器 光盘√ 组织性云存储

    • The process of saving information to a secondary storage device is referred to as embedding. false

    • 将信息存储到辅助存储设备的过程称为嵌入。 假

    • Hard disks use tracks, sectors, and cylinders to store and organize files. true

    • 硬盘使用轨迹、扇区和圆柱体来存储和组织文件。真实

    • A hard crash typically occurs on an optical disk when it makes contact with particles on its surface. false

    • 当光盘与其表面的粒子接触时,通常会发生硬碰撞。 假

    • External hard disks use different technology than internal hard disks. false

    • 外部硬盘使用了与内部硬盘不同的技术。假

    • Disk caching improves hard-disk performance by compressing files. false

    • 磁盘缓存通过压缩文件来提高硬盘性能。假

    • File compression is only available on hard disk drives. false

    • 文件压缩仅可在硬盘驱动器上使用。假

    • Mass storage devices are specialized high-capacity secondary storage devices designed to store large amounts of data for an organization. true

    • 大容量存储设备是专门的高容量辅助存储设备,设计用于为组织存储大量数据。 真

    • If you have used Google Docs to create a word processing document, you have used cloud computing. true

    • 如果您已经使用谷歌文档创建了一个文字处理文档,那么您就使用了云计算。 真

    • File [compression] programs scan files for ways to reduce the amount of required storage.

    • 文件[压缩]程序扫描文件,以寻找减少所需存储量的方法。

    • A(n) [head crash] occurs when a read/write head makes contact with the hard disk's surface or with particles on its surface.

    • 当读写磁头与硬盘表面或其表面上的粒子接触时,就会发生磁头碰撞。

    • Tracks are divided into invisible wedge-shaped sections called [sectors] .

    • 轨道被划分为不可见的楔形部分,称为扇区。

    • A good way to share files with others is to use a(n) [cloud] , or online, storage service.

    • 与他人共享文件的一个好方法是使用(n)[云]或联机存储服务。



  1. RAM is sometimes referred to as: primary storage RAM有时被称为:主存储器

  2. The actual physical material that holds the data and programs. capacity 保存数据和程序的实际物理材料。装机容量

  3. Measures how tightly the magnetic charges can be packed next to one another on the disk. density 测量磁荷在磁盘上的紧密程度。密度

  4. When a read-write head makes contact with the hard disk’s surface, it causes a head: crash 当读写磁头与硬盘表面接触时,会导致磁头:崩溃

  5. This hard-disk performance enhancement anticipates data needs. disk caching 这种硬盘性能增强预期了数据需求。磁盘高速缓存

  6. This type of storage uses pits and lands to represent 1s and 0s. optical 这种类型的存储使用坑和土地代表1和0。光学上的

  7. DVD stands for: digital versatile disc DVD代表:数字多功能光盘

  8. USB drives are also known as: flash drives USB驱动器也被称为:闪存驱动器

  9. An organizational strategy to promote efficient and safe use of data across the networks. enterprise storage system 促进跨网络有效和安全使用数据的组织策略。企业级存储系统

  10. Specialized high-capacity secondary storage devices designed to meet organizational demands. mass storage devices 旨在满足组织需求的专用高容量二次存储设备。海量存储设备


  1. Provides permanent or nonvolatile storage. e. secondary storage 提供永久存储器或非易失性存储器。e.辅助存储器

  2. Hardware that reads data and programs from storage media. i. storage devices 从存储介质中读取数据和程序的硬件。i.存储设备

  3. Concentric rings on a hard-disk platter. j. tracks 放在一个硬盘拼盘上的同心圆环。j.轨道

  4. Each track is divided into invisible wedge-shaped sections called _ . f. sectors 每条轨道都被分成看不见的楔形部分,称为_。f.扇区

  5. Increases storage capacity by reducing the amount of space required to store data and programs. b. file compression 通过减少存储数据和程序所需的空间量来增加存储容量。b.文件压缩

  6. Optical disc most common on today’s personal computers. a. DVD 在当今的个人电脑上最常见的光盘。a.DVD

  7. The next generation of optical discs. c. hi-def 下一代的光盘。c.高清音响

  8. Similar to internal hard-disk drives except they use solid-state memory. g. solid-state drives 与内部硬盘驱动器类似,除了它们使用固态内存。g.固态驱动器

  9. Mass storage device widely used for home and small business storage. d. network attached storage 大规模存储设备,广泛用于家庭和小型企业的存储。d.网络连接的存储器

  10. Architecture to link remote storage devices to computers such that the devices are as available as locally attached drives. h. storage area network 将远程存储设备连接到计算机的体系结构,使这些设备与本地连接的驱动器一样可用。h.存储区域网

第八章 通信和网络


  • Chapter 8 Online Test( Communications and Networks)

    • In a communication system, which among the following originate and accept messages in the form of data, information, and/or instructions? Sending and receiving devices

    • 在通信系统中,以下以数据、信息和/或指令的形式产生并接受消息? 收发设备

    • Which physical connection is the fastest? Fiber-optic cable

    • 哪种物理连接速度最快?1、光缆

    • Which among the following is considered a line-of-sight communication medium? Microwave

    • 以下哪一种被认为是视线通信媒介?微波技术

    • Using this type of communications channel, several users can simultaneously use a single connection for high-speed data transfer. Broadband

    • 使用这种类型的通信信道,多个用户可以同时使用单一连接进行高速数据传输。 宽带的

    • ___ is the process of breaking down information sent or transmitted across the Internet into small parts. Packetization

    • 是将通过互联网发送或传输的信息分解成小部分的过程。数据包

    • The ___ is the central node that coordinates the flow of data by sending messages directly between the sender and receiver nodes. switch

    • 是通过在发送节点和接收节点之间直接发送消息来协调数据流的中心节点。开关

    • This device enables connectivity between two LANS or a LAN and a larger network. Network gateway

    • 此设备支持两个LANS或LA网与较大网络之间的连接。网络网关

    • A network topology in which the central node is connected to two or more subordinate nodes that, in turn, are connected to other subordinate nodes. Tree

    • 一种网络拓扑,其中中心节点连接到两个或多个下级节点,这些节点又连接到其他下级节点。树状

    • Organizations use the following to allow suppliers and others limited access to their networks. Extranets

    • 组织使用以下内容来允许供应商和其他公司有限地访问其网络。外联网系统

    • All communications between a company's internal networks and the outside world pass through this server. Proxy

    • 公司内部网络与外部世界之间的所有通信都将通过此服务器。代理机构

    • TCP/IP protocol involves identifying, sending, and receiving devices and breaking information into small parts for transmission across the Internet. true

    • TCP/IP协议包括识别、发送和接收设备,并将信息分解成小部分,以便通过互联网传输。真实

    • Network operating systems (NOS) control and coordinate the activities of all computers and other devices on a network. true

    • 网络操作系统(NOS)控制和协调网络上所有计算机和其他设备的活动。真实

    • The most common standard in LANs is called Ethernet. true

    • 局域网中最常见的标准被称为以太网。真实

    • The client/server network strategy can handle very large networks efficiently. true

    • 客户端/服务器网络策略可以有效地处理非常大的网络。真实

    • In a peer-to-peer network, only the central host computer supplies the resources, the other computers request resources from this host. false

    • 在对等网络中,只有中央主机提供资源,其他计算机会从此主机请求资源。假

    • Intrusion detection systems can recognize signs of a network attack and disable access before an intruder can do damage. true

    • 入侵检测系统可以识别网络攻击的迹象,并在入侵者造成破坏之前禁用访问。真实

    • A network [gateway] is a device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks.

    • 网络[网关]是一种允许一个局域网连接到其他局域网或更大网络的设备。

    • A LAN set up for a household's personal use is called a(n) [home] network.

    • 为家庭个人使用而设置的局域网称为(n)家庭网络。

    • [Wide] area networks are countrywide and worldwide networks.

    • 广域网是在全国范围内和世界范围内的网络。

  • Chapter 8 Test( Communications and Networks)

    • One of the most dramatic changes in connectivity and communications in the pastfew years has been__ . widespread use of mobile devices withwireless Internet connectivity

    • 在牧师的几年里,在连接和沟通方面最具戏剧性的变化之一是。广泛使用具有无线互联网连接性的移动设备

    • In a communication system, which among the following convert messages into packets thatcan travel across the communication channel? Connection devices

    • 在通信系统中,以下哪些可以将消息转换为可以穿过通信信道的数据包?连接设备

    • Microwave communication uses high-frequency _ . radio waves

    • 微波通信使用高频_无线电波.

    • The capacity of a communication channel ismeasured in__ . bandwidth

    • 通信信道的容量以带宽为测量.

    • Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a(n)__ . IP address

    • 互联网上的每台计算机都有一个唯一的数字地址,称为(n)IP地址.

    • The essential features of this include identifying, sending, and receiving devices and breaking information into small parts for transmission across the Internet. TCP/IP

    • 它的基本特征包括识别、发送和接收设备,并将信息分解成小部分以通过互联网传输。TCP/IP

    • In a computer network, this node that requests and uses resources available fromother nodes. Client

    • 在计算机网络中,请求和使用母节点可用资源的此节点。客户

    • A wireless access point that provides Internet access in a public place such as a coffeeshop, library, bookstore, or university. Hotspot

    • 在公共场所如咖啡馆、图书馆、书店或大学的无线接入点。“工作热点”

    • This type of network strategy uses central servers to coordinate and supply services to other nodes on the network. Client/server

    • 这种网络策略使用中央服务器协调网络并向其他节点的网络提供服务。客户端/服务器

    • Remote users can connect to anorganization's network through this type of secure private connection. VPN

    • 远程用户可以通过这种安全的专用连接连接到任何组织的网络。VPN号

    • Fiber-optic cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. true

    • 光纤电缆以光的脉冲通过小玻璃管传输数据。真实

    • Packetization refers to breaking information into small parts. true

    • 打包是指将信息分解成小部分。真实

    • WANs are widely used by organizations to link personal computers and to shareprinters and other resources. false

    • 广域网被组织广泛用于连接个人计算机、共享打印机和其他资源。假

    • Network architecture describes how acomputer network is configured and whattopologies and strategies are employed. true

    • 网络体系结构描述了如何配置宏计算机网络以及使用什么原理和策略。真实

    • With respect to peer-to-peer network, there is an abundant amount of powerful management software that monitors the network activities. false

    • 对于点对点网络,有大量强大的管理软件来监控网络活动。假

    • A firewall is a specialized technology designed to protect an organization's network against external threats. true

    • 防火墙是一种专门用来保护组织的网络免受外部威胁的技术。真实

    • The actual connecting or transmission medium that carries the message in a communication system is called the communication [channel].

    • 在通信系统中传输消息的实际连接或传输介质称为通信[信道]。

    • [Fiber optic] cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass.

    • 光纤电缆以光的脉冲通过小玻璃管传输数据。

    • A ( n ) [local] area network is a network where the nodes are in close physical proximity to each other.

    • (n)局域网是指节点物理接近的网络。



  1. The concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources. connectivity 与使用计算机网络连接人和资源有关的概念。连接性

  2. A high-frequency transmission cable that delivers television signals as well as connects computers in a network. coaxial 一种提供电视信号并在网络中连接计算机的高频传输电缆。同轴式的

  3. A short-range radio communication standard that transmits data over short distances of up to approximately 33 feet. Bluetooth 一种短程无线电通信标准,通过大约33英尺的短距离传输数据。蓝牙技术

  4. The speed with which a modem transmits data is called its: transfer rate 调制解调器传输数据的速度被称为:传输速率

  5. The bandwidth typically used for DSL, cable, and satellite connections to the Internet. broadband 通常用于DSL、电缆和卫星连接到互联网的带宽。宽带技术

  6. Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a(n): IP address 互联网上的每台计算机都有一个唯一的数字地址,称为a(n):IP地址

  7. Sometimes referred to as a LAN adapter, these expansion cards connect a computer to a network. NIC 这些扩展卡有时被称为局域网适配器,它将计算机连接到网络上。网克

  8. A device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks. network gateway 一种允许一个局域网连接到其他局域网或更大型网络的设备。网络网关

  9. Typically using Wi-Fi technology, these wireless access points are available from public places such as coffee shops, libraries, bookstores, colleges, and universities. hotspots 这些无线接入点通常使用Wi-Fi技术,这些无线接入点可以从公共场所,如咖啡馆、图书馆、书店、学院和大学获得。研究热点地区

  10. Bus, ring, star, tree, and mesh are five types of network: topologies 总线、环形、星形、树形和网格是五种类型的网络:拓扑结构


  1. Type of network topology in which each device is connected to a common cable called a backbone. b. bus 网络拓扑的类型。b.总线

  2. A widely used Internet protocol. i. TCP/IP 一种广泛使用的互联网协议TCP/IP。

  3. Uses high-frequency radio waves. d. microwave 使用高频无线电波。d.微波技术

  4. Signals that are continuous electronic waves. a. analog 作为连续电子波的信号。a.模拟设备

  5. Rules for exchanging data between computers. h. protocols 在计算机之间交换数据的规则。h.协议

  6. Any device that is connected to a network. f. node 已连接到网络的任何设备。f.节点

  7. A computer specialist responsible for efficient network operations and implementation of new networks. e. network administrator 负责高效的网络操作和实施新网络的计算机专家。e.网络管理员

  8. This network, also known as a hierarchical network, is often used to share corporatewide data. j. tree 这个网络,也被称为层次网络,通常用于共享公司范围内的数据。j.目录树

  9. In this network, nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. g. peer-to-peer 在这个网络中,节点具有同等的权限,并且可以同时充当客户端和服务器。g.对等的

  10. Work with firewalls to protect an organization’s network. c. intrusion detection systems 使用防火墙来保护组织的网络。c.入侵检测系统

第九章 隐私、安全和道德


  1. The three primary privacy issues are accuracy, property, and: Access 三个主要的隐私问题是准确性、属性和:访问

  2. Highly detailed and personalized descriptions of individuals are electronic: profiles 高度详细和个性化的个人描述是电子化的:配置文件

  3. Browsers store the locations of sites visited in a: history file 浏览器存储在a中访问的站点的位置:a.历史记录文件

  4. The browser mode that ensures your browsing activity is not recorded. privacy 确保不记录浏览活动的浏览器模式。隐私权

  5. The information that people voluntarily post in social networking sites, blogs, and photo- and video-sharing sites is used to create their: online identity 人们自愿在社交网站、博客、照片和视频分享网站上发布的信息被用来创建他们的:在线身份

  6. Computer criminals who create and distribute malicious programs. crackers 创建和分发恶意程序的计算机罪犯b.Cracker是以破解各种加密或有限制的商业软件为乐趣的人

  7. Programs that come into a computer system disguised as something else are called: Trojan horses 伪装成其他东西进入计算机系统的程序被称为:a.特洛伊木马

  8. The use of the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post content intended to hurt or embarrass another person is known as: cyberbullying 使用互联网、手机或其他设备发送或发布旨在伤害他人或使他人难堪的内容,被称为:a.网络欺凌

  9. Special hardware and software used to control access to a corporation’s private network is known as a(n): firewall 用于控制对公司私有网络的访问的特殊硬件和软件称为(n):c.防火墙

  10. To prevent copyright violations, corporations often use: DRM 为了防止侵犯版权,公司经常使用:b.DRM


  1. Privacy concern that relates to the responsibility to ensure correct data collection. a. accuracy 与确保正确收集责任相关的隐私问题。a.精度

  2. Individuals who collect and sell personal data. e. information brokers 收集和销售个人数据的个人。e.信息经纪人

  3. Small data files deposited on your hard disk from websites you have visited. c. cookies 从访问的网站存在硬盘上的小数据文件。c.痕迹

  4. Wide range of programs that secretly record and report an individual’s activities on the Internet. i. spyware 在互联网上秘密记录和报告个人活动的各种程序。i.间谍软件

  5. Malicious programs that damage or disrupt a com puter system. f. malware 破坏计算机系统的恶意程序。f.恶意软件

  6. Infected computers that can be remotely controlled. j. zombies 可以被远程控制的被感染的计算机。j.僵尸

  7. Used by scammers to trick Internet users with official-looking websites. g. phishing 被骗子用来用官方外观的网站欺骗互联网用户。g.网络钓鱼服务

  8. A type of scanning device such as fingerprint and iris (eye) scanner. b. biometric 一种扫描装置,如指纹和虹膜(眼)扫描仪。b.生物特征学特征

  9. Process of coding information to make it unread able except to those who have a key. d. encryption 编码信息的过程,使它能够不读取,除了那些有一个密钥。d.加密

  10. An ethical issue relating to using another person’s work and ideas as your own without giving credit to the original source. h. plagiarism 关于将他人的工作和想法作为你自己的而不相信原始来源的伦理问题。h.剽窃

第10章 信息系统


  1. Which of the basic organizational functions records all financial activity from billing customers to paying employees? a. accounting 哪些基本组织职能记录了从计费客户到付费员工的所有财务活动?a.会计核算

  2. What managerial level has information flow that is vertical, horizontal, and external? a. top 什么管理级别具有垂直、水平和外部的信息流?a.顶部

  3. Which computer-based information system uses data from TPS and analytical tools to support middle managers? c. DSS 哪种基于计算机的信息系统使用来自TPS的数据和分析工具来支持中间管理人员?a.经验

  4. Accounts payable refers to money the company owes its suppliers for materials and services it has: d. received 应付账款是指公司欠其供应商的材料和服务的款项:d.已收到的信息

  5. What accounting activity keeps track of all summaries of all transactions? b. general ledger 哪些会计活动可记录所有交易的所有摘要?b.总账

  6. What accounting statement lists the overall financial condition of an organization? a. balance sheet 哪些会计报表列出了一个组织的总体财务状况?a.资产负债表

  7. What type of report is produced at regular intervals? d. periodic 定期生产什么类型的报告?d.周期性的

  8. A DSS consists of four parts: user, system software, decision models, and: b. data DSS由四个部分组成:用户、系统软件、决策模型和:b.数据

  9. What type of worker is involved with the distribution, communication, and creation of information? c. information 什么类型的员工参与了信息的分发、通信和创建?c.相关信息

  10. What type of program is designed to schedule, plan, and control project resources? c. project managers 计划、计划和控制项目资源?c.项目经理


  1. Function that plans, prices, promotes, sells, and dis tributes the organization’s goods and services. c. marketing 计划、价格、促进、销售和分发贡献组织商品和服务的功能。c.市场营销活动

  2. Managerial level where information flow is vertical and horizontal. d. middle 信息流,垂直和水平的管理水平。d.中间的

  3. Computer-based information system that uses data from TPS to support middle-level managers. e. MIS 基于计算机的信息系统,使用来自TPS的数据来支持中层管理器。e.管理系统

  4. The accounting activity that records the customer requests for the company’s products or services is sales order _. g. processing 记录客户对公司产品或服务的请求的会计活动是销售订单_。g.处理过程

  5. The accounting activity concerned with calculating employee paychecks. f. payroll 与计算员工工资单有关的会计活动。f.工资单

  6. MIS produces this type of report. h. standardized MIS将生成这类报告。h.标准化版

  7. A type of report that calls attention to unusual events. b. exception 一种能引起人们注意的不寻常事件的报告。b.异常

  8. Type of software that works behind the scenes to handle detailed operating procedures. i. system 在幕后工作以处理详细操作程序的软件的类型。i.自动控制系统

  9. Type of worker who is involved with the distribu tion and communication of information. a. data 参与部门□和信息交流的工人类型。a.数据

  10. Computer system that allows people located at vari ous geographic locations to communicate and have in-person meetings. j. videoconferencing 计算机系统,允许位于不同地理位置的人们进行面对面会议的交流。j.视频会议

第11章 数据库


  1. Facts or observations about people, places, things, and events are: a. data 关于人、地方、事物和事件的事实或观察是:a.数据

  2. The most basic logical data element such as a single letter, number, or special character is known as a(n): a. character 最基本的逻辑数据元素,如单个字母、数字或特殊字符,称为(n):a.字符

  3. Each record in a database has at least one distinctive field, called the: a. key field 数据库中的每个记录都至少有一个独特的字段,称为:a.关键字字段

  4. One element of database security is to provide only authorized users with: c. passwords 数据库安全的一个要素是仅向授权用户提供:c.密码

  5. The bridge between the logical and physical views of the data is provided by: a. DBMS 数据的逻辑视图和物理视图之间的桥梁由:a.数字数据库

  6. Highly trained computer specialists who interact with the data administration subsys tem are known as: c. database administrators 与数据管理子系统交互的训练有素的计算机专家被称为:c.数据库管理员

  7. In a network database, each child node may have more than one parent node; this is known as a: b. many-to-many relationship 在网络数据库中,每个子节点可以有多个父节点,这称为:b.多对多的关系

  8. Connections between parent nodes and child nodes are provided by: d. pointers 父节点和子节点之间的连接由:d.指针

  9. Two of the most significant advantages of multidimensional databases over relational databases are processing speed and: a. conceptualization 多维数据库比关系数据库更最显著的两个优点是处理速度和:a.概念化的概念

  10. Object-oriented databases organize data by classes, attributes, methods, and: a. objects 面向对象的数据库按类、属性、方法和以下方式组织数据:a.对象


  1. View that focuses on the actual format and location of the data. f. physical 重点关注数据的实际格式和位置的视图。f.物理的

  2. Group of related characters. d. field 一组相关字符。d.字段

  3. Type of processing in which data is collected over several hours, days, or even weeks and then pro cessed all at once. b. batch 在数小时、几天甚至数周收集数据然后一次处理□的处理类型。b.批次

  4. A data problem that often occurs when individual departments create and maintain their own data. g. redundancy 当各个部门创建和维护自己的数据时,经常发生的一种数据问题。g.冗余度

  5. Another name for a data dictionary. i. schema 数据字典的另一个名称。i.模式

  6. Type of database structure where fields or records are structured in nodes that are connected like the branches of an upside-down tree. e. hierarchical 数据库结构的类型,其中字段或记录的节点,如倒置树的分支。e.层次结构

  7. Type of database structure where the data elements are stored in different tables. h. relational 将数据元素存储在不同表中的数据库结构的类型。h.是关系型的

  8. Two of the most significant advantages of multi dimensional databases are conceptualization and processing _. j. speed 多维数据库的两个最显著的优点是概念化和处理_。j.速度

  9. Object-oriented databases organize data by classes, objects, methods, and _. a. attributes 面向对象的数据库按类、对象、方法和_来组织数据。a.属性

  10. Type of database that uses communication networks to link data stored in different locations. c. distributed 使用通信网络链接存储在不同位置的数据的数据库类型。c.已分布的

第12章 系统分析与设计


  1. An information system is a collection of hardware, software, people, procedures, the Internet, and: a. data 信息系统是一个包含硬件、软件、人员、程序、互联网等方面的集合:a.数据

  2. What is the first phase in the systems life cycle? b. preliminary investigation 系统生命周期中的第一阶段是什么?b.初步调查

  3. Which phase involves installing the new system and training people? d. systems implementation 哪个阶段包括安装新系统和培训人员?d.系统的实现

  4. This phase is concerned about determining system requirements not with design. b. systems analysis 本阶段涉及确定系统需求,而不是涉及设计。b.系统分析

  5. Which systems analysis tool shows the relationship between input and output documents? c. grid chart 哪些系统分析工具显示了输入文档和输出文档之间的关系?c.网格图

  6. These tools relieve the systems analysts of many repetitive tasks, develop clear docu mentation, and, for larger projects, coordinate team member activities. b. CASE 这些工具减轻了系统分析人员的许多重复性任务,开发清晰的文档增强,并且,对于更大的项目,协调团队成员的活动。b.案例

  7. Which phase is concerned with economic, technical, and operational feasibility? c. systems design 哪个阶段涉及经济、技术和运营可行性?c.系统设计

  8. What type of feasibility evaluates whether the people within the organization will embrace or resist a new system? c. operational 什么类型的可行性可以评估组织内的人员是否会接受或抵制一个新系统?c.的可操作性信息

  9. Which approach to conversion begins by trying out a new system in only one part of an organization? b. pilot 哪种转换方法从仅在组织的一部分中尝试一个新系统开始?b.试点项目

  10. An alternative to the systems life cycle approach using powerful development software, small specialized teams, and highly trained personnel. d. RAD 使用强大的开发软件、小型专业团队和训练有素的人员的系统生命周期方法的替代方法。d.雷达


  1. Systems analysis and design is a six-phase problem solving procedure for examining and improving an information _. h. system 系统分析和设计是一个六个阶段的问题□解决过程,用于检查和改进信息_。h.系统

  2. Systems life cycle phase that studies the present system in depth. a. analysis 系统的生命周期阶段,深入研究目前的系统。a.分析

  3. Systems analysis involves suggesting alternative _. g. solutions 系统分析包括建议替代的_。g.解决方案

  4. The last and ongoing phase of the systems life cycle is systems _. e. maintenance 系统生命周期的最后一个和正在进行的阶段是系统_。e.的维护

  5. The document that shows the levels of management and formal lines of authority is an _. j. organization char 显示管理级别和正式权限线的文档是一个_。j.组织字符

  6. This phase begins with designing alternative systems. i. systems design 该阶段从设计替代系统开始。i.系统设计

  7. Another name for systems implementation. b. conversion 系统实现的另一个名称。b.转换

  8. The phase in which the old system is replaced and training begins. d. implementation 更换旧系统和开始培训的阶段。d.实现

  9. The four approaches to conversion are parallel, pilot, phased, and _. c. direct 这四种转换方法是并行的、试点的、分阶段的和_的。c.直接处理

  10. The approach in which the new system is implemented gradually over a period of time. f. phased 新系统在一段时间内逐步实施的方法。f.是分阶段进行的

by 7c
