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saoqiang 2020-03-27 22:38 原文

Lesson 1&2

  1. 发音:th 和 v 的发音,字母 A-F 的自然拼读发音;
  2. 课文:打扰别人时用的口语句型;
  3. 语法:一般疑问句


Excuse 原谅
    Excuse me.
        A. 对不起,打扰;
        B. 借过,让一让;
        C. 失陪, 先走;
        D. 麻烦再说一遍。     

me 我(宾格)
	扩展 为什么英文会有主格和宾格之分?
    因为 简单句的常用句型结构:主+ 谓+ 宾

it 它
    You love me.  你爱我。
    it is book    它是书
him 他
	 I love him.  我爱他。
	it is book    它是书
    this is book: 这本书
yes  是的
	扩展 yes? 什么事?

is be动词
	is,am,are    be动词
this : 这
    this is student: 这位学生
your :你的
    your friend: 你的朋友
handbag : 手提包
    your handbag 你的手提包
    this is my handbag 这是我的手提包
    Is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗?
hand: 手 
pardon  原谅,再说一遍

it  :它  可代替物体、时间、天气
    It is a handbag. 它是个手提包。
    It is 2:00. 现在是两点。
    It is sunny today.今天天气晴朗。
sunny 阳光灿烂的

sun 太阳

today 今天

thank you: 谢谢你
	Thanks a lot ! 非常感谢你
very  much: 非常地
    love you very much. 我非常地爱你
    Thank you very much. 我非常地感谢你
very much 非常的

very 非常

much 许多
主格 宾格 意思
I me
you you
she her
he him
it it


1. Excuse me.
    1. 对不起,打扰了;
    2. 借过一下,让一让;
    3. 失陪了;
	4. 麻烦再说一遍。
2. Yes? 什么事?
3. Is this your handbag?  这是你的手提包吗?
4.  以下3句都可以表示 没听到在说一遍?
	say it again  在说一遍?

陈述句 变 一般疑问句

构成:be 动词置于句前
be—— is,am,are

This is your name.  这是你的名字。
Is this your friend?这是你的朋友吗? 
Is he a teacher? 他是老师吗?
a new book 一本新书  
l love you very much 我非常爱你
	类推 Thank you very much.非常感谢你


pen : 钢笔
    is this your pen 这是你是钢笔吗
pencil : 铅笔
    this is my pecil 这是我的铅笔
felt pen 水彩笔
	is this your felt pen

felt 毛

book : 书
    a good book 一本好书
    a new book 一遍新书
watch  :手表
	a new watch 新手表
Swatch 瑞士手表 一个品牌

coat  :外套
dress  : 连衣裙 衣服
skirt  :短裙
shirt  : 衬衫
	a white shirt, 一件白色的衬衫
car  : 小车
    bus: 公共汽车
    coach: 长途客车
house : 大房子
flat 公寓楼:


自然拼音 a-f

A /æ/ 唉  hand
B /b/ 波 bag
C /k//s/  
    c+ e, i, y时,读/s/斯
    c+ 其他字母时,读/k/ 可 
    cat, city, cellphone, cyber name 

D /d/ 的    dig         
E /e/  哎   egg
F / f/  辅  fat


Excuse me! 打扰了
Thank you very much.非常感谢你

This is your name.  这是你的名字。
Is this your friend?这是你的朋友吗? 
Is he a teacher? 他是老师吗?
Is this your handbag? 这个是你的手提包吗?
Are you from Japan﹖你是从日本来的吗?
Is this your English book?这是你的英语书?
Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗
Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗
are These cats  crying. 这些猫在哭吗?
Is it rainy today? 它是下雨天?
Can Tom's father play the piano?  汤姆的父亲会弹钢琴吗?
Do you like English? 你喜欢英语?
Is Anna s father a doctor? 安娜的父亲是医生吗?
Can she dance? 她会跳舞吗?
Are those your books? 那些是你的书吗?
can They swim. 它们会游泳吗?
Do you like red 你喜欢红色吗
is this your umbrella? 这是你的伞吗
Is this your pen?
Is this your pencil?
Is this your book?
Is this your watch?
Is this your coat?
Is this your dress?
Is this your skirt?
Is this your shirt?
Is this your car?
Is this your house?

Lesson 3-4

  1. 语音:英式和美式发音的异同;
  2. 课文:衣帽存放处取东西的场境
  3. 法语:否定句


umbrella n.雨伞
	this is my umbrella 这是我的雨伞
	this is not my umbrella 这不是我的雨伞

sunshade 遮阳伞

sun 太阳

shade 阴影

please   请  语气词

invite  邀请

here  adv.这里 副词
	Here is my ticket 这里,是我的票。
there 在那里

where 哪里?

my 我的 

ticket n.票
    a train ticket:  一张火车票
    a movie ticket:	 一张电影票
movie  电影

train 火车
number  n.号码, 数字
	What is the number?  这是几? 

the 冠词

What 什么?

five 五

sorry 对不起

Sir 先生

cloakroom  n.衣帽存放处,衣帽间
	a cloakroom ticket 衣帽寄存号码牌

cloak 斗篷

room 房间


My coat and my umbrella, please.
n. + please
    A roast duck, please.
    roast duck 烤鸭
    This shirt, please.
    Your ID card, please.
    Tickets  please.
    Tickets 入场票

Here is my ticket.  这里,是我的票。 (Here前面在前面起强调方式)
	My ticket is here.我的票在这里。
Here's your umbrella and your coat.
这里是你的雨伞和外套。  (为什么用is单数而不是are复数,  因为 正常句子正常考虑 不正常就是is)

Your umbrella and your coat are here 你的雨伞和外套在这里。


构成: is not/ am not/ are not 在b动词后面加not
This is my name. 这是我的名字。
This is not my name.这不是我的名字。
This is not my car, 这不是我的车:  
I am not a teacher. 我不是老师:
They are not my books.它们不是我的书: 

is not= isn't
am not= 'm not
are not= aren't


this is not my nmbrella. 这不是我的伞
sorry.sir. 对不起先生
Answer these questions. 回答这些问题
Example: 列子
No,It isn't my umbrella. 不 它不是我的伞
No. It isn't my pen.
No. It isn't my pencil. 
No. It isn't my book. 
No. It isn't my watch.
No. It isn't my coat. 
No. It isn't my dress. 
No. It isn't my skirt.
No. It isn't my shirt.
No. It isn't my car.
No. It isn't my house. 


suit  一套衣服

school  学校

primary school  小学  

primary 初级的

middle school 初中

secondary school  初中

middle 中间的

secondary 第二的
high school  高中: 

high 高的
university  大学

teachern. 老师

Mr. Wang/ Miss Wang 王老师:

son n.儿子

daughter n. 女儿

Is this your..?这是你的..吗?

    No, it isn't.  不是我的

    Yes, he is.  是 他是


	I am a student我是一一个学生。
	Hi. This is my friend.你好,这是我的朋友。
	Sam \ Lily\ Venus\ Bush
	Chinal Chinese\ Beijing\ Paris
    Mr. Lee李先生
    Miss Lee李小姐
    Mrs. Lee李太太


  1. 拼读;
  2. 课文:初次见面的问候和介铝;
  3. 语法:冠词


Mr.  : 先生
Miss  未婚女性
Mrs.  已婚女性
    注意 与中文不同
    王先生: Mr. Wang 
    李叔叔: Uncle Li
    芙蓉姐姐: Sister Furong
good [gʊd] :好
morning :早晨
	Good morning. 早上好
new  :新的
	old: 旧的
student ['stjuːd(ə)nt] : 学生
s+ 清辅音,读作浊辅音,比如:
    sport /p/ /b/
    star /t/ /d/
    skirt /k/ /g/
nice : 美好的
    bike kite fine…
    take name bate…
    nose hope…
    cute tube…
    i-e a-e o-e…
7. meet  : 遇见
	meet you\ him\ her…
too  : 也 (肯定、疑问句末)
	I love you, too.
	Do you love me, too?
9. France  : 法国
French  : 法国人、法语、法国的
	I am in France. 我在法国。
	I can speak French. 我会说法语。
Germany  : 德国
	German  : 德国人、德语、德国的
    This car is from Germany. 这辆车来自于德国。
    This is a German car. 这是一辆德国车。
Japan  : 日本
    Japanese : 日本人、日语、日本的
    I am in Japan. 我在日本。
    This is a Japanese dress. 这是日本的服饰。
Korea  : 韩国
	Korean  : 韩国人、韩语、韩国的
China  : 中国
	Chinese  : 中国人、中文、中国的


情景 班级 互相不认识

Good morning. 早上好。
    下午见面打招呼:Good afternoon.
    晚上见面打招呼: Good evening.
    晚上道别时: Good night.
2. 介绍
This is_________.
This is my resume. 这是我的简历。
she is----姓名国籍职业

3. Nice to meet you. 
Great to meet you.
Great to see you.
It’s nice to meet you.
It’s great to see you.

4. 详细介绍
She is_________.
He is__________.


概念:戴在名词头上的帽子, 注意没有特殊情况不能摘帽子。

a an the 冠词共3个

意思:a\an 一个、一间、一台、一……
the 这,那,这些,那些
    the student 这\那个学生
    the students 这\那些学生

定冠词 the —— 确定的、知道的
不定冠词 a\an —— 不确定的、不知道的
    There is a monk. 那有一个和尚。
    The monk is Jack. 那个和尚叫 Jack.
a\an 的区别
an+ 元音发音开头的单词,其余用 a
    an egg 
    an orange
    an hour
戴在名词头上的帽子, 没有特殊情况不能摘帽子。
I am from China.
I like Beijing.
She is Japanese.


1. make [meɪk] : 牌子
What make is ____?
What make is your car?
What make is your hat?
2. Sweden ['swidən] : 瑞典
Swedish ['swi:dɪʃ] : 瑞典人、瑞典的
3. England [ˈɪŋɡlənd] : 英格兰
English ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ] : 英国人、英语、英国的
4. America [ə'merɪkə] : 美国
American [əˈmerɪkən] : 美国人、美国的
the United States of America
I am in America. 
I can speak American English.
5. Italy ['ɪtəlɪ] : 意大利
Italian [ɪˈtælɪən] : 意大利人、意大利语、意大利的
I am in Italy. 我在意大利。

He can speak Italian. 他会说意大利语。


Lesson 6 课程6
Alice is a student. 爱丽丝是一个学生。
She isn't German.  她不是德国人。
She is French. 她是法国人。
This is her car. 这是她的车。
It is a French car.这是一辆法国车。
Is she a German student or Japanese student?她是德国学生还是日本学生?

Lesson 7-8

  1. 发音:P-R 自然拼读;
  2. 课文:询问工作的口语句型;
  3. 语法:人称代词和 be 动词的搭配。


i 我  主格
me 我 宾格

am  be动词现在时第一人称单数
are be动词现在时时负数
is 第3人称
	我用am  he搭配is
	who are you
	what color is your car
单数is 复数 are
name 名字

what 什么

nationality  国籍
	a good job 好工作
keyboard 电脑键盘

operator 操作人员
	diector 导演
engineer 工程师
	teacher 老师


l am a new student

my name is PengZhiqiang

are you japanese

i am chain

what nationality are you
	what is you nationlity 
l am Chinese

what is your job

l am a teacher
l here on job l am a student


2.特殊疑问句  一般在最前面
什么?谁?谁的?哪儿?哪个?...  由这些特殊疑问词What...

    What is your nationality?你的国籍是什么?
    What is your car number?你的车牌号是什么?
    What is your E-mail?你的邮箱是?
    What is your Wechat?你的微信是?
    My Wechat is 1 Tophuona3...



Written exercises 书面练习
A Complete these sentences using am or is.完成以下句于,用am或is填空。
My name is Xiaohui. I am Chinese.
Write questions and answers using his, her, she, a or an.
模仿例句写出相应的疑问句,并回答。选用 his, her, he, she, a或an等词。
What's her job?你的工作是什么
Is she a keyboard operator?她是键盘操作员吗?
Yes, she is. 是的她是

What is it / this / that? is an eraser. 它是橡皮吗
What are they ( 物)/ these / those ?它们是什么
They are foxes. 它们是狐狸
What is between the buildings?	大楼之间是什么?
There are some trees. 有一些树。
What's this in English?	 这是什么英语
It's an orange. 这是一个橙子

What is your name	?	My name is Amy .

What are you?	I ’ m a teacher.
What is he?		He’ s a doctor. 
What are they(人)?	They are students.

What is your favorite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么?
I like watermelon.我喜欢西瓜
My favorite fruit is watermelon我最喜欢的水果是西瓜
Which fruit is your like best? 你最喜欢哪种水果?
I like watermelon best 我最喜欢西瓜
What is your favorite color?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?
I like pink and blue.我喜欢粉红色和蓝色。
What is your favorite sport?	 你最喜欢的运动是什么?	
I like play basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。
What is Amy	’ s telephone number?艾米的电话号码是多少?
What is (What’s) the date today? 今天是几号
It is January 1st today.今天是一月一日。
What is the weather like (in winter) (in Beijing)?冬天天气怎么样?/北京的天气这么样
It is cold and windy .天气寒冷多风。
What is she like? 她是什么样子
She is tall and thin.她又高又瘦。
She is like her mother.她像她的妈妈。
What is ten plus seven?十加七等于几?
It is seventeen 。是十七。
What day is today 今天星期几
What day is it tomorrow?明天星期几
It’s Monday 今天星期一
What time is it? 几点了?
It is 8:00.	(eight. )(8:00. )(8 o ’ clock).
What color is your shirt? 你的衬衫是什么颜色的
It is pink.它是粉红色的。
What class  are you in?  你在哪一班?
What  grade are you in? 你在几年级?
We are in class two 我们在二班
We are in grade three.我们在三年级。
What can you do at home? 你在家能做什么?
I can sweep the floor.我能扫地
I can wash the clothes.我会洗衣服。
What can you see on the desk?你能在桌子上看到什么?
I can see some erasers. 我能看到一些橡皮。


policeman 警察
	police 警方
	police car 警车

3. taxi driver: 出租车司机
 的士: cab
4. airhostess ['ɛəhəustis] : 空姐
 air: 空气\ 航空 
 airline 航线\ 航空公司
host: 主人
 host 主人, hostess 女主人
 waiter 男服务员, waitress 女服务员
 actor 演员, actress 女演员
 tiger 老虎, tigress 母老虎
5. postman ['pəʊs(t)mən] : 邮递员
 post 邮政
6. nurse [nɜːs] : 护士
7. mechanic [mɪ'kænɪk]:机械师
8. hairdresser ['heədresə(r)] : 理发师

9. housewife['haʊswaɪf] : 家庭主妇
 house 房子
 wife 妻子
10. milkman ['mɪlkmən] : 送牛奶的人
 man: 表示人的后缀


  1. 发音:S-U 自然拼读;
  2. 课文:日常打招呼的用语;
  3. 语法:特殊疑问词 how。


hello 你好

how : 如何,怎样
	How are you?

today  :今天

tonight: 今晚

well  :身体好

fine :状况良好

thanks  : 感谢
    Thanks a lot. 多谢。
    Thank you very much.

good-bye ['gud'bai] : 再见

see : 看见
	See you. 回见。


How are you today?

How are you doing today?

How are you? 的回应:
    Fine. Thank you, and you?
    Great. Wonderful!
    Not bad.
    Very bad. \Terrible. 

How are you? 句型替换
     How ___is___ your uncle?
     How ___is___ Lucy?
     How ___are___ your father and mother?


    ① 意思:如何,怎样
    ② 口语句型:How are you?
How to +动词?
	How to open/use/do it?


Mr. Blake isn't a student. He's a teacher.布莱克先生不是学生。他是一个老师。
Look at that man. He's very fat.看那个人。他很胖。
Look at that woman. She's very thin.看看那个女人。她很瘦。

How are your parents? 你父母身体好吗?
How are things in your father’s factory? 你爸爸厂里的情况怎么样?
2.问天气状况。用于询问动作执行的方式、手段等,译为	“怎样”。
How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?
How do you usually go to school? 你通常怎样去上学。
On foot. 步行。
How can I carry the box upstairs? 我怎样才能把这箱子搬到楼上呢? 4.询问程度。 
How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样? 
二、 与其它形容词或副词搭配使用
How often	多久一次,	做事的频率
How long	多长时间	做某事持续了多长时间
How soon 多久以后 只用于将来时
How far	多远 询问距离和路程
How many 多少 用以询问可数名词的量
How much 多少 用以询问不可数名词的量
How old	多大 询问年龄
How tall 多高 询问某人 /物 的高度
How heavy 多重 询问某人 /物的重量
How about	怎么样 询问对方的意见
How heavy is the big box?这个大箱子有多重?
How long is the bridge? 这座桥有多长?
How often do you go to the movie? 你多久去看一次电影?
Once a month.一个月一次。
How far is the nearest post office?最近的邮局有多远?
It is three kilometers. It is thirty minutes’walk.它是三公里。走路要三十分钟。
(一) how many 和 how much 的区别
how many 用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是	: How many +复数名词 +一般疑问句+ ? 
how much 用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。
2.how many	的用法
(1)对 there be 句型中主语的数量如 : some, five, only one	等提问时 , 如果主语是可数名词 , 不管主语是单数还是复数一般都用复数形式提问, 因为问话人不知道具体的数量是多少	, 而且 many 只能接可数名词复数形式 , 所以 be 一定要用 are . 即用 How many+ 可数名词复数 +are there +地点/ 时间状语 ?的句型结构 . 例如:
here is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。
How many books are there on the desk?桌子上有几本书?
There are seven days in a week.一周有七天。
How many days are there in a week? 一周有几天?
(2) 口诀记忆
how many在句首, 名词复数跟着走 , 一般问句紧相随 , 其它成分不要丢 .
3.how much	的用法
How much milk is there in the glass	?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?
How much does the pig weigh?	这头猪多重?
Eighty kilos. 八十公斤。
(3)how much	意为“多少钱”时,可单独使用,也可构成词组	how much money	,但英语中常省略 money ,用来询问某物的价钱、价格。(注意:	how much询问价格时,它的回答若是中国的货币单位应采用汉语拼音	yuan,fen 来表示,几角常采用几十分来表示,字母用小写,且不用复数。例如:
How much is the eraser	?这块橡皮擦多少钱?
Ninety two fen . 九角二分。(4)用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于	what。例如:
How much is three plus one?	三加一等于多少?
It's four. 等于四。
三、how long,how often,how soon	的区别
1、how long
how long 有以下两个主要意思:
1.表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间	(如 three days, four weeks 等)提问。如:
How long did he stay here? 他在这儿呆了多久 ?
B:About two weeks. 大约两个星期。
How long does it take to get to London from here?从这里到伦敦要多长时间 ?
At least ten hours. 至少要 10 个小时。
How long is the river?	这条河有多长?
About 500 km.	大约 500 千米。
2、how often指每隔多久, 主要用来对频度副词或状语	(如:once a week, three times a month等)提问。如:
How often does he come here?他(每隔)多久来一次 ?
Once a month. 每月一次。
How often do you visit your mother? 你多长时间看你妈妈一次	?
Once a week. 一周一次。
how soon 指再过多久, 主要用来对表示将来的一段时间	(如:in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问。如
How soon will he be back? 他要多久才回来 ?
In an hour. 1 小时以后。
How soon shall we know the results? 我们多久能知道结果 ?
I don’ t know我. 不知道。
四、how heavy,how tal,how far,How old 的辨析询问物体的重量时用how heavy。如:
How heavy is the fish	?这条鱼多重?
It's 5 kilos	.5 公斤。
询问人或物的高度时用	how tall	。如:
How tall is the tree	?那棵树多高?
More than 5 metres	. 5 米多。
how far 表示“多远”对距离的提问,如:
How far is your home from school?	你家离学校有多远?
My house is three miles from school.我家里学校有三英里
How old 问年龄。如:
How old are you	?你多大了?

how about	是英语口语中常用词。一般用于以下几个方面
How about going out for a walk?	出去散散步好吗?
How about the playing the violin?(你认为)她的小提琴拉的怎么样?
How about your uncle now? 你叔叔现在怎么样了?
You can’t leave him by himse 你们不能单独让他生活。
I am from Beijing. How about you?	我是北京人,你呢?
My memory is good. I	ve’never forgotten anything.
五、How 可以用来对形容词、副词强调构成感叹句。
how	引导的感叹句结构有:
1.How +	形容词 +主语 + 谓语!
How beautiful the flowers are!	这些花是多么美丽呀!
How beautiful the flowers in the parks are!	公园里的那些花多美啊!

2.How +	副 词 + 主语	+ 谓语!
How heavily it is raining!	雨下得是多么大呀!
注意以 how 开头的感叹句与以how 开头的特殊疑问句的语序和句末符号是不同的。感叹句主谓不倒装,句末是感叹号,而特殊疑问句主谓要倒装,且句末为问号。试比较:
How far is the factory from here? 车站离这儿有多远?(疑问)
How far the factory is from here! 车站离这儿多远啊!	(感叹)


fat[f?t]: 胖的 adj.
	a little heavy

woman ['w?m?n] : n.女人

lady['le?d?] 女士
    an old woman
    an old lady

thin [θ?n] : adj. 瘦的

slim [sl?m] 苗条的
	You are so slim. 你好苗条啊!

tall : adj. 高的(人、树、建筑物)
	He is very tall.他个子很高。
	tall buildings 高楼大厦
	a tall tree 参天大树

dirty : adj.脏的

clean : adj.干净的
	Nice and clean. 干干净净。

hot : adj.热的
	It is hot today. 今天天气很热。
	The girl is very hot. 那女孩性感。
	…is hot now. …现在很火。

cold [k??ld] : adj. 冷的,冷漠的
    It is very cold today. 今天天气很冷。
    I have a cold welcome. 我受到了冷遇。

old [??ld] :adj. 老的、旧的
    It is an old story. 这是一个古老的故事。
    That is my old book. 那是我的旧书。

young [j??] : adj. 年轻的
	He is a young man. 他是个年轻人。

busy : adj. 忙碌的
	It is a busy day. 真是忙碌的一天。
	He is very busy . 他特别的忙。

lazy['le?z?] : adj. 懒惰的

meet you\him\her…
look at me\him\her…
Look at that man. 
He is very busy.
I see him in the street. 我在街上看见他了。


Ss /s/ sad, sit, solid, set

Tt /t/ ten, tap, tip, top

Uu/?/ umbrella, cup, but



whose [huːz] : 谁的
		whose pen\ whose shirt\ whose car…
blue [bluː]: 蓝色
    ① 忧郁的 You are blue today.
    ② 不健康的 It’s a blue movie.
    ③ 贵族的 blue blood
perhaps[pəˈhæps] : 大概
    Perhaps it is. 可能是这样吧~
    Perhaps so.
    Perhaps not. 可能不是这样~
white[waɪt] : 白色
    the White House 白宫
    white lie 善意的谎言
catch [kætʃ] :v. 抓住、接着
    catch the thief 抓住小偷
    catch the ball 接球


1. Whose shirt is that?
    whose shirt\ whose car\ whose friend…
    That is whose shirt?这个寸衫是谁的
    特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
    Whose is that shirt?那是谁的衬衫?


特殊疑问词+名词+ be+ …
特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
whose +名词(不限)
What color is it? 这是什么颜色?
What make is your car?你的车什么牌子的?
What time is it? 几点了?
What nationality are you?你是什么国籍?

特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词.
特殊疑问词+名词+ be+ …
whose + be + 名词
whose + 名词 + be+…
Whose is that shirt?那件衬衫是谁的?
Whose shirt is that?那是谁的衬衫?
    Whose is this car?
    Whose car is this?
    Whose is that bag?
    Whose bag is that?
注意's 可能代表 的
My shirt’s blue.
Is this shirt Tim’s?
Tim’s shirt’s white.
My shirt is blue. 我的衬衫是蓝色的。
Is this shirt Tim’s?这是你的衬衫吗?
Tim’s shirt is white.Tim 的衬衫是白色的。

谁谁谁 “的”

1. 谁谁谁 “的”

1. 我的:my Lucy 的:Lucy’s 
2. 你的:your Sam 的:Sam’s 
3. 他的:his 王先生的:Mr.Wang’s 
4. 她的:her 李叔叔的:Uncle Li’s

的: 名词(有生命) + ’s+名词


his girlfriend’s new house ① 他的女朋友的新房子。
her sister’s classmate.② 她的姐姐的同学
His father's daughter 他爸爸的女儿
His bag is on the desk 他的书包在桌子上
Tom's mother is very beautiful  tom的妈妈很漂亮
My brother's book 我弟弟的书
The Beijing winter is cold, but it is also beautiful. 北京的冬天很冷,但是很美。
Whose is this handbag? 这个手提包是谁的?
It's her handbag. 这是她的手提包。


father ['fɑːðə] : n. 父亲
	Dad\ Daddy 爸爸
mother ['mʌðə] : n.母亲
	Mom\Mum\ Mummy 妈妈
blouse ['blaʊz] : n.女式衬衫

sister ['sɪstə] : 姐姐,妹妹
    younger sister 妹妹
    elder sister 姐姐

tie [taɪ] : 领带

brother ['brʌðə] : 哥哥,弟弟
    younger brother 弟弟
    elder sister 哥哥兄
his [hɪz] : 他的

her [hɜː] : 她的

我的书:my book 
你的房子:your house
他的领带:his tie
她的裙子:her dress
他的朋友:his friend
她妹妹是他的女朋友。Her sister is his girlfriend.
他太太是她的好朋友。His wife is her good friend.
他哥哥是她的老板。His brother is her boss.** 
这是她男朋友的手表。This is she boyfriend’s watch. 
This is she’s boyfriend’s watch. 
This is her boyfriend’s watch. 
Whose is this handbag?
Whose handbag is this? It’s Stella’s.

物主代词 形容词性


物主代词 形容词性
我的 my
你的 your
他的 his
她的 her



Vv /v/ very, vivid, voice, five

Ww /w/ wet, witch,wave, what

Xx/ks/ fox, box, exit



color \ colour ['kʌlə(r)] : 颜色
    What color?
    What color is it?他是什么颜色
    What color is your______?(后面可以接想问的物体)
    What color is your car?
    What+ 名词(make, time, nationality)
    What nationality are you? 你是什么国籍?
    What make is your car? 你的车什么牌子的?
    What time is it? 几点了?
green[griːn] : 绿色
    green tea 绿茶
    a green hand 新手
come [kʌm] :来
	Come here. 过来
upstairs [ʌp'steəz] :楼上
    Come upstairs. 上楼来
    Go downstairs. 下楼去
smart [smɑːt] [smɑrt] : 时髦的,漂亮的
	beautiful \ smart 
hat [hæt] : 帽子
same [seɪm] : 相同的
	the same color \ name \ city …
	They have the same name.
lovely ['lʌvlɪ] : 可爱的,漂亮的
	beautiful \ smart \ lovely \ nice


1. What color is your______________?

2. Come and see it.
    Come and meet my Mom.
    Come and sit down. …
    Come and do it.
3. Here it is. = It is here.意思一样 here在前起强调作用
    Here + 主语+ be
    我在这。I am here. =Here I am. 
    他在这。He is here.= Here he is. 
    咱开始吧。 Here we go. … 
漂亮 \ 好看(当表演一个女生时 可以多次连用)
be cuckold 被戴绿帽子

特殊疑问词: whose谁的

	what, whose, how…
特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
特殊疑问词+名词+ be+ …

    what+ be+ 名词
    what+ 名词+ be
    What is your name?
    What is your job?
    What color/time/make/nationality is ____?
Whose  谁的
    Whose is this shirt?=Whose shirt is this?
    Whose is that phone?=Whose phone is that?
how 如何
    how+ be+ 名词
    How are you? 
    How is Sam?
    How is the weather?
Whose 还有一个同音异形词	who's,它是 who is 的缩写形式 ,意为 "是谁 ",who 是用来对人提问


疑问词 "whose" 主要对句子中的物主代词或名词所有格提问。例如	:
Whose basketball is this? 这是谁的篮球?
Whose watch is that? 那是谁的手表?
Whose are these boxes?这些箱子是谁的?
Whose bag is this?这是谁的书包?
Whose is this skirt? 这条裙子是谁的?
Who's this boy? 这个男孩是谁
That boy is new to our class 那个男孩是我们班新来的


case [keɪs] : 箱子
	suitcase 手提箱
carpet ['kɑːpɪt] ['kɑrpɪt] : 地毯
	car 汽车 + pet 宠物 = 地毯
dog [dɒg] :狗
    puppy['pʌpɪ] 小狗
    pup [pʌp] (简写)
	a lucky dog 幸运儿
What color is your_____?
        umbrella 雨伞
        car 汽车
        shirt 衬衫
        case 箱子
        carpet 地毯
        blouse 女装衬衫
        tie 领带


1. 发音:字母组合-1 的发音;

2. 课文:海关场景词汇及句型;

3. 语法:名词变复数。


customs ['kʌstəmz] : 海关
	customer ['kʌstəmə] 顾客
officer ['ɔfɪsɚ] : 官员  office 办公室
    customs officer 海关官员
    CEO 首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer
girl [gɜːl] : 女孩
    my girl 我的女朋友
    my boy  我的儿子
Danish ['deɪnɪʃ] ['denɪʃ] : 丹麦人、丹麦的
    Denmark ['denma:k] 丹麦
    Chinese中国人& China中国
friend [frend] : 朋友
    boyfriend\ girlfriend\ a good friend\
    a new friend(一个新朋友)\ an old friend…
Norwegian [nɔ:'wi:dʒən]: 挪威人
    Norway ['nɔ:weɪ]: 挪威
passport 英['pɑːspɔːt] 美['pæspɔrt] 护照
    pass 通过 port 港口
    visa ['vizə] 签证	
brown: 棕色的
    红茶 brown tea
    红糖 brown sugar
tourist: 旅游者
    -ist(大部分代表人) dentist artist scientist… 
    -er() teacher worker driver…
    -or() doctor director…


Your passports, please.
    n.+ please.
    ① 点餐时:A roast duck, please. 
    ② 购物时:This shirt, please. 
    ③ 检票时:Your ID card, please.
We are Danish. 我们是丹麦人。

They are Norwegian. 他们的是丹挪威人。
    我 I am 我们 we are
    你 you are 你们 you are
    他 he is 他们 they are
    她 she is 她们 they are

Are these your cases?

Our cases are brown.

复数关乎整个句子,而非一个单词 一个是复数  都变~
    This is my book.
    These are our books.
    That is her car.
	Those are their cars.
我们的 our +单数或者复数  物主代词
他们的 their+单数或者复数
    our books\ their cars
    our mum\ school…
    their teacher\ house…
    Our classroom is large.
    Their car is blue.
    Our books are here.
    Their coats are blue.

Here they are. 给你==They are here. 他们在这。

That’s fine.


机票:return ticket

在美国的住址:the address in America

去干吗?What’s your purpose of visit?

去旅游:For sightseeing/study.


1. 名词的单数&复数
复数:2 或以上
a car- two cars
a bag- three bags

名词 n.!
        a girl—girls 
        an officer—officers 
        a coat—coats
        a boy—boys
    ②以 s、sh、x、ch 结尾的+es (/iz/)
        a bus —buses 
        a box—boxes 
        a brush—brushes(刷子)
    ③以 f、fe 结尾的变 f,fe – ves (\vz\)
        a wife—wives 
        a shelf—shelves 
        a knife—knives(小刀)
        a leaf—leaves(树叶)
    ④ 土豆、西红柿、黑人、英雄+ es (\z\)
        a potato- potatoes
        a tomato- tomatoes
        a Negro- Negroes
        a hero- heroes
    其他+ s \z\
        a zoo—zoos 
        a radio—radios
        a photo- photos

    辅音字母+y 结尾的名词,变 y-i+ es (\iz\)
        a baby—babies 
        a lady—ladies
        a fly— flies 

    单数+ is
    复数+ are 
    The tourists ___are__ from Norway. 
    The teacher ___is__ American.
    These cars ___are___ brown.
    My students __are___ young.
    单数+ is
    复数+ are 
    My pants _____ black. 
    Her glasses_____ broken.
    The umbrella ____ brown.
    The ladies_____ young.



Russian ['rʌʃən] : 俄罗斯人
Russia ['rʌʃə] 俄罗斯


Dutch [dʌtʃ] : 荷兰人

these [ðiːz] : 这些
    this 这个- these 这些
    that 那个- those 那些
    This is his watch.
    These are their watches

red [red] : 红色的
	red lights

grey [greɪ] : 灰色的
    grey hair 花白的头发

black [blæk] : 黑色的
    black tea 红茶
    black coffee 纯咖啡
    black man 黑人

yellow ['jeləʊ] : 黄色的

orange ['ɔrɪndʒ] : 橘黄色的


  1. 发音:字母组合的发音;
  2. 课文:特殊疑问句&单复数
  3. 语法:句子中的单复数匹配。


employee [ɪmplɔɪˈi:] : 雇员
    employ 雇用
    employer 雇佣者,雇主
    -er …的人
    -ee 被…的人
    trainer 培训者,trainee 被培训的人
hard-working [ˈhɑːdˈwɜːkɪŋ] :勤奋的
    构词:adj.+ doing
    good-looking 好看的
    easy-going 好相处的
sales rep:推销员
    复数:sales reps
    全称:sales representative(销售代表)
man [mæn] : 人,男人
    Hi, man! 哥们最近好啊!
office ['ɔfɪs] : 办公室
    office buildings 办公大楼
    office hours 办公时间
assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt] : 助手
    an office assistant 办公室助理
    a shop assistant 商场售货员
    a classroom assistant 助教


    Hello, Hi, Hey
    How are you?
    How are you doing?
    How do you do?
    回答 —— How do you do!

Come and meet our employees.
    过来坐吧:Come and sit down.
    过来喝一杯:Come and have a drink.
    Come and meet my friend.

What are their jobs?
    What is y4
    our job?
    This is my name.
    These are their names.
    That is her car.
    Those are our cars.
    He is an assistant.
    They are assistants.
    Who is the young girl?
    Who are the young girls?
    What is your job?
    What are their jobs?
    He is a tourist.
    They are tourists.
4who 特殊疑问词,谁
    特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
    特殊疑问词+名词+ be+ …
    who 特殊疑问词,谁
    特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
    Who is this man?
    Who are these men?
    who 特殊疑问词,谁
    特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
    Who is that young man?
    Who are those young men?

名词的单复数 句子的复数

1. 名词的单复数
    ① 规则:
    books jobs 
    buses, boxes, brushes, benches, potatoes
    wife-wives, leaf-leaves
    man-men, woman-women
    foot-feet, tooth-teeth
	单复同形:sheep-sheep, fish-fish
2. 句子的复数
    单数名词+ is…
    复数名词+ are…
    Her feet ___are___here.
    The men ___are___ keyboard operators.
    This assistant __is___busy.
    The children ___are__in the classroom.
    My hair __is___ black. 
    My tooth are hurt. My tooth is hurt.
    The ladies is pretty. The ladies are pretty
    These child is busy. This child is busy.

    There is three fish. There are three fish.
    This is his wives. This is his wife.





matter 	n. 事情
    What’s matter? 
    What’s the matter?

children 孩子们
	child 孩 子
tired 累,疲乏
    I am tired.
    Are you tired?
    I am not tired.
boy  n. 男 孩

thirsty  adj. 口渴的
	He’s thirsty.
Mum  : 妈 妈
    Mom( 美 ), 

sit down : 坐 下
	Sit down, please. 
	Have a seat.
right  : 好,可以
	All right.
ice cream  : 冰激凌

cream : 霜
	eye cream	眼霜
	face cream	面霜
	body cream  身体乳


Tired and thirsty. 又累又渴
beautiful and kind 美丽又善良
tall and handsome 又高又帅
young and rich 又年轻又富有
tall, rich and handsome 高富帅

What’s the matter, children?孩子们怎么了?
What’s up?
What’s wrong?
What’s wrong with you?

Are you all right now? 你们好点没?
all right=ok
Are you ok now?
Let’s go and buy some ice creams. 

There’s an ice cream man. 那有一个卖冰激凌的人。
	There be(is\ are) 句 型

Two ice creams, please. 买两个冰激凌。
	n. + please

These ice creams are nice. 这些冰激凌真好吃。
This ice cream is nice.这个冰激凌真好吃。


1. 单复数概念在句子中的使用:

Those children are tired.那些孩子们累了。
We are thirsty.我们渴了。
This child  is very young. 这个孩子很小。
What color is your car?你的汽车是什么颜色的
How are your Dad and Mum?你的爸爸妈妈好吗?
Whose are those dresses?那些衣服是谁的?
Are your shoes white?你的鞋是白色的吗?

The\These\Those children are tired.

Their\Our\Her\His\My mother is busy.

My\Your\Our\Their\Her    friends are tall.

My\Your\His\Her   brother is a taxi driver.



1.big [bɪɡ]: 大 的
风大、雨大、雪大:heavy 声音大:loud
2.small [smɔːl] : 小 的
小雨:light rain 声 音 小 : quiet 年纪小:young 面积小:small
3.open ['əʊpən] : 开着的

The door is open.
4.shut [ʃʌt] : 关着的
The window is shut. The window is closed.

5.light [laɪt] : 轻 的
6.heavy ['hevi] : 重 的
7.long[lɒŋ]: 长 的

时间、东西 a long time a long knife
8.shoe [ʃuː] : 鞋
a shoe: 一只鞋
a pair of shoes: 一双鞋我的鞋脏了。
My shoes are dirty.

9.grandfather ['ɡrænfɑːðə(r)] : 祖父、外祖父
10.grandmother ['ɡrænmʌðə(r)] : 祖母、外祖母

① in- law :结婚后的亲属关系
mother in-law father in-law sister in- law brother in- law
② ex- :前任的
ex-girlfriend ex-boyfriend ex-wife
③ step :后的,继的step mother step father step sister
step brother


Lesson 21&22

  1. 发音:字母组合-4 发音;
  2. 课文:one
  3. 语法:简单句,特殊疑问词 which


give 给
 give me\ her\ him\ them\ us…
 Give me the book.

one 一个 pron.(代词)
 the blue one= the blue coat/dress… 
 the short one= the short girl/pencil…
 I like the cheap one.

which :哪一个,哪一些
    Which book? 哪本书?
    Which books? 哪些书?
    Which tourist? 哪位游客?
    Which tourists? 哪些游客?
	Which book is good?  哪本书好?
	Which tourists are from Beijing?哪些游客来自于北京?


You give me a book. 
主 谓 宾 宾 I meet him.
主 谓 宾

This one? 这本吗?=This book?

Not that one.不是那本。
= Not that book.

The red one. 红色那本。
= The red book.

特殊疑问词:which 那个

特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
特殊疑问词+名词+ be+
Which is your car? 哪一辆是你的车?
Which car is yours? 哪一辆车是你的?
特殊疑问词+ be+ 名词
特殊疑问词+名词+ be+ …
Which is your book? 
Which book is yours? 

2. 简单句的句型结构:
    ①. 主+ 谓
    ②. 主+ 谓+ 宾
    ③. 主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾
    ④. 主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补
    ⑤. 主+ 系+ 表


Which time suits you better, 11:30 or one o’clock?哪个时间你更方便——11点半还是1点?
Which is mine? The smaller one?哪个是我的?小一点的这个?
Which of these jackets do you prefer?这几件夹克你比较喜欢哪件?
Which is my seat? 哪个座位是我的? 
Which one do you like那一个是你喜欢的 
Which is your pen?哪支钢笔是你的?
Which student do you teach?你教哪个学生?
I like the car which you bought last year.我喜欢你去年买的那辆车。
Which way is quicker?哪条路比较快?
Which Mr Smith do you mean?你指的是哪一位史密斯先生?
Which book have you read?哪一本书你读过了?


empty ['empti] : 空的 
    An _____ street 空荡的街
    An _____ house 寂静的夜

A hole inside my heart 没有你在身边
I’m all alone and the rooms are
 getting smaller 心里面对你的思念一遍一遍
2. full [f?l] : 满的
    I’m full. 

a full stop 句号

a full time job 一份全职工作

a part time job 一份兼职工作

3. large [lɑ?d?] [lɑ?rd?] : 大的(强调面积)

 China is a large country. 


 This room is large. 


4. little ['l?tl] :小的

 a little girl 一个(可爱的)小女孩 

 a small girl 一个体型很小的女孩

5. sharp [?ɑ?p] :锋利的

 The knife is sharp. 

 Cats have sharp claws

6. blunt [bl?nt] :钝的

 The knife is blunt. 这刀很钝。

 My pencil is blunt. 我的铅笔很钝。

7. small[sm??l]:小的

 Small world…


8. big [b?ɡ] :大的(体积)

9. box [b?ks] :盒子,箱子

 a small box 

 a big box 

10. glass [ɡlɑ?s] [ɡl?s] :玻璃杯子

11. cup [k?p] :茶杯


12. bottle ['b?tl] :瓶子

13. tin[t?n]:罐头瓶、易拉罐

14. knife [na?f] :刀子 

15. fork [f??k] :叉子

16. spoon [spu?n] :勺子
 chopsticks['t??pst?ks] 筷子


1. 中西方人不同的餐饮工具

A. 中国:碗+筷,bowls and chopsticks

B. 西方:刀+叉, knives and forks



1. 发音:字母组合-5,元音复习;

2. 课文:ones,后置定语

3. 语法:介词


on prep. 在…之上
on the table
on the floor

shelf [ʃelf] :	架子、隔板


Which glasses?
    which + 单数名词,表示哪个which + 复数名词,表示哪些

Give me some glasses.给我一些玻璃杯。
some [səm] : 一些 +复数名词
    some books
    some cups
    some boxes
    some knives…

The ones on the shelf.架子上的那些。
one- ones
    I like the red coat.
    I like the red one.
    I like the red coats.
    I like the red ones.
    The ones on the shelf. 那些在架子上。X 架子上的那些。
    the ones on the shelf

the book on the desk	书桌上的那本书
the cup on the table	桌上的那个杯子
the knife in the box	盒子里的那把刀
the man in the room	房间里的那人
the shoes on the floor 地板上的那些鞋:
the lady on the sofa 沙发上的那位女士

介词 on in

1.介词	prep.
The book on the desk.

句子? 短语!

The book is on the desk.

句子中使用介词时,别忘记动词! I sit on the floor.

There is a shoe on the floor.

The glass is on the table. 那个玻璃杯在桌上。
the glass on the table: 桌上的那个玻璃杯

The spoon is on the plate.
the spoon on the plate:盘子上那把勺子那个瓶子在盒子上。
The bottle is on the box.
the bottle on the box: 盒子上那个瓶子

介词	prep.
on (在…上面) in (在…里面)


in	把地方、地点、位置当作一个范围或一个封闭的空间:
I live in Beijing.	我住在北京。 (大城市用in)
I live in England, at London.我住在英国伦敦(England 大过 London 喔)
I live in a big city, my brother lives at a small town.	我住在大城市,我哥哥住在一个小市镇。(如果把 city 看做一个圆圈,	small town 就成一个点。因此就in a city, at a small town.	呵呵)
We have a meeting in Beijing.	我们有北京有一个会议。
Mars is in the Solar System.	火星在太阳系里。
in a car	乘汽车	(不是	on a car 也不是by a car 喔)
in a taxi	乘的士	(不是	on a taxi或 by a taxi )
in a helicopter	乘直升机
in a boat	乘小船
in a lift (elevator)	乘电梯	(电梯像个笼子,当然要用in啦)
in the newspaper 在报上
in the sky	在空中
in the bed	在床上	(也可用on the bed)
in the bedroom/ class/ library/ school	在寝室 /课室 /图书馆 /学校

(3). on	把地方、地点、位置当作一个平面:
The author's name is on the cover of the book.	在书的封面上有作者的名字。
There are no prices on this menu.	在这菜单上没有价钱。
You are standing on my foot.	你踏到我的脚了。
There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall.	在那墙上有个	“不准吸烟 ”的牌子。
I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.	我住在伦敦牛津街号八楼。 (7th floor	就是八楼;注意句中的	on, at, in	的用法 )
on a bus  乘巴士	(不是	in a bus 喔)
on a train	乘火车	( 可想像 “骑”在火车上,哈哈	)
on a plane  乘飞机	(可想像 “骑”在飞机上 )
on a ship	乘轮船
on a bicycle, on a motorbike	骑自行车 /摩托车
on a horse, on an elephant 骑马/象
on the radio, on television	听广播、看电视
on the left, on the right	在左边、在右边
on the way	在路上
on the bed  在床上	( 也可用	in the bed)
on the ceiling	在天花板上
on the floor	在地板上


1.desk [desk] : 课 桌
2.table ['teɪbl] : 桌 子
a bed table\ a tea table
3.plate [pleɪt] : 盘 子
4.cupboard ['kʌbəd] : 食 厨
5.cigarette [ˌsɪɡə'ret] : 香 烟
6.television ['telɪvɪʒn] : 电视机
7.floor [flɔː(r)] : 地 板
It’s on the floor.
8.dressing table: 梳妆台
9.magazine [ˌmæɡə'ziːn] : 杂 志
10.bed [bed] : 床
11.newspaper ['njuːzpeɪpə(r)] : 报 纸
news 新 闻paper 纸 张
12.stereo ['steriəʊ] : 立体声音响



\ eə \ 注意:
\ eə \	\ er \	\ɛə\ Phonics
air \ eə \
\ eə \ air
air \ eə \	fair \ feə \ hair \ heə \		pair \ peə \

\ eə \	ear
wear \ weə \		rear \ reə \ pear \ peə \	fear \ feə \

\ ɪə \
ear	\ eə \
\ ə: \

\ i: \	ee,ea
\ ə: \	ir
\ a : \	ar
\ ə \	er

\ ɔ : \	aw,au
\ ʊ \	oo
\ u : \	oo
\ e \	ea

\ ɔ: \	aw,au
\ ʊ \	oo
\ u :\	oo
\ e \	ea

\ eɪ \ a-e	ay	ey
\ aɪ \	i-e	ie
\  əʊ \ ow	oa

\ aʊ \	ow	ou
\ ɪə \	ear	eer
\ ɔɪ \	oy	oi

saucer \‘sɔ: sə\ head	\ h e d \ float			\ fləʊt \ grey		\ greɪ \
barge	\ ba : ʤ\ sweet	\ swi:t \ wood	\ wʊd \ moist	\ mɔɪst \
