首页 > 技术文章 > MySQL之select查询、function函数

shiy 2016-11-23 18:08 原文


select * from temp;

select name,age from temp where age = 22;

select name as '名称' from temp;

select t.name Name from temp as t;

select from t where a > 2 or a>=3 or a<5 or a<=6 or a=7 or a<>0;

//and 并且
select * from temp where age > 20 and name = 'jack';

select * from temp where name = 'jack' or name = 'jackson';

//between v and v2
select * from temp where age between 20 and 25;

//in 查询
--查询id 在括号中出现的数据
select *from temp where id in (1, 2, 3);

select * from temp where name like 'j%';
select * from temp where name like '%k%';
select * from temp where name like '\_%' escape '\';

//is nullis not null
select * from temp where name is null;
--查询不为null 的数据
select * from temp where name is not null;

//order by
select * from temp order by id;
select * from temp order by id asc;
select * from temp order by id, age;

select * from temp where not (age > 20);
select * from temp where id not in(1, 2);

select distinct id from temp;
select distinct id, age from temp;

select 5+2;
select concat('a', 'bbb');

select concat(name, '-eco') from temp;

select age +2, age / 2, age - 2, age * 2 from temp where age - 2 > 22;



create function addAge(age int) returns int
    return age + 5;
select addAge(age) from temp;
drop function if exists addAge;
drop function addAge;
show create function addAge;





create trigger trg_temp_ins
before insert
on temp for each row
insert into temp_log values(NEW.id, NEW.name);
drop trigger trg_temp_ins

