首页 > 技术文章 > WOJ-1097

wangyuqin 2016-11-24 19:49 原文


JYY has placed N bombs on the plane. We assume that the firepower area of each bomb is circle whose radius is one unit. Can you tell JYY the total firepower overlay area, just have a try ^_^


  Standard input will contain multiple test cases. For each test case, the first line is an integer N(N <= 100), which is the total number of the bombs. Then N lines followed and each line contains two integers X and Y, which means the 2-D coordinate of each bomb.


  For each test cases, output the  total firepower overlay area(accurate to two fractional digits) in one line.

Sample Input

31 11 22 2

Sample Output











#define Pi 3.1415926

typedef struct square{

int x;

int y;

int t;

struct square * next;


square * search(int x, int y, square * head, int type){

square * cur = head;

int flag = 0;

while (cur->next != NULL){

cur = cur->next;

if ((x == cur->x) && (y == cur->y)){

flag = 1;

if (type == 1){

if (cur->t == 1) cur->t = 1;

else if (cur->t == 2 || cur->t == 5) cur->t = 5;

else if (cur->t == 3 || cur->t == 6) cur->t = 6;

else if (cur->t == 4 || cur->t == 7 || cur->t == 8 || cur->t == 9) cur->t = 9;



else if (type == 2){

if (cur->t == 1 || cur->t == 5) cur->t = 5;

else if (cur->t == 2) cur->t = 2;

else if (cur->t == 3 || cur->t == 6 || cur->t == 8 || cur->t == 9) cur->t = 9;

else if (cur->t == 4 || cur->t == 7)cur->t = 7;



else if (type == 3){

if (cur->t == 1 || cur->t == 6) cur->t = 6;

else if (cur->t == 2 || cur->t == 7 || cur->t == 5 || cur->t == 9) cur->t = 9;

else if (cur->t == 3) cur->t = 3;

else if (cur->t == 4 || cur->t == 8) cur->t = 8;



else if (type == 4){

if (cur->t == 1 || cur->t == 5 || cur->t == 6 || cur->t == 9) cur->t = 9;

else if (cur->t == 2 || cur->t == 7) cur->t = 7;

else if (cur->t == 3 || cur->t == 8) cur->t = 8;

else if (cur->t == 4) cur->t = 4;





if ((cur->next == NULL) && (flag == 0)){

square * temp = malloc(sizeof(square));

temp->next = NULL;

temp->x = x;

temp->y = y;

temp->t = type;

cur->next = temp;


return head;


double cal(square * head){

double ans = 0;

square * pres = head;

while (pres->next != NULL){

pres = pres->next;

if ((pres->t >= 1) && (pres->t <= 4)){

ans += Pi / 4.0;


else if ((pres->t >= 5) && (pres->t <= 8)){

ans += Pi / 6.0 + ((double)sin(Pi / 3.0)) / 2.0;


else if (pres->t == 9){

ans += 1;



return ans;


int main(){

int N;

int i;

int x, y;

square * head = malloc(sizeof(square));

//printf("%lf", ((double)sin(Pi / 3.0)) / 2.0);

head->next = NULL;

while (scanf_s("%d", &N) != EOF){

double res = 0;

for (i = 0; i < N; i++){

scanf_s("%d %d", &x, &y);

   res = cal(head);

search(x - 1, y - 1, head, 1);

search(x, y - 1, head, 2);

search(x - 1, y, head, 3);

search(x, y, head, 4);

square * temp = head;

square * cut = temp;

while (temp->next != NULL){

printf("x=%d,y=%d,type=%d\n", temp->next->x, temp->next->y, temp->next->t);

temp = temp->next;



res = cal(head);

printf("res=%.2f", res);

square * temp = head;

square * cut = temp;

while (temp->next != NULL){

cut = temp->next;


temp = cut;





