首页 > 技术文章 > Windows下生成 公钥 私钥以及 配置 Filezilla中的 SFTP的私钥

bmrs 2018-04-02 18:03 原文

Win下需要使用到 PuTTYgen.exe来生成公钥私钥,可以参考youtube的这篇文章:  为 SFTP 保管箱生成 Secure Shell (SSH) 密钥对


PuTTYgen.exe的下载地址: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html


两篇关于FileZilla的SFTP用Private Key登录的方法的文章:

FileZilla SFTP (SSH)服務器教學

FileZilla的SFTP用private key的登录方法








Creating the key

  • create an ssh key in cPanel if you haven't already.
  • REMEMBER your passphrase
  • view the private key (you will need to put in the passphrase to do this)
  • select the entire key.
  • open a new text file on your desktop, named username.txt
  • paste the private key in to the text file
  • change the name of the file to username.ppk

Configuring Putty

  • download both putty and psftp here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
  • fire up putty (just double click on the exe)
  • under "saved sessions" put your username
  • in hostname box put: username@ip || example: nick@
  • click the ssh radio button
  • change the port if the ssh port is not 22
  • on the menu on the left click the + next to SSH
  • click the auth category
  • click the browse button select the key you saved earlier (should be username.ppk)
  • click on session on the left menu
  • click the save button
  • click cancel

using psftp:

  • open psftp (just double click the exe)
  • type: open username
  • enter the passphrase for your private key

you are now connected via secure ftp, congratulations

