首页 > 技术文章 > jQuery循环( 切换中英文和截取指定字符串)

zsy0712 2017-06-29 14:54 原文

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        .Prompt_container {
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<div id="langs">[ <i class="zh">中文</i> | <i class="en">English</i> ]</div>
<div class="Prompt_container">
    <h1 lang-zh='温馨提醒:您当前的浏览器版本过低,无法正常工作,请升级浏览器,并设置新安装的浏览器为默认浏览器。'
        lang-en="Reminder: your current browser version is too low to work properly. Please upgrade your browser and set the new installed browser as the default browser.">
    <div class="Prompt_box pc-box">
        <span class="box-title">
            <i class="sprite pc"></i>
            <b lang-zh="浏览器升级推荐" lang-en="browsers for pc">浏览器升级推荐</b>
            <em class="arrow"></em>
        <ul class="Prompt_list">
            <li class="chrome-item">
                            <i class="sprite chrome"></i>
                <p lang-zh="推荐选择" lang-en="Recommended Choice">推荐选择</p>
                <a id="chrome" target="_blank" href-en="http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/desktop/" href-zh="http://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/browser/desktop/" href="http://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/browser/desktop/?spm=a21bo.45958.920906.d1.tXHPJN" data-spm-click="gostr=/updater;locaid=d1;name=google" data-spm-anchor-id="a21bo.45958.920906.d1">
                    <b lang-zh="谷歌浏览器" lang-en="Chrome">谷歌浏览器</b>
<script src="../../static/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
    var $chrome = $("#chrome");  
    var $langs = $('#langs i');
        if($(this).hasClass('zh')){  //判断class是否包含(zh)
            $chrome.attr("href", $chrome.attr('href-zh'));
            $('[lang-zh]').each(function() {  //循环所有含有【lang-zh】的属性
                console.log($(this).attr('lang-zh'));  //打印出含有【lang-zh】属性的值
                $(this).text($(this).attr('lang-zh'));  //将含有【lang-zh】属性值赋值给每个含有【lang-zh】
        }else {
            $chrome.attr("href", $chrome.attr('href-en'));
            $('[lang-en]').each(function () {


var self = $('父级 所有子集');
            var objString = $(this).text();
            var objLength = $(this).text().length;
            var num =80;  //数量
            if(objLength > num){ //超过80个字符
                $(this).attr('title',objString); //给每个子元素添加title属性并赋值
                $(this).text(objString.substring(0,num) + '...'); //截取的字符串

