首页 > 技术文章 > SIP协议的传输层原理&报文解析(解读RFC3261)(待排版)&&启动

shuiguizi 2019-07-17 23:05 原文







UAC:User Agent Client用户代理客户端

UAS:User Agent Server用户代理服务端

UA:A logical entity that can act as both a user agent client and user agent server.

水鬼:何为User,我们都是用户,我们如果想要打电话怎么利用SIP协议建立连接呢?当然要有个小程序,所以这个小程序就是UA, 在建立连接的时候总有一个人是发起者,那么他就扮演了Client的角色,被访问的就是服务端


2, TU:Transaction User



这个用户包含如下三个核心(core): UAC core, UAS core, and proxy core.


UAC core:对于UA在行使其作为client的角色时,需要实现的功能函数

UAS core:server的角色

proxy core: 针对其proxy的功能的实现,何为proxy,类似与移动联通,我给小名打电话,中间肯定有很多proxy帮我们转发



sip是一个事务协议, 即两个组件之间的交互需要一系列独立的message交换。进一步说就是,一个sip事务,包括一个请求和针对这个请求的多个应答,这些应答包括0个或多个临时的应答以及一个或多个最终的应答。



The 2xx response and its ACK receive special treatment.  This
   response is retransmitted only by a UAS, and its ACK generated only
   by the UAC.  This end-to-end treatment is needed so that a caller
   knows the entire set of users that have accepted the call.  Because
   of this special handling, retransmissions of the 2xx response are
   handled by the UA core, not the transaction layer.  Similarly,
   generation of the ACK for the 2xx is handled by the UA core.  Each
   proxy along the path merely forwards each 2xx response to INVITE and
   its corresponding ACK.

SIP Uniform Resource Locators

   SIP URLs are used within SIP messages to indicate the originator (From), current destination (Request-URI) and final recipient (To) of
   a SIP request, and to specify redirection addresses (Contact). A SIP URL can also be embedded in web pages or other hyperlinks to indicate
   that a particular user or service can be called via SIP. When used as a hyperlink, the SIP URL indicates the use of the INVITE method.

一个sip url也可以被嵌入到网页中,或者其他超连接上,用一指示某特定的用户或者服务可以通过sip协议去呼叫该地址。当使用了超链接,sip url嗲标INVITE 方法。

The Request-URI is a SIP URL as described in Section 2 or a general URI. It indicates the user or service to which this request is being
   addressed. Unlike the To field, the Request-URI MAY be re-written by proxies.
   wxy:Request-URI可以是sip url(上一节说的),也可以是一个通用uri.他代表请求应该如何被寻址,不像To field,这个Request-URI是可以被proxy重写的。
When used as a Request-URI, a SIP-URL MUST NOT contain the transport-param, maddr-param, ttl-param, or headers elements. A
   server that receives a SIP-URL with these elements removes them before further processing.
wxy:当sip url作为Request-URI,他必须包含传输参数,广播参数,或者头元素。一个服务器在接收到sip-url后会首先除去这些元素再做进一步处理
Typically, the UAC sets the Request-URI and To to the same SIP URL, presumed to remain unchanged over long time periods. However, 
if the UAC has cached a more direct path to the callee, e.g., from the Contact header field of a response to a previous request,
the To would still contain the long-term, "public" address, while the Request-URI would be set to the cached address. Proxy and
redirect servers MAY use the information in the Request-URI and request header fields to handle the request and possibly rewrite
the Request-URI. For example, a request addressed to the generic address sip:sales@acme.com is proxied to the particular person,
e.g., sip:bob@ny.acme.com , with the To field remaining as sip:sales@acme.com. At ny.acme.com , Bob then designates Alice as the
temporary substitute. The host part of the Request-URI typically agrees with one of the host names of the receiving server.
If it does not, the server SHOULD proxy the request to the address indicated or return a 404 (Not Found) response if it is unwilling
or unable to do so. For example, the Request-URI and server host name can disagree in the case of a firewall proxy that handles
outgoing calls. This mode of operation is similar to that of HTTP proxies. If a SIP server receives a request with a URI indicating
a scheme other than SIP which that server does not understand, the server MUST return a 400 (Bad Request) response. It MUST do this
even if the To header field contains a scheme it does understand. This is because
proxies are responsible for processing the Request-URI; the To field is of end-to-end significance.
wxy:典型的,uac设置R-URI 和 To为同一个sip URL,然而如果uac已经该



1.first line

例子:INVITE sip:bob@biloxi.com SIP/2.0 


------------------------+ /r/n,作为分隔,不属于任何------------------------


2,message header

每一个header由 /r/n结束,即一个header field包含了 /r/n


       While the Via header field tells other elements where to send the response, 


   The Via header field indicates the transport used for the transaction
   and identifies the location where the response is to be sent.  A Via
   header field value is added only after the transport that will be
   used to reach the next hop has been selected (which may involve the
   usage of the procedures in [4]).
(当transport选择了下一跳到哪里后,就添加一个via) When the UAC creates a request, it MUST insert a Via into that request. The protocol name and protocol version in the header field MUST be SIP and 2.0, respectively. The Via header field value MUST contain a branch parameter. This parameter is used to identify the transaction created by that request. This parameter is used by both the client and the server.
(当一个UA创建一个请求时,他必须在请求中insert一个via,并且这个via必须包含一个branch 参数,

Request Forwarding:
The proxy MUST insert a Via header field value into the copy before the existing Via header field values. 

Forward response:

The proxy removes the topmost Via header field value from the response.
If no Via header field values remain in the response, the response was meant for this element and MUST NOT be forwarded.
 This will result in the
         response being sent to the location now indicated in the
         topmost Via header field value. 


   The Route request-header field determines the route taken by a request. Each host removes the first entry and then proxies the
   request to the host listed in that entry, also using it as the Request-URI

The Record-Route request and response header field is added to a request by any proxy that insists on being in the path of subsequent
requests for the same call leg. It contains a globally reachable Request-URI that identifies the proxy server. Each proxy server adds
its Request-URI to the beginning of the list.
wxy:the path of subsequent requests for the same call leg。这是什么意思,我的理解就是一次通话,从最开始的invite请求,之后还要有ring请求,bye请求等,所以叫做subsequent request
The server copies the Record-Route header field unchanged into the response. (Record-Route is only relevant for 2xx responses.) The calling user agent client
copies the Record-Route header into a Route header field of subsequent requests within the same call leg, reversing the order of requests, so that the first
entry is closest to the user agent client. If the response contained a Contact header field, the calling user agent adds its content as the last Route header.
Unless this would cause a loop, any client MUST send any subsequent requests for this call leg to the first Request-URI in the Route request header field and
remove that entry. The calling user agent MUST NOT use the Record-Route header field in requests that contain Route header fields. Some proxies, such as those
controlling firewalls or in an automatic call distribution (ACD) system, need to maintain call state and thus need to receive any BYE and ACK packets for the call.
即 A(请求)-->张三--李四-->王五--->B, 收到的请求,route从最里层到最外层分别是3,4,5; B封装应答的时候,原样不变

Stateless Proxy


When a response arrives at a stateless proxy, the proxy MUST inspect the sent-by value in the first (topmost) Via header field value.  
If that address matches the proxy, (it equals a value this proxy has inserted into previous requests) the proxy MUST remove that header
field value from the response and forward the result to the location indicated in the next Via header field value.
当一个应答到达了无状态proxy,proxy必须期待 first via的sent-by值是匹配自己,因为这样意味者当初请求就是从我这里转发出去的,然后proxy必须要将这个via从response中移除


     proxy接收到带有两个via的应答后,首先取出topmost via,也就是via-proxy进行比对看看是不是自己,然后剥离,然后根据via-origin将应答转发给origin

例子:Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK776asdhds

1, the address (pc33.atlanta.com) at which Alice is expecting to receive responses to this request


2,the Contact header field tells other elements where to send future requests.

------------------------+ /r/n,作为分隔,不属于任何,另外如果没有body,也是需要由这个结束的分隔---------------(也就是说header的结束有两个 /r/n,一个属于行的,一个属于header的)

 3,message body

每一个filed之间------+ /r/n,作为分隔,不属于任何filed,最后一个filed之后也是有/r/n,------

整个body的长度是只所有的内容 + 所有的/r/n,这个值等同header中的content_length的值





 The REGISTER request allows a client to let a proxy or redirect server know at which address(es) it can be reached. 
A client MAY also use it to install call handling features at the server.
客户通过发注册请求让proxy或者重定向服务器知道去哪里找客户,客户也可以使用这个请求在这个服务器上安装一些call handling功能


A client uses the REGISTER method to register the address listed in the To header field with a SIP server.
Clients may register from different locations, by necessity using different Call-ID values. Thus,
the CSeq value cannot be used to enforce ordering. Since registrations are additive, ordering is
less of a problem than if each REGISTER request completely replaced all earlier ones. 一个客户,可能位于不同的地方去注册,所以不可避免的会使用不同的Call-ID值,所以不能用Cseq的值去作为一个顺序的标记。
We define "address-of-record" as the SIP address that the registry knows the registrand,
typically of the form "user@domain" rather than "user@host". In third-party registration,
the entity issuing the request is different from the entity being registered.
典型的格式是 用户@域名,而不是 用户@主机名。对于第三方注册,表示注册请求请求报文的发起者和想要注册的那个不是一人 To: The To header field contains the address-of-record whose registration is to be created or updated. 该头域存放的是一个将要添加或更新的aor
From: The From header field contains the address-of-record of the person responsible for the registration.
For first-party registration, it is identical to the To header field value.
该头域存放的是一个aor条目,用来代表是谁负责这次注册。对于first-party注册,这个字段域to字段相同 Request-URI: The Request-URI names the destination of the registration request, i.e., the domain of the registrar.
The user name MUST be empty. Generally, the domains in the Request-URI and the To header field have the same value;
however, it is possible to register as a "visitor", while maintaining one's name. For example, a traveler
sip:alice@acme.com (To) might register under the Request-URI sip:atlanta.hiayh.org , with the former as the To header
field and the latter as the Request-URI. The REGISTER request is no longer forwarded once it has reached the server whose authoritative domain is the one listed in the Request-URI.
然后,如果是一个"visitor"要注册,这时候就要携带用户名。比如sip:alice@acme.com (TO 头域中的内容是这样的) ,而Request-URI中的内容是:
sip:atlanta.hiayh.org。一旦请求报文到达某个服务器,而这个服务器的认证域名就是Ruest-URI列表中的一个域名,那么请求就算是到了.... Call-ID: All registrations from a client SHOULD use the same Call-ID header value, at least within the same reboot cycle. wxy:这个call-id和之后的invite没有什么关系
Cseq: Registrations with the same Call-ID MUST have increasing CSeq header values. However, the server does not reject out-of-order requests. Contact: The request MAY contain a Contact header field; future non-REGISTER requests for the URI given in the To header field SHOULD be directed to the address(es) given in the Contact header.
对于之后的非registry请求,如果想发请求给我(To 字段中的URI),则请求因该被转发到contact中给定的地址。


             1,首先是Rquest-Line,也就是first line,主要说明注册大厅是谁,即我要向谁注册,具体说就是传输层我将请求发给服务器,应用层我告知我是想向这个域名对应的注册服务器注册


                  包含三部分 1)Method:REGISTRY  2)Request-URI:表示注册服务器的域名 3)


           2,然后是Message Header

                TO表示是谁要注册,From表示这个注册请求是从谁那里发出来的,如果是第三方帮忙注册,则二者不同。 注册的内容是一个aor形式的条目,是 用户名@注册服务器域名,用这个aor代表用户,是用户的对外地址

                Contact表示这个注册用户的实际物理地址,内容的格式是 用户名@用户自己的host



A user at host saturn.bell-tel.com registers on start-up, via multicast, with the local SIP server named bell-tel.com. 
In the example, the user agent on saturn expects to receive SIP requests on UDP port 3890. 某用户的主机域名是saturn.bell-tel.com,然后想要在udp:3890上接收其他人的sip请求
   C->S: REGISTER sip:bell-tel.com SIP/2.0
         Via: SIP/2.0/UDP saturn.bell-tel.com
         From: sip:watson@bell-tel.com
         To: sip:watson@bell-tel.com
         Call-ID: 70710@saturn.bell-tel.com
         CSeq: 1 REGISTER
         Contact: <sip:watson@saturn.bell-tel.com:3890;transport=udp>
         Expires: 7200

   The registration expires after two hours. Any future invitations for watson@bell-tel.com arriving at sip.bell-tel.com will 
now be redirected to watson@saturn.bell-tel.com, UDP port 3890. If Watson wants to be reached elsewhere, say, an on-line service he uses while traveling, he updates his reservation after first cancelling any existing locations: 如果watson想要能够被别的其他访问, C->S: REGISTER sip:bell-tel.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP saturn.bell-tel.com From: sip:watson@bell-tel.com To: sip:watson@bell-tel.com Call-ID: 70710@saturn.bell-tel.com CSeq: 2 REGISTER Contact: * Expires: 0 C->S: REGISTER sip:bell-tel.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP saturn.bell-tel.com From: sip:watson@bell-tel.com To: sip:watson@bell-tel.com Call-ID: 70710@saturn.bell-tel.com CSeq: 3 REGISTER Contact: sip:tawatson@example.com Now, the server will forward any request for Watson to the server at example.com, using the Request-URI tawatson@example.com.
For the server at example.com to reach Watson, he will need to send a REGISTER there, or inform the server of his current location
through some other means. It is possible to use third-party registration. Here, the secretary jon.diligent registers his boss, T. Watson: 使用第三方代注册,由jon代替他的老板watson去注册

   C->S: REGISTER sip:bell-tel.com SIP/2.0
         Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pluto.bell-tel.com
         From: sip:jon.diligent@bell-tel.com
         To: sip:watson@bell-tel.com
         Call-ID: 17320@pluto.bell-tel.com
         CSeq: 1 REGISTER
         Contact: sip:tawatson@example.com

   The request could be sent to either the registrar at bell-tel.com or the server at example.com. 
In the latter case, the server at example.com would proxy the request to the address indicated in the Request-URI. Then, Max-Forwards header could be used to restrict the registration to that server.





我们知道,客户端在和sip server交互使用的端口号可以是任意的,根据实验发现如下规律




     而是默认都会使用5060,一旦被占用就会使用别的udp端口   -----但是有一次实验,好想也使用了5060,所以这个还有待于进一步验证。

2,使用任意端口号发INVITE报文时,受影响header field包括:Contact,Via,他们的uri中port部分和传输层的端口号相同。























sip协议针对每一个连接用一个index来记录,一个index由连接的远端(另一头)的地址,port,协议类型 这三元组来生成。有以下几个特点

1)对于连接的发起者index=目的ip + 目的port + 传输协议

2)对于连接的接收者index=源ip + 源port + 传输协议,






 1,客户端在构造请求报文的时候,会在 Via 字段的头域中嵌入一个"sent-by"字段,这个字段包含两部分:ip地址或域名, 端口号。这个字段用来指导服务器向哪里回应答,如果没有port,则会使用缺省端口(udp/tcp/sctp:5060; tls:5061)








当应答回来了,客户端会检查应答中的 VIa 头域中的"sent-by"字段,一般来说这个字段是来自当初请求中的该字段,所以我回检查他是否和我的配置匹配,如果不匹配则销毁之




2,所有接口上的udp/tcp/sctp:5060, tls:5061必须是可以接收连接的。(不过也有例外,私网环境和一个机器上部署多实例sip服务器的场景)





    水鬼子:这里着实有点蒙,udp为什么要监听? tcp监听了udp就不需要了么? 原文是:

A server need not listen for UDP on a particular address and port just because it is listening on that same address and port for TCP.  
There may, of course, be other reasons why a server needs to listen for UDP on a particular address and port.

4,如果接收到的包的源ip和"sent-by"字段指定的ip不同,则server需要在Via 的头上增加一个字段,叫"received",表示实际接收包的ip,这个字段用来帮助传输层去回复应答,也就是说这个应答必须要回给接收到请求的那个源地址,说白了就是哪里收到回哪里





                                                                               如果连接没有了,则server重新和received“建立连接,然后再send response

2,如果Via header字段中包含“maddr”参数,则需要回给列表中所有的地址,使用的端口号就是"sent-by"中指定的端口号,如果没有指定,那么就是5060端口号

3,如果基于不可靠的传输的单播传输,回应答给“received“指定的地址  和 "sent-by"中指定的端口号,如果端口号没有指定,那么就是5060

4,如果没有“received“标识,则应答会给 "sent-by"中指定的地址 + 端口号




0: atlanta.com是Ailce所属的sip服务器, 简称 A 和A侧代理




F1 INVITE Alice -> atlanta.com proxy

INVITE sip:bob@biloxi.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8
Max-Forwards: 70
To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>
From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774
Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
CSeq: 314159 INVITE
Contact: <sip:alice@pc33.atlanta.com>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 142

(Alice's SDP not shown)

所以pc33.atlanta.com 和 alice@atlanta.com是两个概念

A ---> A侧代理 invite

F2 100 Trying atlanta.com proxy -> Alice SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com> From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 CSeq: 314159 INVITE Content-Length: 0

     A  <--- A侧代理 100

 F3 INVITE atlanta.com proxy -> biloxi.com proxy 
INVITE sip:bob@biloxi.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received=
Max-Forwards: 69
To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>
From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774
Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
CSeq: 314159 INVITE
Contact: <sip:alice@pc33.atlanta.com>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 142 (Alice's SDP not shown)

然后把这个新via insert到报文头中

 A侧代理 ---> B侧代理  invite

------------------------------------------------------ F4 100 Trying biloxi.com proxy -> atlanta.com proxy SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1 ;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com> From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 CSeq: 314159 INVITE Content-Length: 0 4,回复临时应答给atlanta,同样在topmost via中添加上"received"参数
 A侧代理 <--- B侧代理  100

F5 INVITE biloxi.com proxy -> Bob INVITE sip:bob@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP server10.biloxi.com;branch=z9hG4bK4b43c2ff8.1 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1 ;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= Max-Forwards: 68 To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com> From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 CSeq: 314159 INVITE Contact: <sip:alice@pc33.atlanta.com> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 142 (Alice's SDP not shown)

5,sip 服务供应商(proxy)将invite请求发给最终的uac,但是在发送前同样需要把自己的位置信息封装到一个via中insert到headers里

 B侧代理 ---> B invite

F6 180 Ringing Bob -> biloxi.com proxy SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP server10.biloxi.com;branch=z9hG4bK4b43c2ff8.1 ;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1 ;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 Contact: <sip:bob@> CSeq: 314159 INVITE Content-Length: 0

如何知道是哪个proxy呢,当然是根据topmost via知道的,一看原来是biloxi这个proxy,器地址为server10.biloxi.com

    B侧代理 <--- B ring

F7 180 Ringing biloxi.com proxy -> atlanta.com proxy SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1 ;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 Contact: <sip:bob@> CSeq: 314159 INVITE Content-Length: 0 7,proxy之间转发via,接收时检查topmost via,然后remove之,最后转发出去

A侧代理<--- B侧代理  ring

F8 180 Ringing atlanta.com proxy -> Alice SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 Contact: <sip:bob@> CSeq: 314159 INVITE Content-Length: 0

8,供应上/server/proxy转发ring,具体说来是:接收后检查topmost via,然后remove之,根据next via转发出去
A<--- A侧代理  ring

F9 200 OK Bob -> biloxi.com proxy

SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP server10.biloxi.com;branch=z9hG4bK4b43c2ff8.1
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8
To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf
From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774
Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
CSeq: 314159 INVITE
Contact: <sip:bob@>    ----这个contact有变化了
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 131

(Bob's SDP not shown)

B侧代理 <--- B 200 OK

F10 200 OK biloxi.com proxy -> atlanta.com proxy SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP bigbox3.site3.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bK77ef4c2312983.1 ;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ;received= To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 CSeq: 314159 INVITE Contact: <sip:bob@> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 131 (Bob's SDP not shown)
A侧代理 <--- B侧代理 200 OK
F11 200 OK atlanta.com proxy -> Alice

SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8
To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf
From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774
Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
CSeq: 314159 INVITE
Contact: <sip:bob@>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 131

(Bob's SDP not shown)

A <--- A侧代理 200 OK

F12 ACK Alice -> Bob ACK sip:bob@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds9 Max-Forwards: 70 To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 CSeq: 314159 ACK Content-Length: 0 The media session between Alice and Bob is now established. Bob hangs up first. Note that Bob's SIP phone maintains its own CSeq numbering space, which, in this example, begins with 231. Since Bob is making the request, the To and From URIs and tags have been swapped.

   A ---> B  ACK 
F13 BYE Bob -> Alice 
BYE sip:alice@pc33.atlanta.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKnashds10
Max-Forwards: 70
From: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf
To: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774
Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
CSeq: 231 BYE
Content-Length: 0

    A <--- B  BYE

F14 200 OK Alice -> Bob SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKnashds10 From: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>;tag=a6c85cf To: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774 Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710 CSeq: 231 BYE Content-Length: 0
 A ---> B 200 OK  



1,关于via和contact,以及first line中的Reuest URl



via在请求的创建时,生成第一个via,然后上行沿途转发的过程中逐渐insert via

    基于这个请求的所有via生成应答,然后下行沿途转发的过程中逐渐remove via










200 OK是纯应答,复制INVITE的所有via,然后创建自己的contact

180 Ringing既是请求也是应答,作为应答他会复制原来INVITE请求的所有via,作为请求他会创建自己的contact



REGISTER sip:bell-tel.com SIP/2.0    -----注册服务器的地址,sip uri without user

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP saturn.bell-tel.com  ---地址(域名),普通地址

From: sip:watson@bell-tel.com        ----注册报文来自哪里,aor格式地址

To: sip:watson@bell-tel.com            ---给谁注册的,同时也是写到注册服务器中的条目的样子



INVITE sip:bob@biloxi.com SIP/2.0   ---向谁发请求,aor类型格式地址是一个对方在注册服务器中记录的地址 
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pc33.atlanta.com;branch=z9hG4bKnashds8 ---地址(域名),普通地址,表示经过的proxy
Max-Forwards: 70
To: Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com> ----向谁发请求,aor地址
From: Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>;tag=1928301774
Call-ID: a84b4c76e66710
CSeq: 314159 INVITE
Contact: <sip:alice@pc33.atlanta.com> ----- 表示后续你若想向我再发请求,则发到这里来




/usr/local/opensips/sbin/opensipsctl restart
/usr/local/opensips/sbin/opensipsctl stop
 /usr/local/opensips/sbin/opensipsctl start



安装的Yate client




