首页 > 技术文章 > stm32f030 IAP

weishengzhong 2018-08-01 20:20 原文

IAR环境stm32f030 IAP升级:



#if(FLASH_PAGE_SIZE == 0X400U)

#define FLASH_SIZE                                  (256 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define BOOT_AREA_SIZE                              (12 *  FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define TAG_AREA_SIZE                               (2 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define APP1_AREA_SIZE                              ((FLASH_SIZE -BOOT_AREA_SIZE-TAG_AREA_SIZE)/2)      // must mod == 0
#define APP2_AREA_SIZE                              APP1_AREA_SIZE


#if(FLASH_PAGE_SIZE == 0x800U)

#define FLASH_SIZE                                  (128 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define BOOT_AREA_SIZE                              (7 *  FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define TAG_AREA_SIZE                               (1 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define APP1_AREA_SIZE                              ((FLASH_SIZE -BOOT_AREA_SIZE-TAG_AREA_SIZE)/2)      // must mod == 0
#define APP2_AREA_SIZE                              APP1_AREA_SIZE


#define BASE_ADDRESS                                0x08000000

#define TAG_ADDRESS                                 (BOOT_AREA_SIZE + APP1_AREA_SIZE + APP2_AREA_SIZE + BASE_ADDRESS)
#define APP1_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS                        (BOOT_AREA_SIZE + BASE_ADDRESS)
#define APP2_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS                        (BOOT_AREA_SIZE + APP1_AREA_SIZE + BASE_ADDRESS)

typedef void ( *jump ) ( void );
void Restart ( void )
    jump reboot;
    __set_MSP ( * ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0x08000000 );
    reboot = ( jump ) * ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0x08000004;

void AppJump ( void )
    jump appjump;
    __set_MSP ( * ( volatile uint32_t* ) APP1_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS );
    appjump = ( jump ) * ( volatile uint32_t * ) ( APP1_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS + 4 );  




#if(FLASH_PAGE_SIZE == 0X400U)

#define FLASH_SIZE                                  (256 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)                     // only support even page
#define BOOT_AREA_SIZE                              (12 *  FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)                     // only support even page
#define TAG_AREA_SIZE                               (2 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)                       // only support even page
#define APP1_AREA_SIZE                              ((FLASH_SIZE -BOOT_AREA_SIZE-TAG_AREA_SIZE)/2)      // must mod == 0
#define APP2_AREA_SIZE                              APP1_AREA_SIZE


#if(FLASH_PAGE_SIZE == 0x800U)

#define FLASH_SIZE                                  (128 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define BOOT_AREA_SIZE                              (7 *  FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define TAG_AREA_SIZE                               (1 * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
#define APP1_AREA_SIZE                              ((FLASH_SIZE -BOOT_AREA_SIZE-TAG_AREA_SIZE)/2)      // must mod == 0
#define APP2_AREA_SIZE                              APP1_AREA_SIZE


#define BASE_ADDRESS                                0x08000000

#define TAG_ADDRESS                                 (BOOT_AREA_SIZE + APP1_AREA_SIZE + APP2_AREA_SIZE + BASE_ADDRESS)
#define APP1_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS                        (BOOT_AREA_SIZE + BASE_ADDRESS)
#define APP2_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS                        (BOOT_AREA_SIZE + APP1_AREA_SIZE + BASE_ADDRESS)

#if   (defined ( __CC_ARM ))
volatile uint32_t VectorTable[48] __attribute__ ( ( at ( 0x20000000 ) ) );
#elif (defined (__ICCARM__))
#pragma location = 0x20000000
__no_init volatile uint32_t VectorTable[48];
#elif defined   (  __GNUC__  )
volatile uint32_t VectorTable[48] __attribute__ ( ( section ( ".RAMVectorTable" ) ) );
#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
volatile uint32_t VectorTable[48] __at ( 0x20000000 );

void VectorTableRemap ( void )
    uint32_t i = 0;

    /* Relocate by software the vector table to the internal SRAM at 0x20000000 ***/

    /* Copy the vector table from the Flash (mapped at the base of the application
       load address APP_IMAG_LOCATION) to the base address of the SRAM at 0x20000000. */
    for ( i = 0; i < 48; i++ )
        VectorTable[i] = * ( volatile uint32_t* ) ( APP1_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS + ( i << 2 ) );
//        VectorTable[i] = * ( volatile uint32_t* ) ( 0x08000000 + ( i << 2 ) );

    /* Enable the SYSCFG peripheral clock*/

    /* Remap SRAM at 0x00000000 */

  将此函数放到main函数最开头即可,然后将中断向量表起始地址改为APP1_IMG_BEG_ADDRESS ,ram起始地址改为0x200000C0,如下图所示:



