首页 > 技术文章 > 如何利用gatling创建一个性能测试例

shihuc 原文






 1 package cnblogsCase
 3 import io.gatling.core.Predef._
 4 import io.gatling.http.Predef._
 5 import scala.concurrent.duration._
 7 class RepeatBaiduSimulation extends Simulation{
 8   val httpConf = http.baseURL("https://www.baidu.com")
10   val homepage = repeat(5){
11     exec(http("Home page").get("/").check(status.is(200)))
12     .pause(10 seconds)
13   }
15   val searchcb = repeat(5){
16     exec(http("Search cnblogs").get("/s").queryParam("wd", "cnblogs").check(status.is(200)))
17     .pause(10 seconds)
18   }
20   val scn = scenario("Search baidu home page").exec(homepage, searchcb)
22   //setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(10) over (60 seconds)).protocols(httpConf))
23   setUp(scn.inject(atOnceUsers(5)).protocols(httpConf))
24 }

基于gatling的测试脚本,其实就是一个scala的类,在里面描述做什么事情,并且指定具体的流程,也就是gatling定义的scenario。这个脚本,可以在Scala-eclipse IDE里面写,也可以直接vim文本编写,我这里是在scala-eclipse里面写的。在project里面创建了一个cnblogsCase的package。


[root@CloudGame simulations]# pwd
[root@CloudGame simulations]# ll
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 10 10:50 cnblogsCase
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 8 16:02 computerdatabase


1 [root@CloudGame gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT]# cd bin/
2 [root@CloudGame bin]# ll
3 total 132
4 -rwxr--r-- 1 root root   2898 Jan  8 16:02 gatling.bat
5 -rwxr--r-- 1 root root   1946 Jan  8 16:02 gatling.sh
6 -rwxr--r-- 1 root root   1992 Jan  8 16:02 recorder.bat
7 -rwxr--r-- 1 root root   1134 Jan  8 16:02 recorder.sh
8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 118708 Jan 10 11:24 res.txt
9 [root@CloudGame bin]# ./gatling.sh 


 1 。。。。。。。
 2 11:22:21.552 [main] DEBUG io.gatling.compiler.ZincCompiler$ - }
 3 11:22:21.982 [main] DEBUG io.gatling.compiler.ZincCompiler$ -
 4 Initial source changes:
 5         removed:Set()
 6         added: Set()
 7         modified: Set()
 8 Invalidated products: Set()
 9 External API changes: API Changes: Set()
10 Modified binary dependencies: Set()
11 Initial directly invalidated sources: Set()
13 Sources indirectly invalidated by:
14         product: Set()
15         binary dep: Set()
16         external source: Set()
17 11:22:21.983 [main] DEBUG io.gatling.compiler.ZincCompiler$ - All initially invalidated sources: Set()
19 11:22:21.993 [main] DEBUG io.gatling.compiler.ZincCompiler$ - Compilation successful
20 Choose a simulation number:
21      [0] cnblogsCase.RepeatBaiduSimulation
22      [1] computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
23      [2] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep01
24      [3] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep02
25      [4] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep03
26      [5] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep04
27      [6] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep05
28 Select simulation id (default is 'repeatbaidusimulation'). Accepted characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _
29 Select run description (optional)
30 11:23:00.883 [GatlingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] INFO  i.g.c.stats.writer.ConsoleDataWriter - Initializing
31 11:23:00.887 [GatlingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] INFO  i.g.c.stats.writer.LogFileDataWriter - Initializing
32 11:23:00.897 [GatlingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] INFO  i.g.c.stats.writer.ConsoleDataWriter - Initialized
33 11:23:00.905 [GatlingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] INFO  i.g.c.stats.writer.LogFileDataWriter - Initialized
34 11:23:00.937 [main] DEBUG i.n.u.i.l.InternalLoggerFactory - Using SLF4J as the default logging framework
35 。。。。。。


 1 Parsing log file(s) done
 2 Generating reports...
 4 ================================================================================
 5 ---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
 6 > request count                                         20 (OK=20     KO=0     )
 7 > min response time                                      8 (OK=8      KO=-     )
 8 > max response time                                    454 (OK=454    KO=-     )
 9 > mean response time                                   123 (OK=123    KO=-     )
10 > std deviation                                        146 (OK=146    KO=-     )
11 > response time 50th percentile                         85 (OK=85     KO=-     )
12 > response time 75th percentile                        147 (OK=147    KO=-     )
13 > mean requests/sec                                  0.198 (OK=0.198  KO=-     )
14 ---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
15 > t < 800 ms                                            20 (100%)
16 > 800 ms < t < 1200 ms                                   0 (  0%)
17 > t > 1200 ms                                            0 (  0%)
18 > failed                                                 0 (  0%)
19 ================================================================================
21 Reports generated in 0s.
22 Please open the following file: /root/.ivy2/local/io.gatling.highcharts/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle/2.2.0-SNAPSHOT/zips/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT/results/repeatbaidusimulation-1452396180846/index.html

在这个测试过程中,你会看到HTTPrequest和HTTP response的message,例如在做search cnblogs的时候,就有下面的这种信息可以看到:

 1 Request DefaultFullHttpRequest(decodeResult: success, version: HTTP/1.1, content: UnpooledHeapByteBuf(freed))
 2 GET /s?wd=cnblogs HTTP/1.1
 3 Referer: https://www.baidu.com/
 4 Cookie: BIDUPSID=FDE533EC959AF63BFE9EFBDFF9822C3E; BAIDUID=FDE533EC959AF63BFE9EFBDFF9822C3E:FG=1; PSTM=1452396098; __bsi=14078739286212139513_00_0_I_R_82_0303_C02F_N_I_I_0; BD_NOT_HTTPS=1; BDSVRTM=0
 5 Connection: keep-alive
 6 Host: www.baidu.com
 7 Accept: */*
 9 Response DefaultHttpResponse(decodeResult: success, version: HTTP/1.1)
10 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
11 Server: bfe/
12 Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 03:22:29 GMT
13 Content-Type: text/html
14 Content-Length: 227
15 Connection: keep-alive
16 Last-Modified: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:47:57 GMT
17 X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
18 Set-Cookie: BD_NOT_HTTPS=1; path=/; Max-Age=300
19 Set-Cookie: BDSVRTM=3; path=/
20 Pragma: no-cache
21 Cache-control: no-cache
23 BDQID: 0xae1b13fb000760db
24 Accept-Ranges: bytes
25 Set-Cookie: __bsi=14180245014310892240_00_0_I_R_90_0303_C02F_N_I_I_0; expires=Sun, 10-Jan-16 03:22:34 GMT; domain=www.baidu.com; path=/

上面的请求和应答中,可以清楚的看到测试的内容和结果。在Http Request的请求行中,可以看到URI的内容,在Http Response的响应行中,可以看到状态信息,都是符合预期的。

这里,罗嗦一下,如何知道脚本中执行search的时候,search的key填写什么?也就是如何构建Http Request的请求行中的URI?其实,这个是要依据自己要测试的目标的网页具体内容的,比如这里要在baidu的主页搜索栏里面查找cnblogs,就要知道URI中的key,再将其的value填写为cnblogs就可以了。这个可以debug模式查看baidu主页的html,还可以很清楚的知道执行指令是用get还是post。


配置和写脚本都不是什么难事情,现在就要分析一下,脚本测试执行的过程是不是我没预期想要的。主要看看,分析一下执行的次数。我脚本中,设置了5个用户,scenario包含2部分,一个打开主页,一个查询cnblogs字符串,都是执行5次,这么算下来,request一共应该是多少此呢?算算就知道了: 5*(5 + 5) = 50,而结果是不是这样子呢????


 1 Simulation finished
 2 Parsing log file(s)...
 3 Parsing log file(s) done
 4 Generating reports...
 6 ================================================================================
 7 ---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
 8 > request count                                         50 (OK=50     KO=0     )
 9 > min response time                                      7 (OK=7      KO=-     )
10 > max response time                                    177 (OK=177    KO=-     )
11 > mean response time                                    63 (OK=63     KO=-     )
12 > std deviation                                         45 (OK=45     KO=-     )
13 > response time 50th percentile                         74 (OK=74     KO=-     )
14 > response time 75th percentile                         91 (OK=91     KO=-     )
15 > mean requests/sec                                  0.494 (OK=0.494  KO=-     )
16 ---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
17 > t < 800 ms                                            50 (100%)
18 > 800 ms < t < 1200 ms                                   0 (  0%)
19 > t > 1200 ms                                            0 (  0%)
20 > failed                                                 0 (  0%)
21 ================================================================================
23 Reports generated in 0s.
24 Please open the following file: /mnt/workwps/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.7/results/repeatbaidusimulation-1452401293142/index.html





这个gatling工具,其实还是非常不错的,使用相对比较简单,结果展示也非常友好!相比nGrinder的纯的web UI下的操作,对于初学者可能有比较大的难度,但是,熟悉scala和DSL后,会发现gatling具有很多优势,比如脚本书写非常的灵活,声明式的scenaro的会让其他用户读你写的case毫不费劲!
