首页 > 技术文章 > 报错com/android/dx/command/dexer/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

yidijimao 2016-12-23 15:40 原文


  • 自己在AndroidStudio上倒弄自己的小项目,更新了build tools到24了

删除24,eclipse正常运行了。查了一下发现build tools24需要JDK1.8支持

另一种解决方式是: project.properties file文件中加sdk.buildtools=23.0.3

If you have Android SDK Build-Tools 24 installed, then either uninstall Android SDK Build-Tools 24, or add the following entry to your project.properties file:


Change the buildtools version value to the last pre-24 version of the Android SDK-Tools that you have installed.

It would appear Android SDK Build-Tools 24 require Java version 8
