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shi5588 2015-01-05 09:48 原文


.Net memcached client

.Net 2.0 memcached client

Client developed in .NET 2.0 keeping performance and extensibility in mind. (Supports consistent hashing.)

BeIT Memcached Client (optimized C# 2.0)


            int runs = 100;
            int start = 200;
            if(args.Length > 1)
                runs = int.Parse(args[0]);
                start = int.Parse(args[1]);

            string[] serverlist = { "" };//可以添加多个服务器

            //为服务器初始化IO连接池 initialize the pool for memcache servers
            SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.GetInstance();
            pool.InitConnections = 3;
            pool.MinConnections = 3;
            pool.MaxConnections = 5;

            pool.SocketConnectTimeout = 1000;
            pool.SocketTimeout = 3000;

            pool.MaintenanceSleep = 30;
            pool.Failover = true;

            pool.Nagle = false;
//            SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.Instance;
//            pool.Servers = serverlist;
//            pool.InitConn = 5;
//            pool.MinConn = 5;
//            pool.MaxConn = 50;
//            pool.MaintSleep = 30;
//            pool.SocketTO = 1000;
//            pool.Nagle = false;
//            pool.Initialize();

//建立一个客户端实例 MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient(); mc.EnableCompression = false; // MemcachedClient mc = new MemcachedClient(); // mc.CompressEnable = false; // mc.CompressThreshold = 0; // mc.Serialize = true; string keyBase = "testKey"; string obj = "这是缓存的内容,如果很大,注意序列化的开销。也可以压缩后传输。东莞市长安镇图书馆。"; long begin = DateTime.Now.Ticks; for(int i = start; i < start+runs; i++) {
//写入缓存 mc.Set(keyBase
+ i, obj); } long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks; long time = end - begin; Console.WriteLine(runs + " sets: " + new TimeSpan(time).ToString() + "ms"); begin = DateTime.Now.Ticks; int hits = 0; int misses = 0; for(int i = start; i < start+runs; i++) {
string str = (string) mc.Get(keyBase + i); if(str != null) ++hits; else ++misses; } end = DateTime.Now.Ticks; time = end - begin; Console.WriteLine(runs + " gets: " + new TimeSpan(time).ToString() + "ms"); Console.WriteLine("Cache hits: " + hits.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Cache misses: " + misses.ToString()); //枚举服务器的状态 IDictionary stats = mc.Stats(); foreach(string key1 in stats.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(key1); Hashtable values = (Hashtable)stats[key1]; foreach(string key2 in values.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(key2 + ":" + values[key2]); } Console.WriteLine(); } SockIOPool.GetInstance().Shutdown(); Console.ReadLine();

