首页 > 技术文章 > eclipse下查看java源码设置

zx3707 2016-12-05 14:12 原文


1.选择一函数,按住ctrl,显示open declaration(或按F3);


如果未配置,点 source attachment configuration -- external file selection --找到你的jdk下的src.zip文件,选择,然后就结束了








1.windows--preferences--java--installed jres --选中jre6--点击右边的edit--选中jre6/lib/rt.jar --点击右边的 source attachment configuration -- external file selection --找到你的jdk下的src.zip文件,选择,然后就结束了


2.Short answer would be yes.

You can attach source using the properties for a project.

Go to Properties (for the Project) -> Java Build Path -> Libraries

Select the Library you want to attach source/javadoc for and then expand it, you'll see a list like so:

Source Attachment: (none)
Javadoc location: (none)
Native library location: (none)
Access rules: (No restrictions)

Select Javadoc location and then click Edit on the right hahnd side. It should be quite straight forward from there.

Good luck :)

