首页 > 技术文章 > potplay64 1.7(2018-2) 和quicktime 7.79(2016)比较:

luoyanghero 2018-03-30 15:49 原文

Try to install QuickTimeInstaller7.79.exe*
If error occur as follow:
"ul_catalog.98cb24ad_52fb_db5f_ff1f_c8b3b9a1e18e not found in cabinet file quicktime.cab. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the cd-rom, or a problem with this package."

Do as follow:
1. run extract.bat
QuickTimeInstaller7.79.exe /extract
2. install AppleApplicationSupport.msi
3. install AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi
4. restart your Computer-PC
5. install QuickTime.msi
Do not install QuickTimeInstallerAdmin.exe

potplay64 1.7(2018-2) 和quicktime 7.79(2016)比较:
测试使用4k@30 .mov 格式视频,压缩质量非常高。
potplay64 使用EVR(CP)自荐渲染(默认带GPU加速),有颜色失真。内存3.1G, i7 CPU 85%, GPU 39%
potplay64 使用普通渲染(纯CPU,没有GPU加速) 没有颜色失真。内存3.1G, i7 CPU 100%
quicktime 默认带GPU加速), 没有颜色失真。内存3.4G, i7 CPU 90%, GPU 28%

