首页 > 技术文章 > python--代码统计(进阶版)

langyao 2017-07-29 09:49 原文





 1 #coding:gbk
 2 import os
 3 import time
 4 from CountItem.FindCode import *
 6 n = 0
 7 '''查找历史记录的行数'''
 8 try:
 9     with open('TotalLines','r') as p:
10         lastline = ''
11         for lastline in p.readlines():
12             pass
13         index = lastline.find('>>')
14         n = int(lastline[index+2:])
15 except ValueError as e:
16     n = 0
17 except FileNotFoundError:
18     n = 0
19 '''文件列表'''
20 fileList = FindCode().getLocalfile(os.getcwd())
21 '''计算行数'''
22 for filename in fileList:
23     try:
24         with open(filename,'r') as f:
25             try:
26                 lines = f.readlines()
27             except UnicodeDecodeError:
28                 '''编码错误,不用管,我们要的是行数'''
29                 '''嗯,,掩耳盗铃'''
30                 pass
31             for s in lines:
32                 '''不计入空行'''
33                 if s == '\n':
34                     continue
35                 n += 1
36     except FileNotFoundError as e:
37         print('文件名或文件路径错误,没有该文件!')
38         os.system('pause')
39         os._exit(1)
40     except OSError as e:
41         print('文件名不合法')
42         os.system('pause')
43         os._exit(1)
45 print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) + '代码行数>>' + str(n) + '\n')
47 '''写入文件'''
48 with open('TotalLines','a') as f:
49     f.write(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) + '代码行数>>' + str(n) + '\n')
50 os.system('pause')
 1 #coding:gbk
 2 import os
 3 class FindCode():
 4     '''初始化查找的文件类型列表'''
 5     def __init__(self):
 6         self.targetFile = []
 7         self.targetFile.append('c')
 8         self.targetFile.append('cpp')
 9         self.targetFile.append('py')
10         self.targetFile.append('java')
11     '''递归查找文件,用绝对路径'''
12     def getLocalfile(self,findpath):
13         fileList = os.listdir(findpath) 
14         aimsList = []
15         for filepath in fileList:
16             filepath = findpath + '\\' + filepath
17             if os.path.isdir(filepath):
18                 aimsList.extend(self.getLocalfile(filepath))
19             else:
20                 if self.selectFile(filepath):
21                     aimsList.append(filepath)
22         return aimsList
24     def selectFile(self,filepath):
25         index = filepath.find('.')
26         lastname = filepath[index+1:]
27         return True if lastname in self.targetFile else False
29 if __name__ == '__main__':
30     Demo = FindCode()
31     print('\n'.join(x for x in Demo.getLocalfile(os.getcwd())))



1 '''文件列表'''
2 filepath = input('请输入指定文件路径(绝对路径):')
3 if os.path.isdir(filepath):
4      fileList = FindCode().getLocalfile(filepath)


