首页 > 技术文章 > sharepoint 配置个人网站容量

olay 2017-11-16 11:03 原文

we have a SharePoint 2013 Standard edition implementation and 80 users. We are now starting to use MySites and I want to set up SkyDrive (OneDrive) Pro syncing of their documents from mysites to their laptops but the quota limit is 100MB, which is far too small for users documents


Go here in Central Admin

  • Central Admin > Application Management
  • Site Collections > Specify quota templates

Under Edit an existing template choose Personal Site.
Change the values under Storage Limit Values to the values you want.

You can see the values for a specific users My Site here

  • Central Admin > Application Management
  • Site Collections > Configure Quotas and Locks

Under Site Collection choose the individual users My Site
