首页 > 技术文章 > windows安装TensorFlow

zhuxiang1633 2019-01-28 16:17 原文

1 环境准备

python3.5.x 高版本的python不能安装TensorFlow

2 安装

# CPU 版的
C:\> pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow

# GPU 版的
C:\> pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu


  • Windows 运行 Tensorflow 如果遇到这个报错:
Error importing tensorflow.  Unless you are using bazel,
you should not try to import tensorflow from its source directory;
please exit the tensorflow source tree, and relaunch your python interpreter
from there.

不要惊慌, 尝试下载安装 Windows 的 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributable update 3 64 bit. 就能解决这个问题.



安装gensim:pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple gensim

