首页 > 技术文章 > python隐含的特性

tom-zhao 2014-10-09 09:50 原文


  • Argument Unpacking
  • Braces
  • Chaining Comparison Operators
  • Decorators
  • Default Argument Gotchas / Dangers of Mutable Default arguments
  • Descriptors
  • Dictionary default .get value
  • Docstring Tests
  • Ellipsis Slicing Syntax
  • Enumeration
  • For/else
  • Function as iter() argument
  • Generator expressions
  • import this
  • In Place Value Swapping
  • List stepping
  • __missing__ items
  • Multi-line Regex
  • Named string formatting
  • Nested list/generator comprehensions
  • New types at runtime
  • .pth files
  • ROT13 Encoding
  • Regex Debugging
  • Sending to Generators
  • Tab Completion in Interactive Interpreter
  • Ternary Expression
  • try/except/else
  • Unpacking+print() function
  • with statement
