首页 > 技术文章 > 超精讲-逐例分析CS:APP-LAB2-Bomb!(上)

JayL-zxl 2021-01-20 16:18 原文

0. 环境要求


安装命令 sudo yum install gdb

实验的下载地址 http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/3e/labs.html

gbd的命令地址 http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/2e/docs/gdbnotes-x86-64.pdf

知乎同款连接 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/339461318

这里我们需要使用objdump -d ./bomb >> bomb.s反汇编工具来得到汇编代码。

下面就开始举世盛名bomb 实验吧

1. 第一关

  1. 粗读 main 函数

       printf("Welcome to my fiendish little bomb. You have 6 phases with\n");
       printf("which to blow yourself up. Have a nice day!\n");
        /* Hmm...  Six phases must be more secure than one phase! */
       input = read_line();             /* Get input                   */
       phase_1(input);                  /* Run the phase               */
       phase_defused();                 /* Drat!  They figured it out!

    通过简单的阅读理解应该知道这里面的phase_1 就是我们的第一关了,然后根据函数名称 input = read_line() 应该是要验证我们的输入是否合理,我们先乱输入一个看看先运行起来

    (gdb) r
    Starting program: /csapp/bomb/bomb 
    warning: Error disabling address space randomization: Operation not permitted
    Welcome to my fiendish little bomb. You have 6 phases with
    which to blow yourself up. Have a nice day!

    输入hello wordl

    hello world
    The bomb has blown up.
    [Inferior 1 (process 67) exited with code 010]

