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woshizhizhang 2019-08-12 10:52 原文


Lecture2:Image Classification pipeline

def classify_image(image):

      # some magic here?

       return class_label

Data-Driven Approach

  1. Collect a dataset of images and labels
  2. Use Machine Learning to train a classifier
  3. Evaluate the classifier on new images

Example Dataset:CIFAR10

       10 classes

       50 000 training images

       10 000 testing images

Distance Metric to compare images

       L1 distance:曼哈顿

K-Nearest Neighbors

       Instead of copying label from nearest neighbor, take majority vote from K closest points.

Distance Metric

L1(Manhattan)distance曼哈顿距离 L2(Euclidean)distance欧式距离


       What is the best value of k to use?

       What is the best distance to use?

       These are hyperparameters: choices about the algorithm that we set rather than learn.





遇到的问题:Python中Import Error: no module named 'past'错误以及解决方法

