首页 > 技术文章 > 常用期刊检索

cslxiao 2017-02-20 22:20 原文


Check journal indexes (EI, SCI, ISI, ...)


Search for SCI journals ( full list of SCI journals here)


Search for SCIE journals ( full list of SCIE journals here)


Search for SSCI journals ( full list of SSCI journals here)


Search for ISI journals


EI compendex website ( download list of EI journals in Excel format here)


Check Chinese Academy of Science journal ranking using LetPub (中科院分区 )


Check a journal SCImago JCR ranking (journal search)


Search the ISI web of knowledge



Check Impact factor of a journal


Search for impact factors on SCIJournal.org

Search for impact factors on bioxbio.com


Search for papers

- Search on Google scholar (or use the GlGoo mirror)

- Search or Google Books


List of conferences

- Conferences by due date (cfplist) (wikicfp)

- Conferences by date (conferencealerts)

- Conferences for the field of data mining by due date (link1) (link2)

