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loujiayu 2014-01-01 21:21 原文





 1 void exit_with_help()
 2 {
 3     printf(
 4     "Usage: train [options] training_set_file [model_file]\n"
 5     "options:\n"
 6     "-s type : set type of solver (default 1)\n"
 7     "  for multi-class classification\n"
 8     "     0 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (primal)\n"
 9     "     1 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (dual)\n"
10     "     2 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (primal)\n"
11     "     3 -- L2-regularized L1-loss support vector classification (dual)\n"
12     "     4 -- support vector classification by Crammer and Singer\n"
13     "     5 -- L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classification\n"
14     "     6 -- L1-regularized logistic regression\n"
15     "     7 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (dual)\n"
16     "  for regression\n"
17     "    11 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector regression (primal)\n"
18     "    12 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector regression (dual)\n"
19     "    13 -- L2-regularized L1-loss support vector regression (dual)\n"
20     "-c cost : set the parameter C (default 1)\n"
21     "-p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of SVR (default 0.1)\n"
22     "-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion\n"
23     "    -s 0 and 2\n"
24     "        |f'(w)|_2 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_2,\n"
25     "        where f is the primal function and pos/neg are # of\n"
26     "        positive/negative data (default 0.01)\n"
27     "    -s 11\n"
28     "        |f'(w)|_2 <= eps*|f'(w0)|_2 (default 0.001)\n"
29     "    -s 1, 3, 4, and 7\n"
30     "        Dual maximal violation <= eps; similar to libsvm (default 0.1)\n"
31     "    -s 5 and 6\n"
32     "        |f'(w)|_1 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_1,\n"
33     "        where f is the primal function (default 0.01)\n"
34     "    -s 12 and 13\n"
35     "        |f'(alpha)|_1 <= eps |f'(alpha0)|,\n"
36     "        where f is the dual function (default 0.1)\n"
37     "-B bias : if bias >= 0, instance x becomes [x; bias]; if < 0, no bias term added (default -1)\n"
38     "-wi weight: weights adjust the parameter C of different classes (see README for details)\n"
39     "-v n: n-fold cross validation mode\n"
40     "-q : quiet mode (no outputs)\n"
41     );
42     exit(1);
43 }


    库的实现主要在linear.cpp这个文件中,其中train()函数负责训练数据得出相应的model,predict()函数负责预判未知的输入数据。具体的使用帮助请参考软件包中的README文件。我在项目中使用的训练方法主要是坐标下降法,下面就是坐标下降法 的主要原理和应用。

    L2-regularized L1- and L2-loss Support Vector Classification(dual)

    L2-regularized L1-loss support vector classification (dual)的最优化模型:

    L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (dual)的最后化模型:


    下面讨论的求解过程以L1 SVC为准,L1与L2的泛化能力差不多,而训练时间一般L2要快些。




    这里的α是叫做学习速度(learning rate), 它决定了坐标下降的幅度大小,假设在只有一个训练样本的情况下对J(θ)求偏导并代入上式:




    对 关于 求导得

    当d=0,即 时收敛,也就是说 达到最优值,在先前SVM原理简介中提到,带入到 中得到:。在更新α的同时我们也需要更新w:,其中 是更新后的值, 是更新前的值, ,两个值的差值d可以对上面的 关于d求导得到 :,可能写的比较乱,下面列出整个流程的伪代码来理清思路。


 1             if(fabs(PG) > 1.0e-12)
 2             {
 3                 double alpha_old = alpha[i];
 4                 alpha[i] = min(max(alpha[i] - G/QD[i], 0.0), C);
 5                 d = (alpha[i] - alpha_old)*yi;
 6                 xi = prob->x[i];
 7                 while (xi->index != -1)
 8                 {
 9                     w[xi->index-1] += d*xi->value;
10                     xi++;
11                 }
12             }




 1 double predict_values(const struct model *model_, const struct feature_node *x, double *dec_values)
 2 {
 3     int idx;
 4     int n;
 5     if(model_->bias>=0)
 6         n=model_->nr_feature+1;
 7     else
 8         n=model_->nr_feature;
 9     double *w=model_->w;
10     int nr_class=model_->nr_class;
11     int i;
12     int nr_w;
13     if(nr_class==2 && model_->param.solver_type != MCSVM_CS)
14         nr_w = 1;
15     else
16         nr_w = nr_class;
18     const feature_node *lx=x;
19     for(i=0;i<nr_w;i++)
20         dec_values[i] = 0;
21     for(; (idx=lx->index)!=-1; lx++)
22     {
23         // the dimension of testing data may exceed that of training
24         if(idx<=n)
25             for(i=0;i<nr_w;i++)
26                 dec_values[i] += w[(idx-1)*nr_w+i]*lx->value;
27     }
29     if(nr_class==2)
30     {
31         if(model_->param.solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVR ||
32            model_->param.solver_type == L2R_L1LOSS_SVR_DUAL ||
33            model_->param.solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVR_DUAL)
34             return dec_values[0];
35         else
36             return (dec_values[0]>0)?model_->label[0]:model_->label[1];
37     }
38     else
39     {
40         int dec_max_idx = 0;
41         for(i=1;i<nr_class;i++)
42         {
43             if(dec_values[i] > dec_values[dec_max_idx])
44                 dec_max_idx = i;
45         }
46         return model_->label[dec_max_idx];
47     }
48 }


    对于惩罚因子C的优化问题,可以借助LIBSVM中grid.py这个工具,它使用交叉验证来选出预测精度最高的那个参数,如果同时优化两个参数(RBF kernel中的c和g),它可以借助gnuplot画出等高线来帮助我们直观的了解整个优化的过程,当然可以根据你自己的需要来修改grid.py来优化你想要的参数,非常有用的小工具。

Usage: grid.py [grid_options] [svm_options] dataset

grid_options :
-log2c {begin,end,step | "null"} : set the range of c (default -5,15,2)
    begin,end,step -- c_range = 2^{begin,...,begin+k*step,...,end}
    "null"         -- do not grid with c
-log2g {begin,end,step | "null"} : set the range of g (default 3,-15,-2)
    begin,end,step -- g_range = 2^{begin,...,begin+k*step,...,end}
    "null"         -- do not grid with g
-v n : n-fold cross validation (default 5)
-svmtrain pathname : set svm executable path and name
-gnuplot {pathname | "null"} :
    pathname -- set gnuplot executable path and name
    "null"   -- do not plot 
-out {pathname | "null"} : (default dataset.out)
    pathname -- set output file path and name
    "null"   -- do not output file
-png pathname : set graphic output file path and name (default dataset.png)
-resume [pathname] : resume the grid task using an existing output file (default pathname is dataset.out)
    This is experimental. Try this option only if some parameters have been checked for the SAME data.

