首页 > 技术文章 > Oracle 11g 新建用户

wzl-learn 2021-05-24 16:31 原文

create user XXXuser identified by XXXpassword;--创建用户XXXuser,设置初始密码XXXpassword

alter user XXXuser identified by newPassword;--修改XXXuser的密码为newPassword

--drop tablespace XXXuser including contents and datafiles;--删除已存在的表空间XXXuser

create tablespace XXXuser datafile 'D:\XXXuser.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 32m maxsize 2048m;--创建表空间XXXuser,数据文件名为及路径为D:\XXXuser.dbf

alter user XXXuser default tablespace XXXuser;--设置XXXuser用户默认表空间为XXXuser


grant dba, resource, connect to XXXuser;

grant create session to XXXuser;

grant create table to XXXuser;

grant create view to XXXuser;

grant create tablespace to XXXuser;

grant unlimited tablespace to XXXuser;

grant select any table to XXXuser;

grant select any dictionary to XXXuser;

