首页 > 技术文章 > python发送邮件+多人+附件 !!!!

djl-0628 2021-05-10 14:43 原文

import smtplib
import os
from email.header import Header
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# shenyuximr@163.com
def sendemail(host,usernames,verify):
    # 发件人和收件人
    sender = 'luckyletop@163.com'
    # receiver = 'xxxxxx@qq.com'
    receiver = 'luckyletop@163.com'

    # 所使用的用来发送邮件的SMTP服务器
    smtpserver = 'smtp.163.com'

    # 发送邮箱的用户名和授权码(不是登录邮箱的密码)
    username = 'luckyletop@163.com'
    password = 'UPLUATHPNLKSUCZM'

    # 邮件主题
    mail_title = '接口测试报告'
    send_user = '奥里给'
    verify_url = ""
    # 读取html文件内容
    # f = open('/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html', "r+", encoding="utf-8")  # HTML文件默认和当前文件在同一路径下,若不在同一路径下,需要指定要发送的HTML文件的路径
    # file_data = ""
    # data = f.read()
    # for line in data:
    #     if "userName" in data:
    #         line = line.replace("userName", send_user)
    #     elif "reset_link" in line:
    #         line = line.replace("reset_link", verify_url)
    #     elif "host" in line:
    #         line = line.replace("host","ddddddddddd")
    # f.write(data)
    # f.close()

    with open(r"C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\zi\inter.html", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f1,open("%s.bak" % r"C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\zi\inter.html", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as f2:
        # for line in f1.readlines():
        #     if '{host}' in line:
        #         line = line.replace('{host}', host)
        #     elif '{userName}' in line:
        #         line = line.replace('{userName}', usernames)
        #     elif 'reset_link' in line:
        #         line = line.replace('reset_link', verify)
        #     f2.write(line)
        #     data = f2.read()
        data = f1.read()
        data = data.replace("{host}",host).replace("{userName}", usernames).replace("reset_link", verify)
    # os.remove("/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html")
    # os.rename("%s.bak" % "/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html", "/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html")
    # data = f1.read()

    # mail_body = f.read()
    # print(mail_body.replace('{userName}', "ssssssssss"))
    # print(mail_body.replace('{host}', ""))
    # print(mail_body.replace('reset_link', "verify_url"))

    # 邮件内容, 格式, 编码
    message = MIMEText(data, 'html', 'utf-8')
    message['From'] = sender
    msg_to = ['luckyletop@163.com','shenyuximr@163.com']
    message['To'] = ','.join(msg_to)
    # message['To'] = receiver
    message['Subject'] = Header(mail_title, 'utf-8')

        smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
        smtp.login(username, password)
        smtp.sendmail(sender,  message['To'].split(','), message.as_string())
    except smtplib.SMTPException:

# import os
# def alter(file,old_str,new_str):
#     """
#     将替换的字符串写到一个新的文件中,然后将原文件删除,新文件改为原来文件的名字
#     :param file: 文件路径
#     :param old_str: 需要替换的字符串
#     :param new_str: 替换的字符串
#     :return: None
#     """
#     with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f1,open("%s.bak" % file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f2:
#         for line in f1:
#             if old_str in line:
#                 line = line.replace(old_str, new_str)
#             f2.write(line)
#     os.remove(file)
#     os.rename("%s.bak" % file, file)
# alter("/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html", "host", "")
# alter("/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html", "userName", "ssssss")
# alter("/Users/echo/Desktop/login/leapin-api/leapin/static/mail.html", "reset_link", "verify")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sendemail('luckyletop@163.com', 'luckyletop@163.com','smtp.163.com' )
