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luweilehei 2019-08-26 10:13 原文

创建表:create table stuinfo(stuid int unsigned primarykey,stuname varchar(10) not null,gender char(1),birthdate date,class varchar(2),city varchar(20)

插入数据:insert into stuinfo(stuid,stuname,gender,class,city,major) values(20190001,"芦苇","男","3班","合肥","唱歌");

给表新增字段:alter table stuinfo add major varchar(20) after(before)  字段名;

删除字段:alter table stuinfo drop major ;

表重新命名:alter table stuinfo rename stuinfos;

查询结果导出:select * from stuinfo into outfile  '目录'  fields terminated by '分裂符号' lines terminated by '\r\n';

文件导入数据库:load data infile '文件路经' into table orders fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\r\t'; 



错误:1290 - The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement 


