首页 > 技术文章 > git上传(本地和远程有冲突时)

cj2014 2016-06-03 21:28 原文

一. 冲突的产生:在上次git同步(上传)之后,本地和远程均有更改

二. 处理

1. 丢弃本地,采用远程:

    git checkout 冲突文件及其路径

    如: git checkout bzrobot_navigation_meta_packages/map_server/src/access_map_server.cpp

2. 人为合并( git mergetool)本地和远程代码 (思路:先提交没有冲突的部分,再人为合并,再提交冲突的部分,最后将所有改动push上去)

    1). git pull: 提示冲突

    2). 提交(git add --all; git commit)

    3). git pull

    4). git mergetool

    5). git pull
    6). git commit 
         [216-fixed-area-walk d228a46] Merge branch '216-fixed-area-walk' of into 216-fixed-area-walk

    7). git add --all
    8). git commit
    9). git push origin 216-fixed-area-walk


wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git pull
Updating 502a546..9d49eeb
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git add --all
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git commit
[216-fixed-area-walk c8fd2d7] 添加可行区域请求程序
16 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 bzrobot_atom_tasks/bzrobot_require_access_area/CMakeLists.txt
create mode 100644 bzrobot_atom_tasks/bzrobot_require_access_area/include/bzrobot_require_access_area/require_access_area.h
create mode 100644 bzrobot_atom_tasks/bzrobot_require_access_area/launch/bzrobot_require_access_area.launch
create mode 100644 bzrobot_atom_tasks/bzrobot_require_access_area/package.xml
create mode 100644 bzrobot_atom_tasks/bzrobot_require_access_area/src/require_access_area.cpp
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git pull
Auto-merging bzrobot_navigation_meta_packages/map_server/src/access_map_server.cpp
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in bzrobot_navigation_meta_packages/map_server/src/access_map_server.cpp
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git mergetool

This message is displayed because 'merge.tool' is not configured.
See 'git mergetool --tool-help' or 'git help config' for more details.
'git mergetool' will now attempt to use one of the following tools:
meld opendiff kdiff3 tkdiff xxdiff tortoisemerge gvimdiff diffuse diffmerge ecmerge p4merge araxis bc3 codecompare emerge vimdiff

Normal merge conflict for 'bzrobot_navigation_meta_packages/map_server/src/access_map_server.cpp':
{local}: modified file
{remote}: modified file
Hit return to start merge resolution tool (meld):
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git pull
You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).
Please, commit your changes before you can merge.
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git commit
[216-fixed-area-walk d228a46] Merge branch '216-fixed-area-walk' of into 216-fixed-area-walk
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git pull
Already up-to-date.

wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git add --all
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git commit
[216-fixed-area-walk 44a25ff] 修改类命名
4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
wang@wang:~/IGV01-SW$ git push origin 216-fixed-area-walk

Counting objects: 186, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (62/62), done.
Writing objects: 100% (70/70), 6.38 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 70 (delta 42), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@
9d49eeb..44a25ff 216-fixed-area-walk -> 216-fixed-area-walk

三. 从216分支上传更新至216分支的一般操作过程

1. git pull

2. git add --all

3. git commit

4. git push origin 216-fixed-area-walk
