首页 > 技术文章 > NoReverseMatch at /salesman/zhuce/ Reverse for '/zhuce/' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

xuchunlin 2017-04-07 01:24 原文

NoReverseMatch at /salesman/zhuce/

Reverse for '/zhuce/' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []


一. 错误代码,错误部门用红色字体标出
<div id ="user">
     <form action="{% url '/zhuce/' %}" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
        {% csrf_token %}
        {{ Register_from.user_name.label }}{{ Register_from.user_name }}<br><br>
         {{ Register_from.password.label }}{{ Register_from.password }}<br><br>
         {{ Register_from.phone_no.label }}{{ Register_from.phone_no }}<br>{{ raise_error }}<br>

         {{ Register_from.email.label }}{{ Register_from.email }}<br><br>
         {{ Register_from.department.label }}{{ Register_from.department }}<br><br><br><br>

        <input type="submit" class="button small border-radius-bottom coral-bg" style="width: 50px ;height:30px;" value="注册" onclick="loading();" >
         <br>{{ register_success }}{{ register_fail }}



一 用表单生成模板的正确action配置
<div id ="user">
     <form action="{% url 'zhuce' %}" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
        {% csrf_token %}
        {{ Register_from.user_name.label }}{{ Register_from.user_name }}<br><br>
         {{ Register_from.password.label }}{{ Register_from.password }}<br><br>
         {{ Register_from.phone_no.label }}{{ Register_from.phone_no }}<br>{{ raise_error }}<br>

         {{ Register_from.email.label }}{{ Register_from.email }}<br><br>
         {{ Register_from.department.label }}{{ Register_from.department }}<br><br><br><br>

        <input type="submit" class="button small border-radius-bottom coral-bg" style="width: 50px ;height:30px;" value="注册" onclick="loading();" >
         <br>{{ register_success }}{{ register_fail }}



二.用HTML写的前段 action 代码。

{#<div id="user">#}
{#    <form action="/salesman/register/" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">#}
{#       <h2> 添加业务员 </h2>#}
{#        用户名: <input type="text" name="user_name">  {{ error_message }}{{ user_name_error }} <br/>#}
{#        手机号: <input type="text" name="phone_no"> {{ phone_error_message }} {{ phone_error }}  <br/>#}
{#         密码 : <input type="text" name="password">   {{ password_error_message }} <br/>#}
{#        <input id = 'submit' type="submit" value="注册">#}
{#        {{ create_success }}#}
{#    </form>#}

