首页 > 技术文章 > Ionic学习笔记5_动态组件指令

dengzy 2016-04-13 19:36 原文

1. 模态对话框 : $ionicModal

模态对话框常用来供用户进行选择或编辑,在模态对话框关闭之前,其他 的用户交互行为被阻止 .操作模态对象返回结果,模态对象的方法提前定制。


1.声明对话框模板 使用ion-modal-view指令声明对话框模板,对话框模板通常置入 script内以构造内联模板:

<script id="a.html" type="text/ng-template">

                        <ion-modal-view> <!--对话框内容--> </ion-modal-view>


  <script id="my-modal.html" type="text/ng-template">


                 <ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">

                             <h1 class="title">ion-modal-view</h1>

                             <a class="button" ng-click="closeModal();">关闭</a>

            <a class="button" ng-click="removeModal();">remove</a>



               <div class="padding">

                  <div class="list">

                       <label class="item item-input">

                           <span class="input-label">First Name</span>

                           <input ng-model="newUser.firstName" type="text">


                       <label class="item item-input">

                           <span class="input-label">Last Name</span>

                           <input ng-model="newUser.lastName" type="text">


                        <label class="item item-input">

                            <span class="input-label">Email</span>

                            <input ng-model="newUser.email" type="text">


                         <button class="button button-full button-positive" ng-click="createContact()">Create</button>






2.创建对话框对象 服务$ionicModal有两个方法用来创建对话框对象:

fromTemplate(templateString,options) - 使用字符串模板 fromTemplateUrl(templateUrl,options) - 使用内联模板这两个方法返回的都是一个对话框对象。


angular.module("myApp", ["ionic"])

.controller("myCtrl", function($scope, $ionicModal) {

           $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl("my-modal.html", {

                       scope: $scope,

       animation: "slide-in-up"

           }).then(function(modal) {

                       $scope.modal = modal;


           $scope.openModal = function() {



           $scope.closeModal = function() {



    $scope.removeModal = function() {



           //Cleanup the modal when we are done with it!

           $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {




           // Execute action on hide modal

           $scope.$on("modal.hidden", function() {

                       // Execute action



           // Execute action on remove modal

           $scope.$on("modal.removed", function() {

                       // Execute action



                       $scope.newUser = {};

                       $scope.createContact = function () {

                                  console.log('Create Contact', $scope.newUser);





3.操作对话框对象 对象框对象有以下方法用于显示、隐藏或删除对话框:

show() - 显示对话框

hide() - 隐藏对话框

remove() - 移除对话框

isShown() - 对话框是否可视


2. 上拉菜单 : $ionicActionSheet


 ionic的上拉菜单由三种按钮组成,点击任何按钮都自动关闭上拉菜单: 取消按钮 - 取消按钮总是位于菜单的底部,用户点击该按钮将关闭。

一个上拉菜单 最多有一个取消按钮。

危险选项按钮 - 危险选项按钮文字被标红以明显提示。一个上拉菜单最多有一个 危险选项按钮。

自定义按钮 - 用户定义的任意数量的按钮。


1.定义上拉菜单选项 使用一个JSON对象定义上拉菜单选项,包括以下字段:

titleText - 上拉菜单的标题文本

buttons - 自定义按钮数组。每个按钮需要一个描述对象,其text字段用于按钮显示

cancelText - 取消按钮的文本。如果不设置此字段,则上拉菜单中不出现取消按钮

destructiveText - 危险选项按钮的文本。如果不设置此字段,则上拉菜单中不出现危险选项按钮

buttonClicked - 自定义按钮的回调函数,当用户点击时触发

cancel - 取消按钮回调函数,当用户点击时触发

destructiveButtonClicked - 危险选项按钮的回调函数,当用户点击时触发

cancelOnStateChange - 当切换到新的视图时是否关闭此上拉菜单。默认为true

cssClass - 附加的CSS样式类名称

2.创建上拉菜单 $ionicActionSheet服务的show()方法用来创建上拉菜单,返回一个函数,调用该 返回函数可以关闭此菜单。

<a class="button" ng-click="show();">操作</a>


angular.module("myApp", ["ionic"])

.controller("myCtrl",function($scope, $ionicActionSheet, $timeout) {

     // Triggered on a button click, or some other target

     $scope.show = function() {

                 // Show the action sheet

                 var hideSheet= $ionicActionSheet.show({



                             titleText: "操作当前文章",

                             buttons: [

                                        { text: "<b>分享</b>文章" },

                                        { text: "移动到..." }


                             buttonClicked: function(index) {


                return true;


                             cancelText: "取消",

                             cancel: function() {

                               // add cancel code..


                return true;


                             destructiveText: "删除",



                return true;



                 // For example's sake, hide the sheet after two seconds

                 $timeout(function() {


                 }, 2000);




3. 弹出框 : $ionicPopup

弹出框通常用于提醒、警告等,在用户响应之前其他交互行为不能继续。与模态 对话框覆盖整个屏幕空间不同,弹出框通常仅占据一部分屏幕空间。


$ionicPopup.show(options) .then(function(){



show()方法返回的是一个promise对象,当弹出框关闭后,该对象被解析,这意味着 then()方法指定的参数函数此时将被调用。


title - 弹出框标题文本

subTitle - 弹出框副标题文本

template - 弹出框内容的字符串模板

templateUrl - 弹出框内容的内联模板URL

scope - 要关联的作用域对象

buttons - 自定义按钮数组。按钮总是被置于弹出框底部

cssClass - 附加的CSS样式类


  <ion-content padding="true">

          <a class="button button-block button-calm" ng-click="showPopup();">定制弹出框/popup</a>

          <a class="button button-block button-calm" ng-click="showConfirm();">确认框/confirm</a>

          <a class="button button-block button-calm" ng-click="showAlert();">警告框alert</a>

          <a class="button button-block button-calm" ng-click="showPrompt();">提示框/prompt</a>


  <ion-footer-bar class="bar-positive">

          <h1 class="title">{{status}}</h1>



angular.module("myApp", ["ionic"])

.controller("myCtrl",function($scope, $ionicPopup, $timeout) {

    $scope.status = "";

    // 显示定制弹出框

    $scope.showPopup = function() {

       $scope.data = {}

       // 调用$ionicPopup弹出定制弹出框


                   template: "<input type='password' ng-model='data.wifi'>",

                   title: "请输入Wi-Fi密码",

                   subTitle: "密码为8位",

                   scope: $scope,

                   buttons: [

                               { text: "取消" },


                                          text: "<b>保存</b>",

                                          type: "button-positive",

                                          onTap: function(e) {

                                                      return $scope.data.wifi;





       .then(function(res) {

                   $scope.status = ["Wi-Fi密码到手了",":",res].join(" ");



    // 确认弹出框

    $scope.showConfirm = function() {


                   title: "定制冰激凌",

                   template: "你确定要吃我的冰淇淋吗?",



       .then(function(res) {

                   if(res) {

                               $scope.status = "凭什么吃我的冰淇淋!";

                   } else {

                               $scope.status = "谢谢你不吃之恩!";





    $scope.showAlert = function() {


                   title: "不要吃果冻",

                   template: "它们可能是用旧的皮鞋帮做的!"


       .then(function(res) {

                   $scope.status = "感谢上帝,你没吃鞋帮哦!11";




    $scope.showPrompt = function(){


            title: "不要吃果冻",

            template: "它们可能是用旧的皮鞋帮做的!"


        .then(function(res) {

            $scope.status = "感谢上帝,你没吃鞋帮哦!"+res;





4.浮动框 : $ionicPopover

<a class="button" ng-click="openPopover($event);">帮助</a>

<script id="ez-popover.html" type="text/ng-template">

             <ion-popover-view class="calm-bg light padding">




angular.module("myApp", ["ionic"])

.controller("myCtrl", function($scope, $ionicPopover) {

           $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl("ez-popover.html", {

                       scope: $scope



                       $scope.popover = popover;


           $scope.openPopover = function($event) {



           $scope.closePopover = function() {




           $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {



           // 隐藏事件回调处理

           $scope.$on("popover.hidden", function() {

                       // Execute action



           $scope.$on("popover.removed", function() {

                       // Execute action



5. 载入指示器 : $ionicLoading

<a class="button icon ion-refresh" ng-click="load();">载入</a>

angular.module("myApp", ["ionic"])

.controller("myCtrl", function($scope, $ionicLoading,$timeout) {

     $scope.items = [];

     var idx = 0;

     $scope.load = function() {



                             template: "正在载入数据,请稍后..."




                             for(var i=0;i<10;i++,idx++) $scope.items.unshift("item " + idx);






6. 背景幕 : $ionicBackdrop


.controller("myCtrl",function($scope, $ionicBackdrop, $timeout,$interval) {

     $scope.locks = 0;


     $scope.retain = function() {





     $scope.release = function() {


                 $scope.locks > 0 ? $scope.locks-- : 0;



        if($scope.locks > 0){






