首页 > 技术文章 > NopCommerce中的单例

VectorZhang 2016-04-08 10:00 原文


internal class SingletonOne
        private static SingletonOne _singleton;

        private SingletonOne()

        public static SingletonOne Instance
                if (_singleton == null)
                    var instance = new SingletonOne();
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _singleton, instance, null);

                return _singleton;


最近看了NopCommerce对单例有个包装。觉得有点新颖 给大家分享一下。

/// <summary>
    /// Provides access to all "singletons" stored by <see cref="Singleton{T}"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class Singleton
        static Singleton()
            allSingletons = new Dictionary<Type, object>();

        static readonly IDictionary<Type, object> allSingletons;

        /// <summary>Dictionary of type to singleton instances.</summary>
        public static IDictionary<Type, object> AllSingletons
            get { return allSingletons; }
public class Singleton<T> : Singleton
        static T instance;

        /// <summary>The singleton instance for the specified type T. Only one instance (at the time) of this object for each type of T.</summary>
        public static T Instance
            get { return instance; }
                instance = value;
                AllSingletons[typeof(T)] = value;

比如定义了一个类, 那么可以这样使用

public class Fake

Singleton<Fake>.Instance = new Fake();
