首页 > 技术文章 > 管理容器的镜像

zangxueyuan 2018-06-05 22:58 原文

一. 创建镜像

1. 手工方式进行镜像创建


[root@c720120 ~]# docker container run -it --name sample alpine /bin/sh
/ #



[root@c720120 ~]# docker container run -it --name sample alpine /bin/sh
/ #



/ # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.055 ms


[root@c720120 ~]# docker container ls -a | grep sample
92b45e3a16bb        alpine                                                    "/bin/sh"                2 minutes ago       Exited (0) 7 seconds ago                             sample



[root@c720120 ~]# docker container diff sample
C /bin
A /bin/ping
A /bin/ping6
A /bin/traceroute6
C /etc
C /etc/apk
C /etc/apk/world
C /lib
C /lib/apk/db
C /lib/apk/db/installed
C /lib/apk/db/lock
C /lib/apk/db/scripts.tar
C /lib/apk/db/triggers
C /root
A /root/.ash_history
C /usr
C /usr/lib
A /usr/lib/libcap.so.2
A /usr/lib/libcap.so.2.25
C /usr/sbin
A /usr/sbin/arping
A /usr/sbin/capsh
A /usr/sbin/clockdiff
A /usr/sbin/getcap
A /usr/sbin/getpcaps
A /usr/sbin/ipg
A /usr/sbin/rarpd
A /usr/sbin/rdisc
A /usr/sbin/setcap
A /usr/sbin/tftpd
A /usr/sbin/tracepath
A /usr/sbin/tracepath6
C /var
C /var/cache/apk
A /var/cache/apk/APKINDEX.5022a8a2.tar.gz
A /var/cache/apk/APKINDEX.70c88391.tar.gz
C /var/cache/misc


注解:A 代表added, C代表 changed, D代表Delete




[root@c720120 ~]# docker container commit sample my-alpine



[root@c720120 ~]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-alpine                                                               latest              dd2e0b200d6d        41 seconds ago      5.65MB



[root@c720120 ~]# docker image history my-alpine
IMAGE               CREATED              CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
dd2e0b200d6d        About a minute ago   /bin/sh                                         1.5MB              
3fd9065eaf02        4 months ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["/bin/sh"]              0B                 
<missing>           4 months ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:093f0723fa46f6cdb…   4.15MB             


2. 创建镜像,此次使用Dockerfiles的方式进行创建


[root@c720120 docker]# vim Dockerfile

FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY ./requirements.txt /app/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", "main.py"]






[root@c720120 docker]# docker image build -t pinger .


(3)运行容器执行Ping,可以看到使用Dockerfile构建容器,实现了用手工构建容器的同样效果,加快了速度 。

[root@c720120 docker]# docker container run --rm -it pinger
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=37 time=19.298 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=37 time=27.890 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=37 time=30.702 ms


(4) 如果我们想要覆盖在Dockerfile中定义的ENTRYPOINT的话,可以使用—entrypoint参数

[root@c720120 docker]# docker container run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/sh pinger



3. 构建镜像案例1:


[root@c720120 ~]# mkdir ~/FundamentalsOfDocker
[root@c720120 ~]# cd ~/FundamentalsOfDocker/
[root@c720120 FundamentalsOfDocker]#



[root@c720120 FundamentalsOfDocker]# mkdir sample1 && cd sample1



[root@c720120 sample1]# vim Dockerfile

FROM centos:7
RUN yum install -y wget



[root@c720120 sample1]# docker image build -t my-centos .


[root@c720120 sample1]# docker image build -t my-centos –f Dockerfile .


4. 构建镜像案例2 (多个步骤的构建)


[root@c720120 sample1]# vim hello.c

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
   printf ("Hello, world!\n");
   return 0;



[root@c720120 sample1]# vim Dockerfile

FROM alpine:3.7
RUN apk update && apk add --update alpine-sdk
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app
RUN mkdir bin
RUN gcc -Wall hello.c -o bin/hello
CMD /app/bin/hello



[root@c720120 sample1]# docker image build -t hello-world .

5. 保存和加载镜像




[root@c720120 sample1]# docker image save -o ./backup/my-alpine.tar my-alpine



[root@c720120 sample1]# docker image load -i ./backup/my-alpine.tar



二.  共享和装载镜像

1. 镜像打标签



[root@c720120 ~]#  docker image pull alpine



(2)拉取镜像alpine 标签为3.5的镜像

[root@c720120 ~]# docker image pull alpine:3.5


2. 镜像的命名空间,也叫做命名方式


<registry URL>/<User or Org>/<name>:<tag>






Image Description
alpine Official alpine image on Docker Hub with the latest tag.
ubuntu:16.04 Official ubuntu image on Docker Hub with the 16.04 tag or version
microsoft/nanoserver nanoserver image of Microsoft on Docker Hub with the latest tag
acme/web-api:12.0 web-api image version 12.0 accociated with the acme org. The image is on Docker Hub.
gcr.io/gnschenker/sample-app:1.1 sample-app image with the 1.1 tag belonging to an individual with the gnschenker ID on Google’s container registry

3. 推送镜像到registry.

(1) 对镜像进行命名:如

[root@c720120 ~]# docker image tag alpine:latest gnschenker/alpine:1.0


(2)在推送镜像之前 ,还需要进行登陆,认证

[root@c720120 ~]# docker login -u gnschenker -p <my secret password>



[root@c720120 ~]#  docker image push gnschenker/alpine:1.0

The push refers to repository [docker.io/gnschenker/alpine]
04a094fe844e: Mounted from library/alpine
1.0: digest: sha256:5cb04fce... size: 528
