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tianqizhi 2018-07-06 21:07 原文



Nepal's grim superstition, known to lead to a death by shame


Not long ago, in rural western Nepal, Gauri Kumari Bayak was the spark of her village. But last January, her lifeless body was carried up the hill. The little hut where she was pressured to sequester herself during her menstrual period—and where she died—was smashed apart, erasing the last mark of another young life lost(lose的过去式) to a deadly superstition.

就在不久前,高里·库马里·巴亚克还在给尼泊尔西部的村庄带去活力。但是去年 1 月,她的尸体被抬到山上,她死在月经期间被迫将自己隔离的简陋小屋里,那座小屋现已被拆除。又一个年轻生命死于致命的迷信,她人生最后的痕迹也被抹去。

注:spark:火花,抽象为活力。lifeless:没有生命迹象的。menstrual:月经的。the menstrual period:经期。I am on my period:我来月经了。mark:记号,评分。lose:失去,败给。

In this corner of Nepal, deep in the Himalayas, women are banished from their homes every month when they get their period. They are considered polluted, and an oppressive regime has evolved around this taboo, including the construction of a separate hut for menstruating women to sleep in. Each year, at least one woman or girl—often more—dies in these huts, from exposure to the cold, smoke inhalation or attacks by animals.


注:banish:放逐,流放。banish sb to somewhere:把某人流放到某地。banish sb from somewhere:从某地把某人流放走,禁止某人待在某地。get one’s period:来月经了。inhalation:吸入;吸入剂,吸入物。

But now, the Nepali government and advocates for women are trying to end it. Starting in August, for the first time, it will be a crime to force a menstruating woman into seclusion, punishable by up to three months in jail, though it’s not clear if that’s going to make a dent in the tradition.

但现在,尼泊尔政府和妇女权益倡导者们正在努力结束这种状况。从 8 月份开始,尼泊尔将首次把迫使经期妇女隔离的行为定为犯罪,最高可判处 3 个月的监禁,尽管尚不清楚这是否会动摇这一传统。

“We are trying to convince people that times are changing, but superstition is still strong,” said Pashupati Kunwar, who runs a small aid group to help women. 


Many religions observe rules around menstruation, and Hinduism places a special emphasis on purity and pollution. Still, scholars are not sure why the menstruation taboo is so strong in western Nepal, where countless villages still practice it.


注:places an emphasis on:强调。。。,看重。。。。    practice:实践,实行。

—————  文章来源 / 纽约时报 


grim    /ɡrɪm/    adj. 严厉的,令人不快的;让人沮丧的     e.g.                a grim face:阴冷的面庞

superstition   /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃn/   n. 迷信

hut    /hʌt/     n. 简陋的小房子(或棚、舍)

sequester     /sɪˈkwestər/  v. 使隔离,使分开   e.g.   He sequestered himself in his room for two years.

smash   /smæʃ/   v. 打碎,打破,破碎

erase     /ɪˈreɪs/   v. 清除,消除;抹掉     e.g.   The landscape erased all else from her mind.    landscape:风景

oppressive     /əˈpresɪv/     adj. 压迫的,压制的

regime    /reɪˈʒiːm/    n. 统治制度,体制

evolve   /iˈvɑːlv/    v. (使)逐渐形成,逐步发展,演变;进化  e.g.  The company has evolved into a multi-million dollar organization.

taboo   /təˈbuː/   n. (文化或宗教习俗方面的)禁忌,忌讳

menstruate    /ˈmenstrueɪt/   v. 行经,来月经

inhalation   /ˌɪnhəˈleɪʃn/   n. 吸入,吸气(inhale v.)  e.g.   inhale deeply:深深吸气

seclusion    /sɪˈkluːʒn/     n. 隔绝,隔离

observe    /əbˈzɜːrv/    v. 遵守,遵循;噶、观察。    e.g.   The crowd observed a minute's silence in memory of those who had died.

purity    /ˈpjʊrəti/     n. 纯洁,纯净(pure adj.)

menstrual period   (生理)月经期  e.g.   I'm on my period.

banish from  从...驱逐出去,放逐   e.g.   The landscape banished all other thoughts from her mind.==he landscape erased all else from her mind. 

make a dent in sth   减少,削弱    e.g.    That will make a dent in our finances.





月经周期:menstrual cycle(简称MC);或者menstrual period,日常生活中常用period

月经失调:irregular menstruation/cycles/periods

痛经:dysmenorrhea,又称阵痛期(painful periods)、月经绞痛(menstrual cramps) 


that time of the month/that time:每个月的那些天,例假

Aunt Flo:美式英语多用,顾名思义,就是“Flo 阿姨 ”,也就是“大姨妈”的意思

lady time/days:女士时间

monthly visitor:一月一会

shark week:艰难的一周

riding the cotton pony:骑着棉花小马,这里暗指卫生棉条 tampon

serving box wine:献上盒装红酒,box wine 是便宜的红酒;box 在英式俚语里也是 vagina 的意思
