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tianqizhi 2018-06-25 00:44 原文





Colonialism did not just create slavery: it changed geology


Colonialism didn't just produce slavery and cigarettes, it changed the geological composition of our planet. This is the view of two UK scientists who believe the impact of colonialism was so profound it can be detected in Earth’s air and rocks, an idea revealed in The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene, by Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin, published last week.


注:  composition:组成部分。

“The arrival of Europeans, in particular the British and Spanish, had a profound impact on central and southern America,” Maslin told the Observer. “They carried germs for smallpox, measles, flu, typhoidand many other diseases that led to the deaths of more than 50 million Americans. Society in America collapsed and subsistence farming there was wiped out.”

“欧洲人的到来,尤其是英国人和西班牙人,给中美洲和南美洲带来了深远的影响,”麦斯林和《观察者》这样说道。“他们携带着天花、麻疹、流感、伤寒和其它疾病的病菌,致使超过 5 千万美洲人死亡。美洲的社会就此土崩瓦解,生存农业也将彻底消失。”

注:European :欧洲的,欧洲人。America:美洲。collapse:崩溃、崩塌

Forests returned to land that had been abandoned by humans. “We can detect this in Antarctic ice cores,” added Maslin. “These provide a history of the atmosphere for thousands of years and show carbon dioxide levels reached a distinct minimum around 1610 because forests, which are much better than farm crops at absorbing carbon dioxide, were now covering vastly increased areas of the American landscape – thanks to the eradication of the people who had once farmed there.” This effect continued for decades until America’s population of humans was restored.

长久以来被人类抛弃的土地又变回了森林。“我们可以在南极的冰芯里检测出殖民对地质结构的影响,”麦斯林补充道。“这些冰芯为我们提供了数千年来大气变化的历史,并且告诉我们大约在 1610 年,二氧化碳水平达到了毫无争议的最低点。因为森林吸收二氧化碳的能力远远强于农作物,而当时美洲大陆上被森林覆盖的区域越发广袤,原因是曾经在这片土地上耕种的人们都不复存在了。”这一影响持续了数十年,直到美洲的人口恢复成原来的水平。

注:     distinct:明显的,有区别的。reach a minimum:达到一个最小值。vastly:adv.极大地;广大地;深远地。

Just how the Anthropocene will change and affect our planet is less clear, they admit. “We have become a new force of nature, dictating what lives and what goes extinct. Although in one crucial respect we are unlike any other force of nature: our power, unlike plate tectonics or volcanic eruptions, is reflexive – it can be used, modified or even withdrawn.”


注:force of nature:自然力量。crucial:关键的,决定性的。respect:方面

—————  文章来源 / 卫报 


colonialism    /kəˈloʊniəlɪzəm/    n. 殖民,殖民主义      colony   n. 殖民地     colonial   adv.殖民地的    ....ism 某种主义的名词后缀

slavery     /ˈsleɪvəri/     n. 奴隶制度,奴役   e.g.   to abolish slavery 废除奴隶制度

geology   n.地质学        geological   adj.地质学的

Anthropocene        /ˈanθrəpəˌsiːn/      n. 人类世(纪)     anthrop:人类学       ....cene:新的,最近的

smallpox     /ˈsmɔːlpɑːks/   n. 天花

measles     /ˈmiːzlz/   n. 麻疹

typhoid    /ˈtaɪfɔɪd/   n. 伤寒

eradication     /ɪˌrædɪˈkeɪʃn/    n. 摧毁,根除

dictate    /ˈdɪkteɪt/   v. 支配,控制

reflexive   /rɪˈfleksɪv/   adj. 反射性的

subsistence farming:自给农业,自给性农业

wipe out:彻底消灭,彻底摧毁

ice cores:冰芯

plate tectonics:板块构造学


