首页 > 技术文章 > tp5.1 模型集成

zyfeng 2020-12-02 13:30 原文






 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Zhangyongfeng
 * Date: 2020/12/1
 * Time: 11:32
 * ━━━━━━━━━神兽出没━━━━━━━━━
 *        ┏┓   ┏┓+ +
 *       ┏┛┻━━━┛┻┓ + +
 *       ┃       ┃  
 *       ┃   ━   ┃ ++ + + +
 *       ████━████ ┃+
 *       ┃       ┃ +
 *       ┃   ┻   ┃
 *       ┃       ┃ + +
 *       ┗━┓   ┏━┛
 *         ┃   ┃           
 *         ┃   ┃ + + + +
 *         ┃   ┃    Code is far away from bug with the animal protecting       
 *         ┃   ┃ +     神兽保佑,代码无bug  
 *         ┃   ┃
 *         ┃   ┃  +         
 *         ┃    ┗━━━┓ + +
 *         ┃        ┣┓
 *         ┃        ┏┛
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 *          ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛+ + + +
 * ━━━━━━━━━感觉萌萌哒━━━━━━━━━

namespace app\base\model;

use think\Model;

abstract class Base extends Model

    private $primary_key;                           // 主键
    protected $order = ['create_time' => 'desc'];   // 默认排序
    protected $code = 4004;

    static public function showReturnCode($code = '', $data = [], $msg = ''){
        return \app\base\controller\Base::showReturnCode($code, $data, $msg);

    static public function showReturnCodeWithOutData($code = '', $msg = '')
        return \app\base\controller\Base::showReturnCode($code, [], $msg);

    protected function initialize()
        parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
        $this->primary_key = $this->getPk();

     * 查询数据表格内容
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $where 查询条件 (二维数组)
     * @param number $pageSize 限制一页多少条数据
     * @param array $query ['limit' => 10, 'page' => 1] page请求的页数 limit 限制从第几条开始查
     * @param array $order 排序
     * @return array
     * */
    public function baseGetTableList($where, $pageSize, $query, $order = [])
        if(empty($order)){ $order = $this->order; }
        $data = $this->where($where)
            ->paginate($pageSize,false,['query' => $query])->toArray();
        return $data;

     * 查询带分页数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $where 查询条件 (二维数组)
     * @param number $pageNum 限制一页多少条数据
     * @param array $query ['limit' => 10, 'page' => 1] page请求的页数 limit 限制从第几条开始查
     * @param array $order 排序
     * @return array
     * */
    public function getPaginate($where, $pageNum, $query, $order = [])
        if(empty($order)){ $order = $this->order; }
        return $this->where($where)
            ->paginate($pageNum,false,['query' => $query]);

     * 获取数据条数
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $where 查询条件 (二维数组)
     * @param string $field 限制字段,默认为所有
     * @return int|string
     * */
    public function getCount($where = [], $field = "*")
        return $this->where($where)->count($field);

     * 查询所有数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $where 查询条件 (二维数组)
     * @param string $field 限制字段,默认为所有
     * @param array $order 排序
     * @return array
     * */
    public function getAll($where = [], $field = "*", $order = [])
        if(empty($order)){ $order = $this->order; }
        return $this->where($where)->order($order)->field($field)->all();

     * 查询所有数据转为数组
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $where 查询条件 (二维数组)
     * @param array $order 排序
     * @return array
     * */
    public function getArr($where = [], $order = [])
        if(empty($order)){ $order = $this->order; }
        return $this->where($where)->order($order)->toArray();

     * 根据条件查询一条数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $where 查询条件 (二维数组)
     * @return array|string
     * */
    public function getOneWhere($where = [])
        if(empty($where)){ return self::showReturnCode(1003); }
        return $this->where($where)->findOrEmpty();

     * 根据主键查询一条数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param string|int $primary 主键
     * @return array|string
     * */
    public function getOnePrimary($primary)
        if(!is_numeric($primary)){ return self::showReturnCode(1003); }
        return $this->find($primary);

     * 添加数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $data 数据
     * @param boolean $allow 是否过滤字段
     * @return array|string
     * */
    public function add($data, $allow = true)
        $code = 1001;
        // 如果是一维数组
        if(count($data) == count($data, 1)){
            $primary_key = $this->primary_key;
            $data['id'] = $this->$primary_key;
            $data = $this->allowField($allow)->saveAll($data);
        if(!$data){ $code = 9002; }
        return self::showReturnCode($code, $data);

     * 修改数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param array $data 数据
     * @param boolean $allow 是否过滤字段
     * @return array
     * */
    public function edit($data, $allow = true)
        $code = 1001;
        $data = $this->allowField($allow)->save($data, [$this->primary_key => $data[$this->primary_key]]);
        if(!$data){ $code = 9004; }
        return self::showReturnCode($code, $data);

     * 删除数据
     * Power: ZYF
     * Email:1322816443@qq.com
     * @param string|int $primary
     * @return array
     * */
    public function del($primary)
        $code = 1001;
        $data = $this->getOnePrimary($primary);
        if($data){ $this->destroy($primary); }else{ $code = 1010; }
        return self::showReturnCode($code, $data);






$param = request()->param();    
$bannerModel = new Banner();
$res = $bannerModel->add($this->param);


$id = request()->param("id");
$bannerModel = new Banner();


$param = request()->param();
$bannerModel = new Banner();


$uactionModel = new Uaction();
$data = $uactionModel->getPaginate([['level', '=', '1']], 1, request()->param(), 'path');

