首页 > 技术文章 > houdini_license_sever start and off

lnlidawei 2020-04-21 21:23 原文

Start/stop the license server

The license server is called sesinetd.

You must have "admin" rights (root, sudo) to be able to stop/start the license server.


You can start and stop the HoudiniLicenseServer in the Services area of Windows.

  1. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services
  2. The service HoudiniLicenseServer controls the license server program sesinetd.


  1. Usage: /etc/init.d/sesinetd {start|stop}


  1. Launch the Terminal from Utilities
  2. To stop the license server: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sidefx.sesinetd.plist
  3. To start the license server: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sidefx.sesinetd.plist

If you receive an error saying /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sidefx.sesinetd.plist: No such file or directory, please reinstall Houdini and choose Commercial Licensing. This will install the necessary license server files.

When you restart the license server software on a centralized server machine, the remote clients will not lose their sessions for approximately 5 minutes of a failed heartbeat (or license check).

sesinetd (license server program)

To control the behavior of sesinetd:

The file that specifies the behaviour of sesinetd is named sesinetd.options. Put the following options in sesinetd.options

  • On Linux this file is located in /usr/lib/sesi
  • On Windows, this file must reside in C:\Windows\System32
  • On Mac, this file is in /Applications/Houdini/Houdini18.0.xxx/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/houdini/sbin
Usage: sesinetd [options]
To query information from a running license server process, use the
sesictrl application.
    -v        Print version information
    -n count  Specify the number of threads to use for processing
    -l file   Specify log file
    -d        Append the current year and month to the log filename
    -V level  Specify log level
                 0 = no logging
                 1 = errors
                 2 = messages
                 3 = info
                 4 = debug
    -z size    Specify maximum log file size  [default: 1M]
               e.g. 0.5M = .5 Mb
                    32k  = 32 Kb
                    5000 = 5000 bytes
                    0 = 0 bytes (no maximum size)
    -u file   Specify license log file
    -W level  Specify license log level
                 0 = off
                 1 = on
    -y size    Specify maximum license log file size  [default: 1M]
               e.g. 0.5M = .5 Mb
                    32k  = 32 Kb
                    5000 = 5000 bytes
                    0 = 0 bytes (no maximum size)
    -m ipmask  Specify read IP mask.  Only clients whose address matches
               will be granted access to query the server.
    -M ipmask  Specify write IP mask.  Only clients whose address matches
               will be granted access to modify the server.
    -p port    Specify alternate port.
    -R pidfile Specify file to write its own pid to when started.
    -U interval Specify the usage log interval.
    -i file    Specify the usage log file.
    -G         Include user information in usage logging.
    -B         Refuse HTTPS connections.
    -b         Refuse HTTP connections (does not block HTTPS connections).

Note:  The read/write IP masks cannot be set after sesinetd has started
       The default read mask is  '+.*.*.*,192.168.*.*,10.*.*.*,172.*.*.*'
       The default write mask is '+.+.+.+'
