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lybinger 2017-11-07 13:07 原文

Adding PciePureSpecTests parameter to your .denalirc file will enable you to control which tests are run. If this parameter is absent, TripleCheck will run all of the relevant tests for your configuration. If you wish to run a subset of tests, you need to specify which tests by using the test name. Wildcards are enabled, so for example if you wish to run all the DL tests, use:

PciePurespecTests DLL*

Or, if you wish to run only two specific DLL tests, use something like:

PciePurespecTests DLL.5.2?3 DLL.3.1?9

This will run tests for checklist items DLL.5.2#3 and DLL.3.1#9. The use of the ‘?’ wildcard character is necessary because .denalirc treats all ‘# characters as the start of comments.

In addition, it is also possible to use the “-“ option to keep a test from running. For example to run all dll tests except 3.2#1:

PciePurespecTests DLL* -DLL3.2#1


configure puresuite tests.

We can configure puresuite to run on multilink environment. We can follow the steps below to achieve the same :

1. Define the name of the test twice in .denalirc file 
PciePurespecTests LTSSM_test_xyz
PciePurespecTests1 LTSSM_test_xyz

2. Configuring the Model and Monitor respective to the link .
status = denaliPcie.writeWordField( tb.denali_monitor_cfg_id,PCIE_REG_DEN_PS_ST,

status = denaliPcie.writeWordField( tb.denali_monitor1_cfg_id,

3. Calling pstb for both the links 
status = $denaliPsTbForInst(linkReset0, `SIDEBAND_RESET,tb.denali_monitor_id,tb.denali_model_id);
status = $denaliPsTbForInst(linkReset1, `SIDEBAND_RESET,tb.denali_monitor1_id,tb.denali_model1_id);
