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cn-chenhao 原文


Unit Testing on Visual Studio 2013

Visual Studio 2013 provides us a test framework library named MsTest , proprietary of Microsoft.

We can write and run unit tests using MsTest .

If we want use another test framework library, we can choose NUnit , a popular framework.

Test project

First, we will to create a project using the template name “ class library “.


This project will be the project to store unit tests.

A convention is add the suffix “.Tests” to end of name of project

Second, we will to add NUnit reference to project using the “ Nuget Package Manager “.


and … now we go to create our first test :

public class MyTest
  public void MyFirstTest()
    var result = true;

Running tests

To run NUnit in Visual Studio 2013 , we need install the extension “ NUnit Test Adapter ” or use the Resharper extension.

We go to use the “ NUnit Test Adapter “.

Open “ Extensions and Updates … ” and search “ NUnit Test Adapter ” and install it.


And install the Nuget Package named “ NUnit Test Adapter for VS2012 and VS2013 ” using “ Manager Nuget Packages “


We will to open “ Test Explorer ” using main menu “ Test->Windows->Test Explorer“.

We can run our unit tests from “Test Explorer”.



NUnit is an alternative test framework to MsTest and it’s open source.

We can look more information on NUnit documentation site .
