首页 > 技术文章 > 信息收集框架——recon-ng

baihualin 2019-08-09 14:30 原文











命令:Recon-ng -w 工作区名字  


recon-ng -w cctv

# 通过上面的命令创建‘cctv’工作区后可以通过如下命令查看工作区情况
[recon-ng][cctv] > show workspaces

  | Workspaces |
  | cctv       |
  | default    |




Keys list  ===>查看现有搜索引擎api

keys add shodan fdkasjkfljklasjkldffjalks  ===>设置shodan搜索api

[recon-ng][cctv] > keys list

  |       Name       | Value |
  | bing_api         |       |
  | builtwith_api    |       |
  | censysio_id      |       |
  | censysio_secret  |       |
  | flickr_api       |       |
  | fullcontact_api  |       |
  | github_api       |       |
  | google_api       |       |
  | hashes_api       |       |
  | ipinfodb_api     |       |
  | ipstack_api      |       |
  | jigsaw_api       |       |
  | jigsaw_password  |       |
  | jigsaw_username  |       |
  | pwnedlist_api    |       |
  | pwnedlist_iv     |       |
  | pwnedlist_secret |       |
  | shodan_api       |       |
  | twitter_api      |       |
  | twitter_secret   |       |
  | virustotal_api   |       |

[recon-ng][cctv] > keys add shodan_api fdkasjkfljklasjkldffjalks 



3、show options(查看全局设置)

[recon-ng][cctv] > show options

  Name        Current Value  Required  Description
  ----------  -------------  --------  -----------
  NAMESERVER        yes       nameserver for DNS interrogation
  PROXY                      no        proxy server (address:port)
  THREADS     10             yes       number of threads (where applicable)
  TIMEOUT     10             yes       socket timeout (seconds)
  USER-AGENT  Recon-ng/v4    yes       user-agent string
  VERBOSITY   1              yes       verbosity level (0 = minimal, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug)


  set PROXY 




[recon-ng][cctv] > use 
discovery/info_disclosure/cache_snoop               recon/domains-companies/pen                         recon/domains-hosts/threatcrowd                     recon/netblocks-hosts/shodan_net
discovery/info_disclosure/interesting_files         recon/domains-contacts/metacrawler                  recon/domains-hosts/threatminer                     recon/netblocks-hosts/virustotal
exploitation/injection/command_injector             recon/domains-contacts/pen                          recon/domains-vulnerabilities/ghdb                  recon/netblocks-ports/census_2012
exploitation/injection/xpath_bruter                 recon/domains-contacts/pgp_search                   recon/domains-vulnerabilities/punkspider            recon/netblocks-ports/censysio
import/csv_file                                     recon/domains-contacts/whois_pocs                   recon/domains-vulnerabilities/xssed                 recon/ports-hosts/migrate_ports
import/list                                         recon/domains-credentials/pwnedlist/account_creds   recon/domains-vulnerabilities/xssposed              recon/profiles-contacts/dev_diver
recon/companies-contacts/bing_linkedin_cache        recon/domains-credentials/pwnedlist/api_usage       recon/hosts-domains/migrate_hosts                   recon/profiles-contacts/github_users
recon/companies-contacts/jigsaw/point_usage         recon/domains-credentials/pwnedlist/domain_creds    recon/hosts-hosts/bing_ip                           recon/profiles-profiles/namechk
recon/companies-contacts/jigsaw/purchase_contact    recon/domains-credentials/pwnedlist/domain_ispwned  recon/hosts-hosts/ipinfodb                          recon/profiles-profiles/profiler
recon/companies-contacts/jigsaw/search_contacts     recon/domains-credentials/pwnedlist/leak_lookup     recon/hosts-hosts/ipstack                           recon/profiles-profiles/twitter_mentioned
recon/companies-contacts/pen                        recon/domains-credentials/pwnedlist/leaks_dump      recon/hosts-hosts/resolve                           recon/profiles-profiles/twitter_mentions
recon/companies-domains/pen                         recon/domains-domains/brute_suffix                  recon/hosts-hosts/reverse_resolve                   recon/profiles-repositories/github_repos
recon/companies-multi/github_miner                  recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_api                 recon/hosts-hosts/ssltools                          recon/repositories-profiles/github_commits
recon/companies-multi/whois_miner                   recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_web                 recon/hosts-hosts/virustotal                        recon/repositories-vulnerabilities/gists_search
recon/contacts-contacts/mailtester                  recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts                     recon/hosts-locations/migrate_hosts                 recon/repositories-vulnerabilities/github_dorks
recon/contacts-contacts/mangle                      recon/domains-hosts/builtwith                       recon/hosts-ports/shodan_ip                         reporting/csv
recon/contacts-contacts/unmangle                    recon/domains-hosts/certificate_transparency        recon/locations-locations/geocode                   reporting/html
recon/contacts-credentials/hibp_breach              recon/domains-hosts/findsubdomains                  recon/locations-locations/reverse_geocode           reporting/json
recon/contacts-credentials/hibp_paste               recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web                 recon/locations-pushpins/flickr                     reporting/list
recon/contacts-domains/migrate_contacts             recon/domains-hosts/hackertarget                    recon/locations-pushpins/shodan                     reporting/proxifier
recon/contacts-profiles/fullcontact                 recon/domains-hosts/mx_spf_ip                       recon/locations-pushpins/twitter                    reporting/pushpin
recon/credentials-credentials/adobe                 recon/domains-hosts/netcraft                        recon/locations-pushpins/youtube                    reporting/xlsx
recon/credentials-credentials/bozocrack             recon/domains-hosts/shodan_hostname                 recon/netblocks-companies/whois_orgs                reporting/xml
recon/credentials-credentials/hashes_org            recon/domains-hosts/ssl_san                         recon/netblocks-hosts/reverse_resolve               




[recon-ng][cctv] > search google
[*] Searching for 'google'...



此时大家可能会有疑问,这么多模块我怎么知道哪个模块是干什么使的呢? 这个时候我们可以use相应模块后用show info看到关于该模块的详细解释

[recon-ng][cctv] > use recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web
[recon-ng][cctv][google_site_web] > show info

      Name: Google Hostname Enumerator
      Path: modules/recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web.py
    Author: Tim Tomes (@LaNMaSteR53)

  Harvests hosts from Google.com by using the 'site' search operator. Updates the 'hosts' table with
  the results.

  Name    Current Value  Required  Description
  ------  -------------  --------  -----------
  SOURCE  cctv.com       yes       source of input (see 'show info' for details)

Source Options:
  default        SELECT DISTINCT domain FROM domains WHERE domain IS NOT NULL
  <string>       string representing a single input
  <path>         path to a file containing a list of inputs
  query <sql>    database query returning one column of inputs



[recon-ng][cctv] > show schema

  |    domains    |
  | domain | TEXT |
  | module | TEXT |

  |     companies      |
  | company     | TEXT |
  | description | TEXT |
  | module      | TEXT |

  |    netblocks    |
  | netblock | TEXT |
  | module   | TEXT |

  |       locations       |
  | latitude       | TEXT |
  | longitude      | TEXT |
  | street_address | TEXT |
  | module         | TEXT |

  |   vulnerabilities   |
  | host         | TEXT |
  | reference    | TEXT |
  | example      | TEXT |
  | publish_date | TEXT |
  | category     | TEXT |
  | status       | TEXT |
  | module       | TEXT |

  |       ports       |
  | ip_address | TEXT |
  | host       | TEXT |
  | port       | TEXT |
  | protocol   | TEXT |
  | module     | TEXT |

  |       hosts       |
  | host       | TEXT |
  | ip_address | TEXT |
  | region     | TEXT |
  | country    | TEXT |
  | latitude   | TEXT |
  | longitude  | TEXT |
  | module     | TEXT |

  |      contacts      |
  | first_name  | TEXT |
  | middle_name | TEXT |
  | last_name   | TEXT |
  | email       | TEXT |
  | title       | TEXT |
  | region      | TEXT |
  | country     | TEXT |
  | module      | TEXT |

  |   credentials   |
  | username | TEXT |
  | password | TEXT |
  | hash     | TEXT |
  | type     | TEXT |
  | leak     | TEXT |
  | module   | TEXT |

  |            leaks            |
  | leak_id              | TEXT |
  | description          | TEXT |
  | source_refs          | TEXT |
  | leak_type            | TEXT |
  | title                | TEXT |
  | import_date          | TEXT |
  | leak_date            | TEXT |
  | attackers            | TEXT |
  | num_entries          | TEXT |
  | score                | TEXT |
  | num_domains_affected | TEXT |
  | attack_method        | TEXT |
  | target_industries    | TEXT |
  | password_hash        | TEXT |
  | password_type        | TEXT |
  | targets              | TEXT |
  | media_refs           | TEXT |
  | module               | TEXT |

  |       pushpins      |
  | source       | TEXT |
  | screen_name  | TEXT |
  | profile_name | TEXT |
  | profile_url  | TEXT |
  | media_url    | TEXT |
  | thumb_url    | TEXT |
  | message      | TEXT |
  | latitude     | TEXT |
  | longitude    | TEXT |
  | time         | TEXT |
  | module       | TEXT |

  |     profiles    |
  | username | TEXT |
  | resource | TEXT |
  | url      | TEXT |
  | category | TEXT |
  | notes    | TEXT |
  | module   | TEXT |

  |    repositories    |
  | name        | TEXT |
  | owner       | TEXT |
  | description | TEXT |
  | resource    | TEXT |
  | category    | TEXT |
  | url         | TEXT |
  | module      | TEXT |




[recon-ng][cctv] > use recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web
[recon-ng][cctv][google_site_web] > show options   # 查看需要填哪些数据

  Name    Current Value  Required  Description
  ------  -------------  --------  -----------
  SOURCE  default        yes       source of input (see 'show info' for details)

[recon-ng][cctv][google_site_web] > set SOURCE cctv.com    # 设置目标域名
SOURCE => cctv.com
[recon-ng][cctv][google_site_web] > run  #开始运行



[recon-ng][cctv] > use recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts
[recon-ng][cctv][brute_hosts] > show options

  Name      Current Value                                                Required  Description
  --------  -------------                                                --------  -----------
  SOURCE    default                                                      yes       source of input (see 'show info' for details)
  WORDLIST  /usr/local/Cellar/recon-ng/4.9.6/libexec/data/hostnames.txt  yes       path to hostname wordlist            # 字典路径

[recon-ng][cctv][brute_hosts] > set SOURCE cctv.com   # 设置目标域名
SOURCE => cctv.com
[recon-ng][cctv][brute_hosts] > run #开始运行


运行完毕后查询到的数据将自动存入数据库,我们可以通过'show hosts'或'query+sql语句'的方式来查询,例:

[recon-ng][cctv] > show hosts

  | rowid |           host           | ip_address | region | country | latitude | longitude |      module     |
  | 1     |  tv.cctv.com             |            |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 2     |  www.cctv.com            |            |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 3     |  news.cctv.com           |            |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |

[recon-ng][cctv] >query select * from hosts;
  | rowid |           host           | ip_address | region | country | latitude | longitude |      module     |
  | 1     |  tv.cctv.com             |            |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 2     |  www.cctv.com            |            |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 3     |  news.cctv.com           |            |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |

# 为了保证隐私删掉了大部分数据,只给3个做为举例


数据库里已经有目标的子域名信息,现在想基于数据库里信息做进一步查询可以吗? 当然可以,我们以查询域名对应的ip为例:

[recon-ng][cctv] > use recon/hosts-hosts/resolve
[recon-ng][cctv][resolve] > show options

  Name    Current Value  Required  Description
  ------  -------------  --------  -----------
  SOURCE  default        yes       source of input (see 'show info' for details)  # 正常来说SOURCE后应该是跟一个域名信息,比如'www.cctv.com'

[recon-ng][cctv][resolve] > set SOURCE query select host from hosts   # 这里厉害了哦!我们要查的是一个表的内容,如果一个域名设置一次那还不累死了? recon-ng竟然支持将值设为一个sql语句! 这样就可以批量查询表内的数据了!
SOURCE => query select host from hosts
[recon-ng][cctv][resolve] > run



 [recon-ng][cctv][resolve] > show hosts
  | rowid |           host           |    ip_address   | region | country | latitude | longitude |      module     |
  | 1     | tv.cctv.com              | |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 2     | www.cctv.com             | |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 3     | news.cctv.com            | |        |         |          |           | google_site_web |
  | 4     | tv.cctv.com              | |        |         |          |           | resolve         |
  | 5     | www.cctv.com             | |        |         |          |           | resolve         |
  | 6     | news.cctv.com            | |        |         |          |           | resolve         |
# 可以看到已经把查询到的ip地址填入表内了



[recon-ng][cctv] > search report   # 查下看有哪些报表相关模块
[*] Searching for 'report'...


[recon-ng][cctv] > use reporting/html   # 导出成html文件
[recon-ng][cctv][html] > show options

  Name      Current Value                                        Required  Description
  --------  -------------                                        --------  -----------
  CREATOR                                                        yes       creator name for the report footer
  CUSTOMER                                                       yes       customer name for the report header
  FILENAME  /Users/liwei/.recon-ng/workspaces/cctv/results.html  yes       path and filename for report output   # 报表导出路径
  SANITIZE  True                                                 yes       mask sensitive data in the report

[recon-ng][cctv][html] > set CREATOR liwei  # 填写报告作者
CREATOR => liwei
[recon-ng][cctv][html] > set CUSTOMER cctv  # 填写用户单位名称
CUSTOMER => cctv
[recon-ng][cctv][html] > run
[*] Report generated at '/Users/liwei/.recon-ng/workspaces/cctv/results.html'.    # 导出成功
[recon-ng][cctv][html] > 







cache_snoop – DNS缓存录制

interesting_files – 敏感文件探测

command_injector – 远程命令注入shell接口

xpath_bruter – Xpath注入爆破

csv_file – 高级csv文件导入

list – List文件导入

point_usage – Jigsaw – 统计信息提取用法

purchase_contact – Jigsaw – 简单的联系查询

search_contacts – Jigsaw联系枚举

jigsaw_auth – Jigsaw认证联系枚举

linkedin_auth – LinkedIn认证联系枚举

github_miner – Github资源挖掘

whois_miner – Whois数据挖掘

bing_linkedin – Bing Linkedin信息采集

email_validator – SalesMaple邮箱验证

mailtester – MailTester邮箱验证

mangle – 联系分离

unmangle –联系反分离

hibp_breach –Breach搜索

hibp_paste – Paste搜索

pwnedlist – PwnedList验证

migrate_contacts – 域名数据迁移联系

facebook_directory – Facebook目录爬行

fullcontact – FullContact联系枚举

adobe – Adobe Hash破解

bozocrack – PyBozoCrack Hash 查询

hashes_org – Hashes.org Hash查询

leakdb – leakdb Hash查询

metacrawler – 元数据提取

pgp_search – PGP Key Owner查询

salesmaple – SalesMaple联系获取

whois_pocs – Whois POC获取

account_creds – PwnedList – 账户认证信息获取

api_usage – PwnedList – API使用信息

domain_creds – PwnedList – Pwned域名认证获取

domain_ispwned – PwnedList – Pwned域名统计获取

leak_lookup – PwnedList – 泄露信息查询

leaks_dump – PwnedList –泄露信息获取

brute_suffix – DNS公共后缀爆破

baidu_site – Baidu主机名枚举

bing_domain_api – Bing API主机名枚举

bing_domain_web – Bing主机名枚举

brute_hosts – DNS主机名爆破

builtwith – BuiltWith枚举

google_site_api – Google CSE主机名枚举

google_site_web – Google主机名枚举

netcraft – Netcraft主机名枚举

shodan_hostname – Shodan主机名枚举

ssl_san – SSL SAN查询

vpnhunter – VPNHunter查询

yahoo_domain – Yahoo主机名枚举

zone_transfer – DNS域文件收集

ghdb – Google Hacking数据库

punkspider – PunkSPIDER漏洞探测

xssed – XSSed域名查询

xssposed – XSSposed域名查询

migrate_hosts – 域名数据迁移host

bing_ip – Bing API旁站查询

freegeoip –FreeGeoIP ip定位查询

ip_neighbor – My-IP-Neighbors.com查询

ipinfodb – IPInfoDB GeoIP查询

resolve – 主机名解析器

reverse_resolve – 反解析

ssltools – SSLTools.com主机名查询

geocode – 地理位置编码

reverse_geocode – 反地理位置编码

flickr – Flickr地理位置查询

instagram – Instagram地理位置查询

picasa – Picasa地理位置查询

shodan – Shodan地理位置查询

twitter – Twitter地理位置查询

whois_orgs – Whois公司信息收集

reverse_resolve – 反解析

shodan_net – Shodan网络枚举

census_2012 – Internet Census 2012 查询

sonar_cio – Project Sonar查询

migrate_ports – 主机端口数据迁移

dev_diver – Dev Diver Repository检查

linkedin – Linkedin联系获取

linkedin_crawl – Linkedin信息抓取

namechk – NameChk.com用户名验证

profiler – OSINT HUMINT信息收集

twitter – Twitter操作

github_repos – Github代码枚举

gists_search – Github Gist搜索

github_dorks – Github Dork分析

csv – CSV文件生成

html – HTML报告生成

json – JSON报告生成

list – List生成

pushpin – PushPin报告生成

xlsx – XLSX文件创建

xml – XML报告生成

