首页 > 技术文章 > liquid 标记

-LemonWater- 2021-08-20 17:35 原文

标记: {% %}

  • {% if %}{% elseif %}{% else %}{% endif %}

    {% if customer.name == 'kevin' %}
      Hey Kevin!
    {% elsif customer.name == 'anonymous' %}
      Hey Anonymous!
    {% else %}
      Hi Stranger!
    {% endif %}
  • {% unless %}{% endunless %}

    {% unless product.title == 'Awesome Shoes' %}
      These shoes are not awesome.
    {% endunless %}
  • {% case %}{% when %}{% else %}{% endcase %}

    {% assign handle = 'cake' %}
    {% case handle %}
      {% when 'cake' %}
         This is a cake
      {% when 'cookie' %}
         This is a cookie
      {% else %}
         This is not a cake nor a cookie
    {% endcase %}
  • {% for in %}{% endfor %}

    {% for item in (1..10) %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% break %} / {% continue %}

    <!-- 跳过4 结束于8 -->
    {% for item in (1..10) %}
      <% if item == 4 %>
          <% continue %>
      <% elseif item == 8 %>
          <% break %>
      <% endif %>
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% limit %} / {% offset %}

    ( 以index为准 )
    <!-- output : 2-8 -->
    {% for item in (1..10) offset:2 limit:8 %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% range %}

    ( 以index为准 ) 双点符
    {% for item in (3..5) %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% reversed %} ( 反转 )

    ( 反转 )
    {% for item in array reversed %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% cycle %}

    使用场景: 对表格中的奇数/偶数行输出相应的类(class)
    {% cycle 'one', 'two' %}{% cycle 'one', 'two' %}{% cycle 'one', 'two' %}-------------------------    output: one two one
  • {% tablerow %} / {% cols %} / {% limit %} / {% offset %}

    <!-- 3-5行 2列 --><table>    {% tablerow product in collection.products cols:2 limit:5 offset:3 %}        {{ product.title }}    {% endtablerow %}</table>
  • {% tablerow range %}

    <table>{% tablerow i in (1..num) %}  {{ i }}{% endtablerow %}</table>
  • <% assign %>

  • <% capture %>

    ( 开始符与结束符之间的字符串赋给capture的变量 )
    <!-- assign 赋值 -->{% assign favorite_food = 'pizza' %}{% assign age = 35 %}<!-- capture 赋值 -->{% capture about_me %}I am {{ age }} and my favorite food is {{ favorite_food }}.{% endcapture %}{{ about_me }}-----------------------------    output: I am 35 and my favourite food is pizza.
  • <% increment %>

    ( 递增变量 ,初始值1 )
    {% assign var = 10 %}{% increment var %}{% increment var %}{{ var }}----------------------    output: 1 2 10
  • <% decrement %>

    ( 递减变量 ,初始值-1 )
    {% capture variable %}10{% endcapture %}{% decrement variable %}{% decrement variable %}{{ variable }}-----------------------------    output: -1 -2 10
    注意: 在 `increment``decrement` 之中创建的变量与通过 `assign` 或 `capture` 创建的变量是互相独立的。


#### 标记: {% %}
  • {% if %}{% elseif %}{% else %}{% endif %}

    {% if customer.name == 'kevin' %}
      Hey Kevin!
    {% elsif customer.name == 'anonymous' %}
      Hey Anonymous!
    {% else %}
      Hi Stranger!
    {% endif %}
  • {% unless %}{% endunless %}

    {% unless product.title == 'Awesome Shoes' %}
      These shoes are not awesome.
    {% endunless %}
  • {% case %}{% when %}{% else %}{% endcase %}

    {% assign handle = 'cake' %}
    {% case handle %}
      {% when 'cake' %}
         This is a cake
      {% when 'cookie' %}
         This is a cookie
      {% else %}
         This is not a cake nor a cookie
    {% endcase %}
  • {% for in %}{% endfor %}

    {% for item in (1..10) %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% break %} / {% continue %}

    <!-- 跳过4 结束于8 -->
    {% for item in (1..10) %}
      <% if item == 4 %>
          <% continue %>
      <% elseif item == 8 %>
          <% break %>
      <% endif %>
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% limit %} / {% offset %}

    ( 以index为准 )
    <!-- output : 2-8 -->
    {% for item in (1..10) offset:2 limit:8 %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% range %}

    ( 以index为准 ) 双点符
    {% for item in (3..5) %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% reversed %} ( 反转 )

    ( 反转 )
    {% for item in array reversed %}
      {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
  • {% cycle %}

    使用场景: 对表格中的奇数/偶数行输出相应的类(class)
    {% cycle 'one', 'two' %}{% cycle 'one', 'two' %}{% cycle 'one', 'two' %}-------------------------    output: one two one
  • {% tablerow %} / {% cols %} / {% limit %} / {% offset %}

    <!-- 3-5行 2列 --><table>    {% tablerow product in collection.products cols:2 limit:5 offset:3 %}        {{ product.title }}    {% endtablerow %}</table>
  • {% tablerow range %}

    <table>{% tablerow i in (1..num) %}  {{ i }}{% endtablerow %}</table>
  • <% assign %>

  • <% capture %>

    ( 开始符与结束符之间的字符串赋给capture的变量 )
    <!-- assign 赋值 -->{% assign favorite_food = 'pizza' %}{% assign age = 35 %}<!-- capture 赋值 -->{% capture about_me %}I am {{ age }} and my favorite food is {{ favorite_food }}.{% endcapture %}{{ about_me }}-----------------------------    output: I am 35 and my favourite food is pizza.
  • <% increment %>

    ( 递增变量 ,初始值1 )
    {% assign var = 10 %}{% increment var %}{% increment var %}{{ var }}----------------------    output: 1 2 10
  • <% decrement %>

    ( 递减变量 ,初始值-1 )
    {% capture variable %}10{% endcapture %}{% decrement variable %}{% decrement variable %}{{ variable }}-----------------------------    output: -1 -2 10
    注意: 在 `increment``decrement` 之中创建的变量与通过 `assign` 或 `capture` 创建的变量是互相独立的。
