首页 > 技术文章 > [译]rabbitmq 2.1 Consumers and producers (not an economics lesson)

solohac 2013-11-06 10:09 原文




For now, all you need to know is that producers create messages

and label them for routing (see figure 2.1).




Consumers are just as simple. They attach to a broker server and subscribe to a

queue. Think of a queue as a named mailbox. Whenever a message arrives in a particular

mailbox, RabbitMQ sends it to one of the subscribed/listening consumers. By the

time a consumer receives a message, it now only has one part: a payload. The labels

attached to the message don’t get passed along with the payload when the message is

routed. RabbitMQ doesn’t even tell you who the producer/sender was. It would be

like picking up your mail but all of the envelopes are blank. The only way to know a

message is from your Aunt Millie is if she signed the letter inside. Similarly, if you need

to know specifically who produced an AMQP message, it’s up to the producer to

include that information as a part of the message payload.





rabbtimq route 消息时,消息并不会包含label部分。




From the outside it’s simple: producers create messages and consumers receive

them. Your app can be a producer when it needs to send a message to another app, or

it can be a consumer when it needs to receive. It can also switch between the two. But

before it can do either it has to set up a channel. Wait a minute … what’s a channel?




Before you consume from or publish to Rabbit, you first have to connect to it. By

connecting, you’re creating a TCP connection between your app and the Rabbit broker.

Once the TCP connection is open (and you’re authenticated), your app then creates

an AMQP channel. This channel is a virtual connection inside the “real” TCP

connection, and it’s over the channel that you issue AMQP commands. Every channel

has a unique ID assigned to it (your AMQP library of choice will handle remembering

the ID for you). Whether you’re publishing a message, subscribing to a queue, or

receiving a message, it’s all done over a channel. Why do we need channels, you might

ask? Why not just issue AMQP commands directly over the TCP connection? 



当tcp连接被打开,app创建一个AMQP channel。






The main reason is because setting up and tearing down TCP sessions is expensive for an

operating system. Let’s say your app consumes messages from a queue and spins

threads up or down based on service demand. If all you had were TCP connections,

each thread would need its own connection to Rabbit, which could mean

hundreds of connections per second during high load periods. Not only

would this be a massive waste of TCP connections, but an operating system

can only build so many per second. So you could quickly hit a performance

wall. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could use one TCP connection for all of your threads for performance, 

but get the same privacy

as giving each thread its own connection? This is where a channel comes in. 









As each thread spins up, it creates a channel on the existing connection and gets its own

private communication path to Rabbit without any additional load on your operating

system’s TCP stack, as in figure 2.2. As a result, you can create a channel hundreds or

thousands of times a second without your operating system seeing so much as a blip.

There’s no limit to how many AMQP channels you can have on one TCP connection.






一个TCP连接上,没有限制说只能创建多少个AMQP channel。


Think of it like a bundle of fiber optic cable.

Each fiber strand in the cable can transmit (just like a channel). But the cable has

many fiber strands, allowing all the connected threads to transmit and receive simultaneously

via multiple strands. A TCP connection is like the cable, and an AMQP channel

is like an individual fiber strand.





tcp连接就像光缆,AMQP channel就像其中的一根纤维。


How about an example? Let’s say you’ve written a service for keeping track of valet

parking, and everyone talks to it through RabbitMQ. Your service has to fulfill two


1 Store valet ticket IDs and the associated parking space the car is in

2 Return the parking space for any particular valet ticket ID








For the first task, your service is a consumer. It’s subscribed to a Rabbit queue waiting

for “store ticket” messages with ticket IDs and parking space numbers inside. With the

second task, your service is both a consumer and a producer. It needs to receive messages

that tell it a particular valet ticket ID and then it needs to publish a response

message with the associated parking space number.

在第一个任务中,你的服务是consumer,订阅了消息,等待包含 泊车票ID 和 停车位置的 "存票"消息。

在第二个任务中,你的服务是consumer和producer,当然受到一个指定的 泊车票ID后,返回停车位置消息。


To fulfill the second task, your app is a producer. Once the connection to the

RabbitMQ broker is open, your app creates multiple channels: chan_recv for the receiving

thread and a chan_sendX (X being the thread number) channel for each reply

thread. Using chan_recv, you set up a subscription to the queue that receives messages

containing “ticket retrieval” requests. When a ticket retrieval message is received by

your app over chan_recv, it looks up the ticket ID contained in the message. 



chan_recv - 接收线程channel

chan_sendX(X代表线程号) -  答复线程channel



As soon as the associated parking space number has been identified, your app then creates a

thread to send the response (letting the original thread continue to receive new

requests). The new reply thread then creates a message containing the parking space

number. Finally, the new thread labels the response message and publishes it to Rabbit

using its chan_sendX channel. If your app had only one channel, 

it wouldn’t be possible to share the TCP connection with the new reply threads.  





This would leave youwith two choices.

Either use one connection and one thread—meaning your app

couldn't process new ticket retrieval requests until it sent a response to the current

one—or spawn a TCP connection for each sending thread, wasting TCP resources.

With multiple channels, many threads can share the same connection simultaneously,

meaning that responding to requests doesn’t block you from consuming new requests

and you don’t waste a TCP connection for each thread. Sometimes you may choose to

use only one channel, but with AMQP you have the flexibility to use as many channels

as your app needs without the overhead of multiple TCP connections.









The important thing to remember about consumers and producers is that they map

to the ideas of sending and receiving rather than client and server. Messaging in general,

and AMQP in particular, can be thought of as an enhanced transport layer. With

channels, you have the ability to create as many parallel transport layers as your app

needs without being limited by TCP connection restrictions. When you understand

these concepts, you can begin thinking of RabbitMQ as a router for your software.






