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rockroll 2014-02-28 11:56 原文

forklift update: Referring to a complete system replacement,以前替换一个系统要用叉车运来一堆机器。


现在完成时表示过去已经发生并且结束,对现在的影响,强调“已经”,比如他已经连续八次主持表演了。(host the show eight times)

现在进行时表明现在正在发生,强调“正在”,比如雪已经下了三个小时了( It has been snowing for three hours), 现在正在下雪( It is snowing now)


By the age of then, By the time John Hery was a young man,

By(prep): 1. before(在...以前), 2. not later than(不迟于) some particular time.

by 1999, xxx will xxx.

by now: until to now, 到现在为止(跟完成时态), = so far, I have done half of work by now(so far),经常用在should have xxx 句式里。如果不是怎样,我现在已经到哪了。 也可跟现在时态,那就= now 了。

at the time = at that time = 当时,那时   I was in London at the time.


called loudly, shout, yell, scream(前面三个都是有意识的大声,scream是无意识的发出尖叫)


a few/some/many: a few: about 3-5; some: 5-8 or more than a couple; many: above; all; a few 用在肯定语气里,有几个,few用在否定语气里,没几个

