首页 > 技术文章 > MyBaits 常见面试题

shujiying 2019-01-07 14:18 原文

1 在mapper中如何传递多个参数?



Public UserselectUser(String name,String area);  

<select id="selectUser"resultMap="BaseResultMap">  
    select *  fromuser_user_t   whereuser_name = #{0} anduser_area=#{1}  

第2种: 使用 @param 注解:

    import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.param; 
        public interface usermapper { 
         user selectuser(@param(“username”) string username, 
         @param(“hashedpassword”) string hashedpassword); 


    <select id=”selectuser” resulttype=”user”> 
         select id, username, hashedpassword 
         from some_table 
         where username = #{username} 
         and hashedpassword = #{hashedpassword} 

第2种: 使用map:

<select id="getSysInfo" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="SysWeb">
  select t.sysSiteId, t.siteName, t1.mzNum as siteTagNum, t1.mzName as siteTag, t.url, t.iconPath
   from TD_WEB_SYSSITE t
   left join TD_MZ_MZDY t1 on t1.mzNum = t.siteTag and t1.mzType = 10
   WHERE t.siteTag = #{siteTag } 
   and t.sysSiteId not in 
   <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">

 2 mybaits in查询


