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aegisada 2016-12-15 16:40 原文


update jqhdzt
   set shid =
       (select shid
          from v_plat_userjqinfo t
         where jqhdzt.jqbh = t.JQBH
           and jqhdzt.shid <> t.SHID)
 where shid = '0000010047'
   and exists (select 1
          from v_plat_userjqinfo t
         where jqhdzt.jqbh = t.JQBH
           and jqhdzt.shid <> t.SHID)



select t.name,count(1) from tuser t   having count(1)>1  group by t.name


SELECT t.spbh,t.spmc,t.shid,COUNT(*) FROM spxx t GROUP BY t.spbh,t.spmc,t.shid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

