首页 > 技术文章 > 2017 New Year’s Greetings from Sun Yat-sen University

zdwt 2017-01-06 16:15 原文

As w**ter tur*s to spr***, the world arou*d us be***s to take o* a* a*r of fresh*ess. As &*bsp;2017 *s fast approach***, we would l*ke to exte*d our most s**cere New Year’s *reet***s o* behalf of the U**vers*ty to our curre*t stude*ts a*d faculty members, ret*red faculty a*d staff, domest*c a*d overseas alum**, a*d fr*e*ds who have jo**ed our e*deavors a*d co*t**ue to support Su* Yat-se* U**vers*ty.&*bsp;

2016 was the ope**** year of the Th*rtee*th F*ve-Year *la*, a*d marked the be******* of the dec*s*ve phase ** the *at*o*al effort to bu*ld Ch**a **to a comprehe*s*ve moderately prosperous soc*ety. It was also a cruc*al year ** the h*stor*cal process of bu*ld*** Su* Yat-se* U**vers*ty **to a world-class u**vers*ty. We pers*sted ** fully *mpleme*t*** the *arty’s educat*o* pol*cy, adher*** to the soc*al*st or*e*tat*o* of h**her educat*o*, a*d *mpleme*t*** the fu*dame*tal task of *urtur*** v*rtue a*d tale*ts. We *mpleme*ted the pres*de*t respo*s*b*l*ty system u*der the leadersh*p of *arty comm*ttee, *mpleme*ted the dec*s*o*s made by SYSU *arty Comm*ttee, carr*ed out the pres*de*t’s respo*s*b*l*t*es, e*ha*ced *deolo**cal a*d pol*t*cal work, stre**the*ed commu**ty-level *arty bu*ld***, held the *rou*d of the *deolo**cal a*d pol*t*cal work for youth ** u**vers*t*es, a*d safe*uarded the U**vers*ty’s reform, developme*t a*d stab*l*ty. We deepe*ed comprehe*s*ve re! form, for*ed ahead a*d l*fted the U**vers*ty’s key pr*or*t*es up to a *ew level.&*bsp;&*bsp;&*bsp;

I* 2016, She*zhe* Campus tra*s*t*o*ed from co*cept **to *mpleme*tat*o*, from pla***** **to bu*ld***, a*d the sple*d*d prom*se of the bluepr**ts be*a* to become real*ty; focus*** o* the f*elds of “deep sea a*d deep space”, Zhuha* Campus further ho*ed *ts d*sc*pl**ary structure a*d opt*m*zed *ts d*sc*pl**ary layout; Gua**zhou Campus ach*eved *otable results ** campus-w*de comprehe*s*ve *mproveme*t. The *ew or*a**zat*o*al model of “f*ve campuses ** three c*t*es” has already be*u* bear*** fru*t.&*bsp;

I* 2016, ce*ter*** o* *ts *oal of “*urtur*** tale*ts who have both ab*l*ty a*d moral **te*r*ty a*d are both able to cult*vate char*sma a*d ea*er serve the*r cou*try”, the U**vers*ty opt*m*zed top-level curr*culum des***, *mproved classroom teach*** levels, perfected teach*** qual*ty mo**tor*** systems, a*d co*t**ually ra*sed the tale*t cult*vat*o* qual*ty.

I* 2016, the U**vers*ty **s*sted o* the “three or*e*tat*o*s” a*d further *mproved *ts d*sc*pl**ary co*struct*o*, sc*e*t*f*c research a*d soc*al serv*ce. The *umber of SYSU d*sc*pl**es amo** the ESI top 1% reached 18, ra*ked seco*d amo** u**vers*t*es ** Ch**a. The *umber of projects fu*ded by the Nat*o*al Natural Sc*e*ce Fou*dat*o* of Ch**a was ra*ked th*rd, a*d the *umber of projects fu*ded by the Nat*o*al Soc*al Sc*e*ce Fou*dat*o* of Ch**a was ra*ked seco*d amo** u**vers*t*es *at*o*w*de. For the f*rst t*me, research *ra*ts awarded to the U**vers*ty surpassed 2 b*ll*o* yua* RMB. The U**vers*ty stead*ly promoted the co*struct*o* of b** research platforms such as a *at*o*al h**h-level th**k ta*k, a 6000-to* mar**e research f*eldwork vessel, the T*a*Q** *la* for space-based *rav*tat*o*al wave detect*o*, a*d ma*y others. The U**vers*ty a*d Gua**zhou c*ty cooperated to bu*ld the SYSU I*ter*at*o*al I**ovat*o* Valley, prov*d*** a *ew *rowth e****e to support the ***o! vat*o*-dr*ve* developme*t of Gua**do** prov**ce.

I* 2016, the U**vers*ty co*t**ued to perfect the appo**tme*t, ma*a*eme*t, a*d payme*t mecha**sms for faculty, staff, a*d researchers. The U**vers*ty stre**the*ed *ts efforts ** **troduc*** a*d *urtur*** tale*ts, show*** *otable results ** tale*t a**re*at*o*, w*th over 2,000 *ewly jo**ed scholars a*d researchers, **clud*** two members of e*ther the Ch**ese Academy of Sc*e*ces or the Ch**ese Academy of E****eer***.

I* 2016, the U**vers*ty held ceremo**es to commemorate the 150th a***versary of the b*rth of Dr. Su* Yat-se* w*th the a*m of carry*** forward Dr. Su* Yat-se*’s sp*r*t by e*coura**** all faculty a*d stude*ts to a*m h**h a*d for*e ahead.&*bsp;

Our ach*eveme*ts ** 2016 have created a f*rm fou*dat*o* for real*z*** the U**vers*ty’s *oals dur*** the Th*rtee*th F*ve-Year *la*. I* 2017, we w*ll closely u**te arou*d the C*C Ce*tral Comm*ttee w*th Comrade ** ***p*** as the core. We w*ll co*t**ually *mpleme*t the sp*r*t of the S*xth *le*ary Sess*o* of the 18th C*C Ce*tral Comm*ttee a*d the sp*r*t of the meet*** o* *deolo**cal a*d pol*t*cal work ** Ch**a’s u**vers*t*es a*d colle*es. We w*ll co*sol*date our ach*eveme*ts ** the “Two Stud*es, O*e Act*o*” campa***, a*d prepare to hold the 13th *arty Co**ress of the U**vers*ty to further promote the comprehe*s*ve a*d str*ct *over*a*ce of the *arty. We w*ll look forward to the upcom*** 19th C*C Nat*o*al Co**ress w*th our outsta*d*** ach*eveme*ts.&*bsp;

Su* Yat-se* U**vers*ty *s a u**vers*ty that *s shoulder*** *reat respo*s*b*l*t*es for our cou*try a*d our *at*o*. It *s our *oal a*d our m*ss*o* to e*ter the f*rst-t*er amo** u**vers*t*es *at*o*w*de a*d become a world-class u**vers*ty. As Ch**a *s e*ter*** the ce*ter of the world sta*e, Su* Yat-se* U**vers*ty *s already sta*d*** at the threshold of a *ew h*stor*cal era. We are closer tha* ever before to our ult*mate *oal. As the old so** *oes: “Our road *s very broad, our future *s very br**ht. We ded*cate ourselves to the ma***f*ce*t cause, f*lled w*th happ**ess a*d extremely ho*ored.” I* the *ew year, let us stay true to the m*ss*o*, make co*certed efforts, str*de forward toward our br**ht future, a*d e*joy the happ**ess a*d ho*or to*ether.

May the New Year br*** health, happ**ess, a*d success to our faculty, stude*ts, alum**, a*d fr*e*ds!&*bsp;

May Su* Yat-se* U**vers*ty have a* eve* br**hter tomorrow!


Che* Chu*she** &*bsp; Luo *u*

Dec 31, 2016
