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Genesis2018 2015-10-04 22:15 原文

LINGO(Linear Interactive and GeneralOptimizer)是由美国芝加哥大学的LinusSchrage教授于1980年开发,现属Lindo System公司的专门用于求解最优化问题的工具软件包。

之前暑期建模学习时,看过英文文档(LINGO14用户手册),当时也尝试着翻译了极少一部分,现在再翻译试试。( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~→


Why Use Sets?
Sets are the foundation of LINGO’s modeling language—the fundamental building block of the
program’s most powerful capabilities. With an understanding of sets, you can write a series of similar
constraints in a single statement and express long, complex formulas concisely. This allows you to
express your largest models very quickly and easily. In larger models, you’ll encounter the need to
express a group of several very similar calculations or constraints. Fortunately, LINGO’s ability to
handle sets of information allows you to perform such operations efficiently.
For example, preparing a warehouse-shipping model for 100 warehouses would be tedious if you had
to write each constraint explicitly (e.g., “Warehouse 1 must ship no more than its present inventory,
Warehouse 2 must ship no more than its present inventory, Warehouse 3 must ship no more than its
present inventory…”, and so on). LINGO allows you to express formulas in the form easiest for you to
read and understand (e.g., “Each warehouse must ship no more than its present inventory”).






What Are Sets?
Sets are simply groups of related objects. A set might be a list of products, trucks, or employees. Each
member in the set may have one or more characteristics associated with it. We call these
characteristics attributes. Attribute values can be known in advance or unknowns that LINGO solves
for. For example, each product in a set of products might have a price attribute; each truck in a set of
trucks might have a hauling capacity attribute; and each employee in a set of employees might have a
salary attribute, as well as a birth date attribute.





Types of Sets
LINGO recognizes two kinds of sets: primitive and derived.
A primitive set is a set composed only of objects that can’t be further reduced. In the Wireless Widgets
example (page 27), the WAREHOUSES set, which is composed of six warehouses, is a primitive set.
Likewise, the set composed of eight vendors is a primitive set.
A derived set is defined using one or more other sets. In other words, a derived set derives its members
from other preexisting sets. Again, using the Wireless Widgets example, the set composed of the links
between the six warehouses and eight vendors (LINKS) is a derived set. It derives its members from
the unique pairs of members of the WAREHOUSES and VENDORS sets. Although the LINKS set is
derived solely from primitive sets, it is also possible to build derived sets from other derived sets as
well. See the section below, Defining Derived Sets, for more information.






