首页 > 解决方案 > 避免在模式匹配情况下重做不必要的计算


这个问题是 Scala 的模式匹配语法特有的。因此,假设我有一些与此等效的代码:

def process(seq: Seq[SomeObjectType]): SomeReturnType = seq match {
    case Seq() => // Return something
    case s if s exists (o => o.somePropertyTest) => {
        // Ok, the test is satisfied, now let's find
        // that object in the sequence that satisfies
        // it and do something with it
    case _ => // Return something if no other case matches


def process(seq: Seq[SomeObjectType]): SomeReturnType = seq match {
    case Seq() => // Return something
    case s => {
        val obj = s find (o => o.somePropertyTest)
        if !obj.isEmpty {
            // Ok, the test is satisfied, and we have
            // the object that satisfies it, obj, so
            // do something with it directly
        } else {
            // Handle the no-match case here instead



标签: scalapattern-matching



case class Selector[T](condition: T => Boolean) {
  def unapply(seq: Seq[T]): Option[T] = seq.find(condition)
object Selector {
  // seq argument is used only to infer type `T`
  def from[T](seq: Seq[T])(condition: T => Boolean): Selector[T] = Selector(condition)

def process(seq: Seq[SomeObjectType]): SomeReturnType = {
  // Create an extractor object instance
  val Select = Selector.from(seq)(_.somePropertyTest)

  seq match {
    case Seq() =>     // seq empty
    case Select(o) => // found o, we can process it now
    case _ =>         // didn't find a suitable element
