首页 > 解决方案 > 无法将 Heyzap 广告集成到我的 Unity 应用程序中



我已经检查了Heyzap 在这里放置的示例应用程序,它运行良好。我什至试着把它放到我自己的项目中,没有改变任何东西,我也遇到了同样的问题。


using Heyzap;
using UnityEngine;

public static class AdManager {
    public static void InitialiseAdNetwork() 
        HeyzapAds.NetworkCallbackListener networkCallbackListener = delegate(string network, string callback) {
            Debug.Log("The " + network + " network has been " + callback);
        HeyzapAds.Start("myID", HeyzapAds.FLAG_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_FETCHING);

        HZInterstitialAd.SetDisplayListener(delegate(string adState, string adTag) {
            Debug.Log("INTERSTITIAL: " + adState + " Tag : " + adTag);
        HZIncentivizedAd.SetDisplayListener(delegate(string adState, string adTag) {
            Debug.Log("INCENTIVIZED: " + adState + " Tag : " + adTag);
    public static void ShowMediationSuite()

    public static void ShowInterstitialAd() 


标签: c#unity3dadsheyzap


From your code it looks to me that you are not calling to show the AD, but just fetch the AD. For an interstitial AD, you need to call the following line:

HZInterstitialAd.Show ();

You will only be able to show the AD after a Fetch () call has completed. You can find out when Fetch () has completed successfully by either (1) setting up your delegates to check for it or (2) checking if an AD is available using a method such as HZInterstitialAd.IsAvailable ().

Method (1) - Shows AD immediately after Fetch () has completed - note that this is specific for HeyZap Interstitial ADs and would not work for other AD types (video, etc) or for non-HeyZap networks if you are using mediation:

HZInterstitialAd.SetDisplayListener(delegate(string adState, string adTag) {
    Debug.Log("INTERSTITIAL: " + adState + " Tag : " + adTag);

    if ( adState.Equals("available") ) {
        HZInterstitialAd.Show ();

Method (2) - How you do this method really depends on your architecture. For example, you might add a Try method to your AdManager and have the caller decide what to do if an AD is not ready:

public static bool TryShowInterstitialAd() 
    if (HZInterstitialAd.IsAvailable ()) {
        HZInterstitialAd.Show ();
        return true;

    return false;
