首页 > 解决方案 > 隐藏表单的 DoubleBuffered 属性而不使其不起作用



Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design

Public Class MyForm
    Inherits Form

    Public Overloads Property DoubleBuffered As Boolean
            Return MyBase.DoubleBuffered
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            MyBase.DoubleBuffered = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    End Sub

End Class

标签: vb.netvisual-studio-2017




第一步是创建一个实现ITypeDescriptorFilterService. 以下是一种这样的实现。它是一个通用实现,允许它过滤指定类型的组件并获取要从 PropertyGrid 显示中排除的属性名称列表。它需要的最后一项是对设计器宿主使用的现有服务的引用。

Friend Class FilterService(Of T) : Implements ITypeDescriptorFilterService
    Private namesOfPropertiesToRemove As String()

    Public Sub New(baseService As ITypeDescriptorFilterService, ParamArray NamesOfPropertiesToRemove As String())
        Me.BaseService = baseService
        Me.namesOfPropertiesToRemove = NamesOfPropertiesToRemove
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property BaseService As ITypeDescriptorFilterService
    Public Function FilterAttributes(component As IComponent, attributes As IDictionary) As Boolean Implements ITypeDescriptorFilterService.FilterAttributes
        Return BaseService.FilterAttributes(component, attributes)
    End Function

    Public Function FilterEvents(component As IComponent, events As IDictionary) As Boolean Implements ITypeDescriptorFilterService.FilterEvents
        Return BaseService.FilterEvents(component, events)
    End Function

    Public Function FilterProperties(component As IComponent, properties As IDictionary) As Boolean Implements ITypeDescriptorFilterService.FilterProperties
        ' ref: ITypeDescriptorFilterService Interface: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.design.itypedescriptorfilterservice(v=vs.110).aspx
        ' The return value of FilterProperties determines if this set of properties is fixed.
        ' If this method returns true, the TypeDescriptor for this component can cache the 
        ' results. This cache is maintained until either the component is garbage collected or the Refresh method of the type descriptor is called.

        ' allow other filters 1st chance to modify the properties collection
        Dim ret As Boolean = BaseService.FilterProperties(component, properties)

        ' only remove properties if component is of type T
        If TypeOf component Is T AndAlso Not (properties.IsFixedSize Or properties.IsReadOnly) Then
            For Each propName As String In namesOfPropertiesToRemove
                ' If the IDictionary object does not contain an element with the specified key, 
                ' the IDictionary remains unchanged. No exception is thrown.
        End If
        Return ret
    End Function
End Class


Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design

Public Class TestForm : Inherits Form
    Private host As IDesignerHost
    Private altTypeDescriptorProvider As FilterService(Of TestForm)

    ' spelling and character casing of removedPropertyNames is critical
    ' it is a case-sensative lookup
    Private Shared removedPropertyNames As String() = {"DoubleBuffered"}

    Public Overrides Property Site As ISite
            Return MyBase.Site
        End Get
        Set(value As ISite)
            If host IsNot Nothing Then
            End If

            MyBase.Site = value
            If value IsNot Nothing Then
                host = CType(Site.GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
                If host IsNot Nothing Then
                    If host.Loading Then
                        AddHandler host.LoadComplete, AddressOf HostLoaded
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Private Sub HostLoaded(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        RemoveHandler host.LoadComplete, AddressOf HostLoaded
    End Sub

    Private Sub WireUpDesignerCode()
    End Sub

    Private Sub UnwireDesignerCode()
        If host IsNot Nothing Then
        End If
        host = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddFilter()
        Dim baseFilter As ITypeDescriptorFilterService = CType(host.GetService(GetType(ITypeDescriptorFilterService)), ITypeDescriptorFilterService)
        If baseFilter IsNot Nothing Then
            ' remove existing filter service
            ' create our replacement service and add it to the host's services
            altTypeDescriptorProvider = New FilterService(Of TestForm)(baseFilter, removedPropertyNames)
            host.AddService(GetType(ITypeDescriptorFilterService), altTypeDescriptorProvider)
            TypeDescriptor.Refresh(Me.GetType) ' force a type description rescan 
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub RemoveFilter()
        If altTypeDescriptorProvider IsNot Nothing Then
            host.AddService(GetType(ITypeDescriptorFilterService), altTypeDescriptorProvider.BaseService)
            altTypeDescriptorProvider = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

现在,当您创建一个继承自 的表单时TestForm,该DoubleBuffered属性将从 PropertyGrid 显示中排除。

