首页 > 解决方案 > How to check if a Flash message exists in CakePHP 3?


In Yii (both version) for flash messages we have methods like: hasFlash for checking if a flash message exists beforehand and getFlash to get the content of a specific flash message...

In Yii 1x I would say something like this (whether in the Controller or in a View):


<?php if(Yii::app()->user->hasFlash('success')): ?>
    <div class="alert alert-success">
        <?=Yii::app()->user->getFlash('success'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>


if($something->happend()) {
    Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'You\'ve done something wonderful.');
    return $this->redirect('/elsewhere');

In CakePHP 3 this seems impossible, since the only thing I can do is to set a Flash message:

$this->Flash->set('Welcome, to the real world.', [
    'element' => 'success',

There are no get or has methods for Flash messages, or anything similar that I could find related to FlashComponent and FlashHelper classes.

The other thing about this Flash messages implementation in CakePHP 3 is the way you render and show them to the visitor; you just say the following in your views/layout:

<?= $this->Flash->render(); ?>

That method will actually do the rendering, checking if a flash exists, whatever... and the thing is I need to check if a Flash message is sent/exists, then to do something else within the layout. Now it seems impossible to me or I am not looking in the right direction.

I would note that this is a very strange and bad implementation of Flash messages in CakePHP 3...

Finally, the question:

How can I check if a Flash message exists, whether in a view or in a controller?

标签: phpcakephp


有关设置 Flash 消息的文档说消息存储在会话中。更具体地说,它说:

FlashComponent 的 __call() 和 set() 方法可选地接受第二个参数,一个选项数组:

  • 键默认为“闪光”。在会话中 Flash 键下找到的数组键。

因此,要检查是否存在 Flash 消息,您将执行以下操作:


或者,如果您在设置 flash 消息时指定了一个键,您将执行以下操作:

